Was Shakespeare an INFP? (5 reasons)

This blog post aims to answer the question, “Was Shakespeare an INFP?” and explore the various dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type named INFP that will help understand the answer. 

Was Shakespeare an INFP?

Yes, Shakespeare was an INFP. Shakespeare can be considered to have been an INFP because of the following 5 reasons – 

  • Shakespeare was incredibly imaginative and creative. 
  • Shakespeare was passionate and idealistic.
  • Shakespeare considered others’ sentiments.
  • Shakespeare was unorthodox. 
  • Shakespeare was an individualist. 

These 5 reasons why Shakespeare can be considered to have been an INFP will be discussed in further detail below after taking a deeper look at what INFP means. 

Who is an INFP?

The INFP personality type was developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the authors of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). INFP stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Perceiving, which are four key personality qualities based on C.G. Jung’s work.

Each of the four letters of the INFP code represents a significant personality feature of the INFP personality type. 

INFPs are stimulated by alone time (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and specifics (iNtuitive), base their decisions on feelings and values (Feeling), and like to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and structured (Perceiving).

Because of their empathetic idealism and gentle concern for others, the INFP personality type is often known as the “Healer.” The INFP is also known by the following nicknames:

  • The Thoughtful Idealist (MBTI)
  • The Mediator (16Personalities)

An INFP prefers an unstructured and free-spirited lifestyle. INFP is an introverted and ultra-creative Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type. The INFP is sensitive, creative, and loyal to their values.

INFPs are creative idealists who are guided by their primary ideals and beliefs. A Healer who is preoccupied with possibilities; the actuality of the time is merely a fleeting concern. INFPs see the possibility of a brighter future and seek truth and purpose in their own unique way.

INFPs are sensitive, loving, and compassionate people who are highly concerned with their own and others’ personal progress. INFPs are individualistic and nonjudgmental, believing that each person must forge their own path. 

INFPs like spending time investigating their own ideas and ideals, and they gently encourage others to do the same. INFPs are creative and frequently artistic; they like discovering new ways to express themselves.   

INFP Personality Type Characteristics Are –

  • INFPs are introverts who are quiet and reserved. INFPs find that being in social situations depletes their energy, thus they prefer to connect with a small number of close pals. While they like being alone, this should not be mistaken for timidity. Rather, it simply implies that INFPs get energy from alone time. INFPs must, on the other hand, devote energy to social circumstances.
  • INFPs rely on intuition and are more concerned with the overall picture than the finer points of a situation. INFPs can be quite thorough about things that are important to them or tasks they are working on, yet they tend to overlook little or insignificant details.
  • INFPs value personal sentiments above everything else and their actions are affected more by these concerns than by objective data.
  • INFPs prefer to keep their choices open when it comes to making decisions. INFPs frequently put off making key judgments in case the circumstance changes. The majority of judgments are made based on personal ideals rather than reasoning.

What are these 5 reasons that show that Shakespeare was an INFP?

Shakespeare was incredibly imaginative and creative. 

William Shakespeare was a brilliant and inventive novelist who coined various terms and phrases that we still use today in our speech.

He was imaginative, witty, adaptable, and verbally skilled. He could conjure up vast imaginary worlds and transform them into classic and brilliant works of literature.

Shakespeare viewed the world for what it may be and was able to envisage the various possibilities in life (extraverted intuition), which is why he was such an exceptional and skilled writer.

INFPs can construct mental models of how people will behave based on what they see others doing on a daily basis, allowing them to write extensive paragraphs about why someone did something rather than how they changed to acquire something.

William Shakespeare created bodies of work that are still admired today. He wrote about universes that didn’t exist yet appeared more real than they could be.

INFP personalities are inherently creative. They might quickly become engrossed in their own world, fantasising about unlimited possibilities. They can be extremely sensitive and emotional, particularly when it comes to art, music, and nature.

Shakespeare was passionate and idealistic.

He was an individualist with a vibrant inner world full of passion and feeling (introverted feeling). In his work, he also had an idealistic side, and he was notable for being unorthodox since he thought beyond the box.

Ideas energise the INFP personality, and the process of creative problem-solving is exciting and gratifying for them. INFPs make decisions based on their emotions and ideals, and they are sensitive and empathic to others.

Shakespeare considered others’ sentiments.

INFPs are adaptive, and independent, and rely greatly on their observations of others to guide their activities. Similarly, Shakespeare was concerned about his audience’s emotions.

INFPs are attentive to people’s tones, gestures, and intentions. INFPs treat others the same way since they are sensitive to such. INFPs will treat you the way they want to be treated. As a result, INFPs avoid upsetting anybody and exercise caution in their activities.

Shakespeare was unorthodox. 

Shakespeare was notable for being unorthodox since he thought outside the box. At first glance, INFPs may appear sweet, soft-hearted, and naïve. But it won’t be long until others learn INFPs are, after all, lone wolves. INFPs are self-sufficient and nonconformists.

Some individuals see INFP nonconformity as selfishness and obstinacy. INFPs may go against the grain, espouse their principles, and hold controversial views. INFPs respect their identity’s authenticity and depart from being team players.

Because INFPs value authenticity, they cannot be forced to carry out initiatives they do not believe in. Pep speeches and promotions will be ineffective if INFPs find no purpose in them. If an INFP wants to leave, they will go regardless of the circumstances.

Shakespeare was an individualist. 

INFP personalities are highly contemplative and frequently ponder about human nature. They like to be themselves above anything else. They are intellectuals and dreamers. The significance of self-expression cannot be overstated. 

They like incorporating their ideas and opinions into their stories and events. A professional with an INFP personality type look for a purpose above all else. This adds to the worth of what they’re doing. They aren’t just working for the sake of working; they must sincerely believe in it in order to feel pleased.

All of these above-mentioned INFP characteristics can be regarded to have been possessed by William Shakespeare.

Conclusion – 

This blog post aimed to answer the question, “Was Shakespeare an INFP?” and reviewed the features and functions of the introverted and extremely inventive Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type named INFP to help determine if Shakespeare was an INFP. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Was Shakespeare an INFP?

What type of personality did Shakespeare have?

The personality of William Shakespeare revolved around creativity, spirituality, and art. He was usually reserved, quiet, and a touch mysterious. Throughout his literary career, he was noted to be extremely observant and inquisitive. He was continually thinking about life and its ups and downs.

Is INFP the rarest personality type?

INFPs are uncommon, accounting for about 4 to 5% of the population.

Is Romeo an INFP?

These teenagers have been dissected and reinvented since Shakespeare brought them to life five hundred years ago. They are young, passionate, and full of explosively stupid ideas born of good intentions. From a personality standpoint, Romeo’s ENFP combined with Juliet’s INFP was always doomed to be a good match.

How would you describe Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare was a well-known English poet, dramatist, and actor who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. Shakespeare was a prolific writer in British theatre during the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods (sometimes called the English Renaissance or the Early Modern Period).

What are some fun facts about Shakespeare?

Some Fun Facts About Shakespeare –

  • Shakespeare’s father worked as a glove maker.
  • Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564.
  • Shakespeare had seven brothers and sisters.
  • Shakespeare married an older, pregnant lady when he was 18 years old.
  • Shakespeare had three sons.
  • As a young man, Shakespeare moved to London.
  • Shakespeare was both a performer and a writer.

References –

What do you think was Shakespeare’s MBTI? Quora. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What-do-you-think-was-Shakespeares-MBTI#:~:text=What%20do%20you%20think%20was%20Shakespeare’s%20MBTI%3F%20%2D%20Quora&text=William%20Shakepeare%20definitely%20seems%20like,%2C%20flexible%2C%20and%20linguisticly%20gifted.

Evidence (textual or otherwise) for Shakespeare being an INFP. Personality Cafe. (2015, February 8). Retrieved from https://www.personalitycafe.com/threads/evidence-textual-or-otherwise-for-shakespeare-being-an-infp.463698/

INFP, The Healer. Truity. (n.d.).  Retrieved from https://www.truity.com/personality-type/INFP

INFP/Mediator Personality – Traits, Characters & Types. Harappa Learning Private Limited. (2021, September 6). Retrieved from https://harappa.education/harappa-diaries/infp-personality-type/

Mediator Personality INFP-A / INFP-T (WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE?). 16 Personalities. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.16personalities.com/infp-personality

Flood, J. What Shakespearean Character Suits Your Personality Type? (2018, September 26). Retrieved from https://verilymag.com/2018/09/what-shakespearean-character-suits-your-personality-type

What Personality Type Was Shakespeare? Golf. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://meilyngift.com/qa/what-personality-type-was-shakespeare.html

Daniel. List of Famous People With INFP Personality. Personality Club. (2020, April 22). Retrieved from https://www.personalityclub.com/blog/famous-infp/

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