Are ENFJ loyal? (ENFJ in a relationship)

In this article, we will answer the following question: Are ENFJ loyal? We will talk about the behavior of an ENFJ in a relationship, how they love, and how to love an ENFJ. 

Are ENFJ loyal?

While ENFJ are loyal and committed to responsible long-term relationships, the most inherently loyal types are ENFP, ISFJ, ESFJ, and INFJ. ENFJs do everything to make their relationship successful. This can be interpreted as a little suffocating sometimes, but it is good monitoring of the well-being or “collapse” of a relationship.

Sexually, ENFJ people look for intimate moments to show their love and care. They are generally interested in the happiness and satisfaction that their partner comes to have around them. Because their greatest satisfaction comes from making others happy, it is possible for them to do very well when they love. 

Like other Judges, it is possible to follow a schedule for intimate moments, risking becoming routine. For ENTJ, the most important aspect of sexuality is the opportunity to show love and affection.

However, the ENFJ will not explicitly ask for such moments, they need sweet words and statements to encourage them. They are easy to satisfy and make happy, compared to other personality types, because their satisfaction comes from making others happy. But they must learn to balance this balance, to learn to verbalize their desires and to probe more into what they would like.

A serious problem for the ENFJ is that they hate everything that looks like a conflict. It is possible to give in in certain situations only in order not to face directly, in order not to reach conflict. But ignoring problems does not lead to solving them.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.

In general, the ENFJ is intensely and enthusiastically involved in their relationships with their loved ones, doing everything possible to have a successful, happy relationship.

Although any mature individual, of any personality type, can have a close relationship, the most suitable partners for ENFJ are the INFP or ISFP.  ENFJ has the dominant function Extroverted Affectivity so they match someone with Introverted Affectivity. ENFJs fit well with an INFP because they share the Intuitive side in analyzing the world.

ENFJ Functional Analysis

Extraverted feeling

The Extraverted Feeling dominates the ENFJs psyche. Under the influence of this rational function, these people are predisposed to end their affairs in matters related to people and especially in favor of their loved ones. Being extroverted, his contacts are wide-ranging. Face-to-face relationships are intense, pleasant, and loving, although they may be achieved so infrequently that close friendships are rare.

Introverted intuition

Like their INFJ relatives, ENFJs are blessed by introverted intuition with clarity of perception in the inner and unconscious world. The dominant Sentiment prefers to find the ray of hope in even the most miserable perceptions of those in its growing circle of friends and, of course, in themselves. 

In less well-balanced individuals, such mitigation of the unseemly undermines the integrity of the ENFJ. In healthier individuals, skillful use of this awareness of the inner needs and desires of others allows this crafty type to win friends, influence people, and avoid compromising entanglements.

The dynamic nature of their intuition moves ENFJs from one project to another with the certainty that the next will be perfect, or that it will be much closer to perfection than the previous one was. ENFJs are continually looking for new and better solutions to benefit their extended family, staff, or organization.

Extraverted feeling

The Sensation is extroverted. ENFJs can manage the details, especially those required to implement the prevailing vision. However, this data has a magical flexible quality. Something that must be bought can be obtained easily; that very thing is invaluable when it comes to selling it. 

(We are not sure, but we suspect that such is the influence of the primary function.) These vacillations of sensory perception are possible due to the weaker and less mature status with which the tertiary is endowed.

Introverted thinking

Introverted Thinking is the least obvious and the most enigmatic of this type. In fact, it often appears only when it is needed by the Feeling. The Thought, sometimes only in jest but also seriously if necessary, considers as logical only those conclusions that support the values ​​of Feeling. 

ENFJ: Extraverted Affectivity with Introverted Intuition – The one who offers

The primary mode of perception is focused on the outside where he treats things depending on how he feels about them, or how they fit his system of values. The secondary mode is concentrated inside where the information enters that intuitively.

People with an ENFJ profile are people-focused individuals. They live in a world of people and possibilities. More than we meet in the other profiles, they have an extraordinary talent in working with people. They understand people and care about them and have a special ability to bring out the best in people. 

Their main interest in life is to provide love, support, and make people feel good. They are focused on understanding, supporting, and encouraging others. They make things happen for others and get the greatest satisfaction from them.

Because ENFJ people possess this extraordinary skill in working with people they have the ability to get people to do exactly what they want. It gets under people’s skin and causes them to have exactly the reactions they are looking for. These people are generally altruistic, but those who have developed less psychologically are known to use their power over people by manipulating them.

ENFJs are so connected to their outside world that it is very important to spend time alone. This can be difficult for some because they tend to judge themselves very harshly and can develop dark thoughts when they are alone. Therefore, they can avoid loneliness by loading their lives with activities that involve other people. 

They tend to define their direction in life according to the needs of others, being able to no longer realize what their needs are. It is specific to their personality type to put the needs of others before their own needs but it is necessary to remain aware of personal needs in order not to sacrifice themselves in trying to help others.

ENFJs tend to be more reserved in exposing themselves than individuals of other extroverted personality types. Although they may have strong beliefs, they refrain from expressing them if they would prevent them from valuing others. Because their primary interest is to be the catalyst for change for people, it is more likely that they will interact with people at their level, behaving chameleon locally rather than individually. 

That doesn’t mean they don’t have opinions. They have well-defined opinions and values ​​that they can express clearly and succinctly. 

These opinions, beliefs, will be expressed as long as they do not become too personal. ENFJs are expressive and open in many ways but are more focused on supporting others. When faced with a conflict between their own worth and the needs of another person, they are more likely to choose to help that person.

ENFJ can feel very alone even surrounded by many people. This feeling of loneliness can be accentuated by the tendency not to open up to others, not to show them the true self.

People love them. There are people you love to have around, people who understand and love people. They are generally very direct and sincere, have a lot of self-confidence, and have the ability to do a lot of different things. They are generally intelligent, full of potential, and energy. They are usually good at anything that captures their interest.

They like well-organized things, they will put a lot of effort to keep things structured and eliminate ambiguity. They tend to be troublemakers, especially in their own home.

In the professional environment, he manages in positions that require working with people. They are suitable for social committees. Their mysterious ability to understand people and say exactly what people need to hear makes them excellent counselors. They like to be in the center of attention and do great in positions where they can inspire and guide people, such as a teacher or professor.

They don’t like impersonal reasoning. They will feel unhappy in situations where they are forced to think logically, without any connection to the human element. Living in a world of people and possibilities, they enjoy the plans they make more than the results obtained. They become very excited when it comes to future possibilities but get bored very easily in the present.

They have a special gift for connecting with people and are very happy when they can use this gift to help others. This is how they get their satisfaction, serving others. The genuine interest in humanity and the exceptional intuition towards people make them able to take out of the shell the most withdrawn individual.

ENFJs have a great need for intimate, close relationships, and will put a lot of effort into creating and maintaining these relationships. They are very loyal and trustworthy once involved in a relationship.

An ENFJ who has not developed his emotional side may have difficulty making good decisions and may be left in the hands of others when it is necessary to make a decision. If they have not developed their intuitive side they may not be able to see the possibilities and will judge things quickly based on the social value system, without really understanding the current situation. 

Those who have not found their place in the world may be very sensitive to criticism and have a tendency to worry excessively and feel guilty. It is also possible to manipulate and control other people.

In general, ENFJ is charming, warm, kind, creative, and special people, with developed intuition, who can move people emotionally. However, they need to take into account their own values, their own needs as well as take into account those of others.

The bottom line

We wanted to remind you that ENFJs have a great need for intimate, close relationships, and will put a lot of effort into creating and maintaining these relationships. They are very loyal and trustworthy once involved in a relationship.

ENFJs are in tune with what others feel and really want those they care about to be happy. In whatever field they choose, they consider people their highest priority.

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FAQ on Are ENFJ loyal?

Which personality type is most loyal?

The most loyal personality types, according to the MBTI test, are the ENFPs, ISFJs, ESFJs, and the INFJs.

Do ENFJs fall in love easily?

ENFJs tend to fall in love easily and they are usually committed to a single person. When they set their eyes on someone, they usually spend a lot of time pursuing them and trying to make them happy.  

How do ENFJs make decisions?

ENFJs base their decisions on their personal values. They use their Feeling essentially in the outside world, radiating for its heat and energy. They always look for the best of each one and they know how to find it. 

Is ENFJ kind?

The ENFJ profile is a warm, empathetic, sensitive, and responsible person. They are also very sensitive to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. The ENFJ type does not hesitate to help others reach their potential.


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