INFJ 9w1 Personality Database (A Comprehensive Guide)

In this article we are going to elaborate on the INFJ 9w1 Personality Database. We will do so by first explaining what this database is, how it operates, and what kind of information contains. 

Next, we will break down the data available for this specific personality type and what that implies. By reading this blog, you will develop an in-depth understanding of these details available to the PDB community.

What does the INFJ 9w1 Personality Database Reveal?

The INFJ 9w1 Personality Database reveals the following information about people with this personality type:

Data TypeMost Popular ResponseInterpretation
INFJ Enneagram9w1Type 9 with Type 8 Wing Influence
9w1 MBTIINFPIntroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving
Cognitive StacksNi/Fi, Fe/Ne, Ti/Si, Se/TeIntuition and Feeling more impactful, Thinking and Sensing recessive
Instinctual variantssp/soSelf-Protective and Social
Tritype952, 974The Problem Solver, The Gentle Spirit
SocionicsEII, IEISensitive to people’s energies, introspective, self-contained
Temperamentmelancholic-phlegmaticAccommodating, Self-Sacrificing

Breaking Down the INFJ 9w1 Personality Database

This section is going to break down the INFJ 9w1 Personality Database into the various brackets of figures. We will touch upon the correlation between INFJ and 9w1 with their corresponding Enneagram and MBTI personality types. 

After that, we will dig deeper into the inferences that can be drawn from the rest of the content. Topics covered in the database are cognitive stacks, instinctual variants, Enneagram Tritypes, Socionics, and Temperament.

What is the Personality Database?

The Personality Database is an online platform for people interested in personality psychology to form a community. Also known as the PDB Community, this is a collection of 150,000+ real and fictional personality profiles. 

Users can contribute to this data through votes and information based on their own observations. The idea is to facilitate collaborative data collection for exploring personality types. 

The personality models discussed here include those influenced by the works of Jung, Myers, Briggs, Keirsey and others. This mini-social network lets users create their own personal space and connect with other members of different personality types. 

It can be accessed via their website or through their phone app. PDB does not contain any tests or descriptions of different types. It’s only a comprehensive database made of user-generated content.

INFJ Enneagram Votes

At the time of writing, the database has 338 votes for different Enneagram types that get INFJ on the MBTI. There are a total of sixteen different Enneagram variants that people voted for. Type Nine Wing One is the most common response with almost 70 votes. 

A close second is Type 4w5. The least common responses are Types 6w7 and 8w9. It makes sense that there is a high correlation between INFJ and 9w1 as both types share certain qualities. 

These include being caring, creative, gentle, and idealistic. It’s also natural for 8w9 to be the last item on the list because the traits of this type differ. INFJs are highly sensitive to other people’s feelings but Type 8 Wing 9 people function better in solitude.

9w1 to MBTI Votes

As compared to their INFJ page, the Enneagram 9w1 category has much less interaction. 68 votes for corresponding Myers-Briggs personality types are broken down into 12 types of responses. 

The highest votes are for Type INFP with approximately 42% of responses. Following closely behind is the type we are interested in here, the INFJ. The lowest frequency of votes go to the categories of ENTJ, ENTP, ISTJ, and ISTP. 

If we interpret this data, both INFP and INFJ have a lot in common because of the first three matching parameters. Terms like “idealist”, “advocate”, and “mediator” are used to describe these personalities. That’s also in sync with both Type 9 and Type 1 characteristics found in 9w1 people.

INFJ 9w1 Cognitive Stacks

The Personality Database is a rich collection of user inputs analysed and broken down into different personality descriptions. Cognitive stacks or functions are a concept used in MBTI interpretations. 

The four categories are ranked according to the amount of influence they have on behaviour. According to PDB, INFJs and 9w1s have completely contrasting cognitive functions. In INFJs, Introverted Intuition is dominant, Extraverted Feeling auxiliary, Introverted Thinking tertiary, and Extraverted Sensing inferior. 

Whereas the 9w1 data reveals Introverted Feeling as dominant, Extraverted Intuition auxiliary, Introverted Sensing tertiary, and Extraverted Thinking inferior. 

One can only infer that an INFJ 9w1 personality is likely to lie somewhere in the spectrum. Most probably they will have Intuition and Feeling as more impactful and Thinking and Sensing as more recessive. That sounds reasonable as INFJ 9w1 personalities match these descriptions. 

INFJ 9w1 Instinctual Variants and Tritype Votes

If we investigate INFJ 9w1 responses for instinctual variants, the maximum common votes for the two types are sp/so. That means that these individuals function from self-protection and social perspectives. 

These conclusions add up since INFJ 9w1 personalities prioritise their contribution to society. Their need to make the world a better place stems from a basic fear of being isolated or abandoned. 

This motivation to give back to the community acts as a self protective social service to prevent being shut out. Highest Tritype scores for INFJ and 9w1 are 952 and 974 respectively. The former is labelled “The Problem Solver” and the latter as “The Gentle Spirit”. Both labels seem appropriate given the traits of INFJ 9w1 people.

INFJ 9w1 Socionics Votes

An overwhelming number of Socionics votes go to EII and IEI for both INFJ and 9w1 personality types. Instead of describing each of these here, we’ll only talk about their similarities. Both EII and IEI people are sensitive to “vibes” that others give out. 

They rely on this intuitive perception of people to decide how to behave around them. Another commonality is that these individuals spend a lot of time in their heads, thinking, imagining, and reflecting on observations. 

They are highly introspective and self-contained. A third shared trait is the general but unintentional negligence of immediate surroundings. This makes them seem passive or complacent, something that fits the INFJ 9w1 personality.

INFJ 9w1 Temperament Votes

In both INFJ and 9w1 personality data, the most  temperament votes go to a blend of melancholic and phlegmatic. This is a pleasant combination of qualities as people with such temperament are usually quite accommodating. 

It’s easy to get along with them but sometimes that is at the expense of their own wellbeing. Melancholic phlegmatic personalities tend to be self-sacrificing, and self-critical. 

They may struggle with strong feelings of guilt and they compensate by creating order in their lives. They seek peace and stability in structured environments. As all these descriptions are appropriate for INFJ 9w1 personalities as well, these scores are understandable.


In this article we elaborated on the INFJ 9w1 Personality Database. We did so by first explaining what this database is, how it operates, and what kind of information contains. 

Next, we broke down the data available for this specific personality type and what that implies. By reading this blog, you developed an in-depth understanding of these details available to the PDB community.

To summarise our findings, INFJ 9w1 personalities have a correlation. Their cognitive functions imply that Intuition and Feeling parameters are more impactful, while Thinking and Sensing recessive. 

The instinctual variants of these personalities make them 

Self-Protective and Social. They have Enneagram Tritypes of “The Problem Solver” and “The Gentle Spirit”. 

These people are sensitive to people’s energies, introspective, self-contained. Their melancholic-phlegmatic temperament makes them accommodating and self-sacrificing.

FAQs (INFJ 9w1 Personality Database)

What Enneagram are most INFJs?

The most common Enneagram personality type for people with an MBTI type INFJ is Type 4. More specifically, Type 4 Wing 5, or 4w5, has the highest frequency of test results. The Personality Database shows 9w1 as the most popular response with 4w5 following closely behind.

Why is the Infj personality so rare?

The INFJ personality type is rare because of how complex this combination of qualities is. They are often seen as mysterious and attractive because of how uncommon they are. More women than men report being INFJs. Because of their sensitive and introspective nature, they are often termed “The Mystic” or “The Empath”


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