Category: Enneagram type 1

  • 1w2 vs 5w4: (A Comparative Analysis)

    In this article, we will compare 1w2 vs 5w4 personalities from the Enneagram types. We will do that by describing and comparing both personalities in-depth and see how these personalities are similar and different from each other based on their triad, traits, childhood conflict, basic fear, basic desire, strengths, weaknesses, core problems, source of stress,…

  • 1w2 vs 2w3: (A Comparative Analysis)

    In this article, we will compare 1w2 vs 2w3 personalities from the Enneagram types. We will do that by describing and comparing both personalities in-depth and see how these personalities are similar and different from each other based on their triad, traits, childhood conflict, basic fear, basic desire, strengths, weaknesses, core problems, source of stress,…

  • 1w2 vs 2w1: (A Comparative Analysis)

    In this article, we will compare 1w2 vs 2w1 personalities from the Enneagram types. We will do that by describing and comparing both personalities in-depth and see how these personalities are similar and different from each other based on their triad, traits, childhood conflict, basic fear, basic desire, strengths, weaknesses, core problems, source of stress,…

  • 1w2 vs 3w2: (A Comparative Analysis)

    In this article, we will compare 1w2 vs 3w2 personalities from the Enneagram types. We will do that by describing and comparing both personalities in-depth and see how these personalities are similar and different from each other based on their triad, traits, childhood conflict, basic fear, basic desire, strengths, weaknesses, core problems, source of stress,…

  • 1w2 vs 3w4: (A Comparative Analysis)

    In this article, we will compare 1w2 vs 3w4 personalities from the Enneagram types. We will do that by describing and comparing both personalities in-depth and see how these personalities are similar and different from each other based on their triad, traits, childhood conflict, basic fear, basic desire, strengths, weaknesses, core problems, source of stress,…

  • 1w2 vs 4w3: (A Comparative Analysis)

    In this article, we will compare 1w2 vs 4w3 personalities from the Enneagram types. We will do that by describing and comparing both personalities in-depth and see how these personalities are similar and different from each other based on their triad, traits, childhood conflict, basic fear, basic desire, strengths, weaknesses, core problems, source of stress,…

  • 1w2 vs 1w9: (A Comparative Analysis)

    In this article, we will compare 1w2 vs 1w9 personalities from the Enneagram types. We will do that by describing and comparing both personalities in-depth and see how these personalities are similar and different from each other based on their triad, traits, childhood conflict, basic fear, basic desire, strengths, weaknesses, core problems, source of stress,…

  • 1w2 vs 4w5: (A Comparative Analysis)

    In this article, we will compare 1w2 vs 4w5 personalities from the Enneagram types. We will do that by describing and comparing both personalities in-depth and see how these personalities are similar and different from each other based on their triad, traits, childhood conflict, basic fear, basic desire, strengths, weaknesses, core problems, source of stress,…

  • 1w2 Careers ( A Guide)

    In this guide, we will delve into understanding 1w2 careers, about the 1w2 personality type and Type One personality. The Enneagram personality theory explains an individual’s personality in terms of nine types. Based on the characteristics associated with each type, one can ascertain some information about different areas in an individual’s life. Career choices that…

  • 1w2 Relationships (A Complete Guide)

    In this guide, we will delve into understanding the 1w2 relationships. We also looked at the 1w2 personality type, Type One relationships and Type Two relationships. 1w2 Relationships Enneagram is a categorization of personality types. There are nine basic personality types. No one is a pure personality type. Each basic type might be influenced by…

  • Enneagram 1w9 anime characters (A complete guide)

    In this article, we will discuss Enneagram 1w9 anime characters. We will do that by giving a brief overview of the enneagram 1w9 personality type. We will then move on to discussing anime characters having 1w9 personalities and describe their traits.  Enneagram 1w9 anime characters  Yu Yu Hakusho: Shinobu Sensui Inuyasha: Sango D-note: Yagami Light…

  • Enneagram 1w2 anime characters (a complete guide)

    In this article, we will discuss enneagram 1w2 anime characters. We will do that by giving a brief overview of the enneagram 1w2 personality type. We will then move on to discussing anime characters having 1w2 personalities and describe their traits.  Enneagram 1w2 anime characters  Prominent anime characters with type 1w2 personality are as follows:…