What are INFPs afraid of? (9 things)
This blog post aims to answer the question, “What are INFPs afraid of?” and explore the various dimensions of this Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type named INFP that will help understand the answer.
What are INFPs afraid of?
INFPs are afraid of the following 9 things –
- Not Living Up to Their Own Ideals.
- Rejection.
- Insanity.
- Crowds.
- Loneliness.
- Phone Calls.
- Disease.
- Becoming Evil.
- The State of the World.
These 9 things INFPs are afraid of will be discussed in further detail below after taking a deeper look at what INFP means.
Who is an INFP?
The INFP personality type was developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the authors of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). INFP stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Perceiving, which are four key personality qualities based on C.G. Jung’s work.
Each of the four letters of the INFP code represents a significant personality feature of the INFP personality type.
INFPs are stimulated by alone time (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and specifics (iNtuitive), base their decisions on feelings and values (Feeling), and like to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and structured (Perceiving).
Because of their empathetic idealism and gentle concern for others, the INFP personality type is often known as the “Healer.” The INFP is also known by the following nicknames:
- The Thoughtful Idealist (MBTI)
- The Mediator (16Personalities)
An INFP prefers an unstructured and free-spirited lifestyle. INFP is an introverted and ultra-creative Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type. The INFP is sensitive, creative, and loyal to their values.
INFPs are creative idealists who are guided by their primary ideals and beliefs. A Healer who is preoccupied with possibilities; the actuality of the time is merely a fleeting concern. INFPs see the possibility of a brighter future and seek truth and purpose in their own unique way.
INFPs are sensitive, loving, and compassionate people who are highly concerned with their own and others’ personal progress. INFPs are individualistic and nonjudgmental, believing that each person must forge their own path.
INFPs like spending time investigating their own ideas and ideals, and they gently encourage others to do the same. INFPs are creative and frequently artistic; they like discovering new ways to express themselves.
INFP Personality Type Characteristics Are –
- INFPs are introverts who are quiet and reserved. INFPs find that being in social situations depletes their energy, thus they prefer to connect with a small number of close pals. While they like being alone, this should not be mistaken for timidity. Rather, it simply implies that INFPs get energy from alone time. INFPs must, on the other hand, devote energy to social circumstances.
- INFPs rely on intuition and are more concerned with the overall picture than the finer points of a situation. INFPs can be quite thorough about things that are important to them or tasks they are working on, yet they tend to overlook little or insignificant details.
- INFPs value personal sentiments above everything else and their actions are affected more by these concerns than by objective data.
- INFPs prefer to keep their choices open when it comes to making decisions. INFPs frequently put off making key judgments in case the circumstance changes. The majority of judgments are made based on personal ideals rather than reasoning.
What are these 9 things INFPs are afraid of?
Not Living Up to Their Own Ideals.
INFPs are frequently referred to as Idealists. They hold themselves to very high standards and rely on a strong inner set of ideals. Because of their major Introverted Feeling (Fi) usage, they have a strong internal moral compass.
They also feel that everything they do is meaningful and serves a purpose. Many INFPs expressed concern about reaching the end of their lives and thinking they had squandered their potential or had done nothing substantial to make the world a better place.
INFPs are strong introverts, yet the relationships they do have are important to them. They create deep emotional relationships with those they care about and are highly kind and giving in their support of those they care about.
An INFP’s friendship is intense, and they prefer a small number of close friends to a large group of acquaintances.
Because of the importance they place on intimate connections, they are severely impacted by treachery and rejection, and many INFPs are terrified to face that same rejection again.
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
In general, intuitives are more afraid of insanity than sensors. It might be because intuitives see meanings, search for patterns, and are less focused on what can be comprehended by the senses.
Sensors are more concerned with what can be seen, felt, tasted, and realised physically in the present instant and may be less concerned about unanticipated possibilities that do not immediately represent a problem.
INFPs get energy by spending time alone with their thoughts and ideas. As a result, being in huge groups might be tiring for them and make them feel overwhelmed.
Despite the fact that INFPs are introverted and like to be alone with their thoughts, they nonetheless need meaningful interactions. INFPs like relationships built on sincerity, trust, mutual enthusiasm, and common interests.
As a result, an INFP is frequently unhappy with wide, superficial connections. They are the folks who can feel lonely even when surrounded by many friends.
Because they constitute such a tiny proportion of the population, it might be difficult for them to locate like-minded persons with whom to interact (only 2 per cent). Many INFPs expressed apprehension of dying alone, never having a meaningful connection, or never feeling understood by others.
Phone Calls.
While INFPs like listening to people and making relationships, they frequently experience anxiety when they get unexpected phone calls.
They frequently expressed anxiety about having to make phone calls, answer the phone, answer the doorbell, or engage in social engagement with persons they aren’t very close to.
Many INFPs expressed a dread of germs, paralysis, or physical helplessness, in addition to a fear of sickness.
Their Ne (Extraverted Intuition) occasionally causes them problems with their bodily issues. They may not truly feel that something is wrong with them, but they begin to consider all of the possibilities.
Becoming Evil.
INFPs have a powerful internal moral compass. It is critical to them that they live in accordance with their ideals.
Finding out that they have been following corrupt norms, regulations, or beliefs might cause them great anxiety.
The State of the World.
Many INFPs expressed concern about the existing or projected status of the world, including war, genocide, greed, and environmental catastrophe.
INFPs regard the world as being full of goodness, beauty, and inventiveness. When they read stories in the news about more corruption, falsehoods, damage, and persecution, they are typically enraged and despondent.
Conclusion –
This blog post aimed to answer the question, “What are INFPs afraid of?” and reviewed the features and functions of the introverted and extremely inventive Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type named INFP to help determine what INFPs are afraid of. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): What are INFPs afraid of?
Do INFPs get scared easily?
INFPs are daydreamers who are frequently caught up in their own thoughts, which might cause them to be a little jumpy. Because their minds are usually elsewhere, the physical world around them might be a bit overpowering.
What are INFPs insecure about?
INFPs have flexible ideas and sentiments, and they don’t mind if someone notes on their differences from the rest of the group. Other folks may not find those sentiments convenient. For example, while many INFPs are proud of their uniqueness, they often battle with insecurity, which can contribute to worry.
Are INFPs afraid of success?
INFPs who are unhappy in their lives are aware that they have the ability to change their circumstances. However, they unconsciously dread success or improvement. As a result, they languish in despair until their world implodes.
Do INFPs like horror?
Some horror films, such as A Quiet Place and The Babadook, would appeal to those with the MBTI INFP personality type. That is, at least, the choice of moviegoers who fall under the INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception) or “The Mediator” MBTI® categorization. Only a handful may appeal to them in such a hard genre.
Are INFPs phlegmatic?
INFPs have their own ideal worldview and ideas about how things should operate, and they discreetly advocate for what they believe is correct. It should come as no surprise that INFP is the four temperaments model’s counterpart of pure Phlegmatic temperament.
References –
Storm, S. 10 Things That Terrify INFPs – According to 301 INFPs. Psychology Junkie. (2016, November 1). Retrieved from https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/2016/11/01/10-things-terrify-infps-according-301-infps/#:~:text=Along%20with%20a%20fear%20of,%2C%20paralysis%2C%20or%20physical%20helplessness.
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