ESTJ 3w4 (A 7 Point Guide)

This is a brief guide to the ESTJ 3w4 personality type. ESTJ is a personality type derived from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality system. And 3w4 is one of the personality types outlined in the Enneagram of Personality. We will be looking at the similarities between these two personality types and at the likelihood of these two types occurring together. We will also examine their primary traits, strengths, weaknesses and other features in detail.

ESTJ 3w4:

The MBTI and the Enneagram of Personality are two of the most popular personality classification systems. A number of attempts have been made to correlate the different types outlined in these two systems. These correlations may make it possible to provide individuals with a combined personality result, such as ESTJ 3w4. 

A large section of the ESTJ population identifies as Type 3. This is attributable to the extraverted thinking function that is dominant in both personality types. Type 3s are mostly males who value achievement and status. On the MBTI, most thinkers also tend to be males. So by association, most thinkers (like ESTJs) are likely to test as 3s. 

Additionally, most 3s also tend to be extraverts which is associated with their high need for achievement and emphasis on their public image. The judging function is less determinant of a type 3 designation. Type 3s can also be adaptable individuals, which is associated with the perceiving function. Other factors, such as birth order, are likely to influence whether Type 3s test as ESTJs. 

ESTJ 3w4s tend to be career-driven and ambitious individuals. They are very image conscious and place emphasis on how they appear to others. They value the societal standards they have been exposed to while growing up and try to meet those standards by acquiring greater influence and status in society.  ESTJ 3s may be confused for ISTJs, because they tend to be less domineering and assertive than other ESTJs. 

ESTJ (The Executive):

ESTJ is an MBTI personality type. The MBTI is a classification of 16 personality types. It is measured by the MBTI indicator and encompasses the different ways in which people perceive and engage with the world. The tool assigns people along 4 dimensions:  introversion vs. extraversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, judging vs. perceiving and generates one of 16 possible combinations as the final result. ESTJ is one of the possible results you can get on the MBTI.

ESTJs are organisers who value structure and predictability above all else. They are traditionalists, and prefer following rules and regulations rather than opposing them. ESTJs like to take charge of situations and keep other people in line and have a lot of respect for authority. The ability to organise resources towards accomplishing a goal is their strong-suit.

They deal with everything in their lives in a rational and systematic manner. ESTJs are firmly grounded in reality and prefer dealing with facts rather than emotions. Their decisions are usually guided by concrete evidence of what has worked well in the past. They come across as assertive and confident people who always seem to have a handle on the situation.

ESTJs are involved in their community life, being part of various clubs and civic organisations. They prioritise family life too, and regularly organise and attend family events and occasions. They value a good work-ethic and stand up for their principles. ESTJs have clear goals and principles and openly advocate for the same which may make them inflexible.

When under stress, ESTJs can become even more rigid than usual. Because they have a difficulty expressing their emotions, they are not good at communicating about their stress resulting in a build-up of anger and frustration.


Extraverted: Derives energy by spending time with others

Sensing: Focus on facts and tangible details rather than abstract ideas

Thinking: Decision making is guided by logic rather than intuition

Judging: Evaluative. Prefer to plan in advance rather than be spontaneous and flexible


·        Hard working and dedicated. Have a moral obligation to complete every task they set out to do.

·        Self-confident

·        Strong-willed. Stick firmly to their beliefs and ideas.

·        Straightforward and honest. Prefer dealing with facts rather than abstract ideas.

·        Patient, loyal and reliable. Desire for stability and security.  

·        Preference for order. Dislike unpredictability and strive to create order and structure as a way to establish some control in their lives.

·        Strong leadership skills. Commitment to principles, a sense of fairness and the ability to delegate work to others.

·        Analytical and rational decision making


·        Inflexible and stubborn. May forego better options.

·        Uncomfortable with new or unconventional ideas

·        Judgemental. Rigid beliefs about right and wrong prevent them from considering multiple perspectives

·        Image-focused. Take pride in social status and often neglect own needs in meeting others expectations

·        Difficulty relaxing. Fear of appearing undignified.

·        Difficulty expressing emotions and being empathetic. Emphasis on doing things ‘right’ can make them insensitive to others needs.

·        Argumentative and authoritarian.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.

ESTJs at Work:

ESTJs are born leaders and often hold managerial and supervisory positions at work. They are hard-working and reliable and good at making sure people abide by regulations. Their appreciation for law, order and authority also makes them good candidates for positions in law enforcement. Work environments with clearly defined goals, roles and responsibilities are ideal for ESTJs. Careers in data analysis, math and science are suited to ESTJs who value efficiency, certainty and accuracy above all things.

Jobs that ESTJs are well suited for include: police officer, military, judge, politician, teacher, administrator, banker, business manager etc.

ESTJs in Relationships:

ESTJs are direct and honest individuals and make their goals clear from the start and usually have stable, long-term relationships. They put a lot of effort into staying committed in their relationships. However, they are usually not spontaneous and have difficulties with emotional intimacy.

Although ESTJs handle conflicts in a calm and rational manner, they often neglect the emotional aspects of the conflict. Their friendships are based on mutual interests. They are extraverts and they enjoy bringing people together for social activities and events.

Some people confuse it with ESTJ 4w3.

3w4 (The Expert):

3w4 (3 wing 4) is an enneagram type. It indicates Type 3 personality with a 4 wing. This means that this personality primarily has Type 3 traits, but also a few of Type 4. The enneagram is a personality typology system that focuses on the basic fears and motivations that guide the lives of individuals. It has been used widely in business and spiritual settings. 

This system is made up of nine primary personality types. A nine point diagram helps to demonstrate how these nine types are connected to each other. In addition to the basic nine types, the system includes 27 different subtypes or wings as well as three primary central factors focusing on thinking, feeling and behaviour.

According to the Enneagram, every personality type can be coupled with characteristics from one of its neighbouring personality types. Thus, type 3 is divided into two types: Type 3w2 and 3w4. 3w4s, appropriately named ‘The Expert’ are extremely career-oriented. Their sense of self and self-worth is largely derived from their work and they are very focused and serious when it comes to dealing with the tasks assigned to them. 

The basic fear of 3w4s is a fear of failure. They are constantly striving to achieve in their chosen career paths. This fear stems from a basic desire to succeed in order to feel worthy. Thus, 3w4s seek validation for their efforts and achievements. 

They are introspective and try to understand themselves at a deeper level. The addition of a 4 wing brings a degree of self-awareness and emotional vulnerability to 3w4s. They are also very artistically inclined and focus on cultivating these unique gifts and talents. 

In keeping with their Type 3 core, 3w4s change their personas to fit their environment. This makes them adaptable and good communicators. However, it can also mean that they are frequently perceived as phony or fraudulent. 3w4s, like other Type 3s, are overly concerned about their social image, particularly their professional image. The goal of 3w4s should focus less on impression management and more on finding an authentic passion and using their unique talents to make a lasting contribution to society.

In comparison to type 3w2s, 3w4s are more introverted and restrained in their behaviour. Because they are less extraverted, this personality type tends to think and process things internally rather than by talking to other people. 


·        Ability to focus intensely on tasks

·        Recognise areas of personal development

·        Form interpersonal connections well

·        Efficiency and ability to solve practical problems

·        Constantly striving to improve themselves


·        Excessive focus on career

·        Self-doubt, especially when under stress

·        Difficulty coping with failure or disappointment

·        Appear overconfident or moody

·        Self-conscious and overly concerned with public image

·        Excessive self-interest which can lead to hurting other people

3w4s at work:

This personality type is one of the most career-oriented types on the enneagram. They are very focused on the professional lives and strive to garner greater and greater success. 3w4s are introspective and creative while simultaneously being open and charismatic. They work hard and flourish in workplaces that encourage success and career growth.

The jobs that 3w4s are well suited for include: architect, politician, marketer, financial analyst, investment banker, lawyer, venture capitalist.

3w4s in relationships:

Because they are so focused on their professional lives, 3w4s may neglect their interpersonal relationships. However, they are romantic and emotionally sensitive people who can form deep and intimate connections with people. Like other Type 3s they have good communication skills which makes it easy for them to get along with others. 


In this guide, we looked at ESTJs and 3w4s. We focused on the likelihood of these two personality types co-occurring as ESTJ 3w4.  Additionally, we explored the traits, strengths, weaknesses and other aspects of these two types in more detail.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

FAQ on ‘ESTJ 3w4 (A 7 Point Guide):

Who should an ESTJ marry?

ESTJs are most compatible with ISTPs. The former’s dominant function of extraverted thinking is balanced by the latter’s introverted thinking dominance. However, it is possible for two individuals of any personality type to have a good marital relationship.

Are ESTJ controlling?

Unhealthy ESTJs do tend to be controlling or confrontational. This is usually the result of an imbalanced extraverted thinking function and a repressed introverted feeling function. 

What is the rarest Enneagram type?

The rarest Enneagram type is said to be Type 4. This is often because Type 4s go unnoticed because they tend to be introverted and withdrawn. 

What is a Type 4 personality?

Type 4 personality is a personality type on the Enneagram. They tend to be shy and sensitive individuals who tend to be highly self-aware. They are creative individuals, but have a tendency to be moody and withdraw from other individuals. 

What is a Type 3 personality?

Type 3 personalities tend to be self-assured and charming individuals who place a lot of importance on their social image. They are competent and energetic and driven to achieve success. 

How rare are ESTJs?

ESTJ is the fifth most common MBTI type in the general population. However, it is the second most common type among males. ESTJs make up 11% of males and 6% of females. 


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