ENFJ compatibility (A Complete Guide)

In this article, we will discuss ENFJ compatibility. We will do that by giving an overview of ENFJ and their cognitive functions. After that, we shall describe how ENFJs are in a relationship. Then we will discuss their compatibility with all personality types given by MBTI.  

ENFJ compatibility 

ENFJ personalities can have a good relationship with INFJ, ESFJ, ENFP, and ENFJ personalities since they share a lot of similarities and can have an easy time relating to each other. With INTJ, INFP, ENTP, and ENTJ, they can also bond since these personalities are similar yet different from each other. This develops an attraction and interest in them for each other. Other than this, ENFJs are compatible with ISFJ, INTP, ESTJ, and ESFP especially since these personalities complement each other well. Where one partner is weak, the other can step up and compensate for it and vice versa. So, these relationships are more balanced in nature. Lastly, with ISTP, ISTJ, ISFP, and ESTP,  ENFJs would have a hard time establishing and maintaining a relationship as these personalities are completely opposite to them with respect to their interest, values, and approach towards life. It would be difficult for them to connect with each other.

Cognitive functions of ENFJ Personality: The protagonist

MBTI which is based on Carl Jung’s theory of 16 personalities suggests that each person processes information in a unique and distinct way. Four cognitive functions govern how a process makes sense of incoming information. Two of these are dominant and play a  major role, whereas the remaining two functions play less of a role but still have an influence on a person’s personality. An ENFJ is one of the 16 personality types. Its cognitive functions are described in detail as follows:

Extroverted feeling

ENFJ personalities engage in social behavior and enjoy harmony in their relationships. They are in tune with their surroundings and attentive to the needs of others. They have a tendency to please others and gain their approval. They make decisions while taking into account their personal values and subjective ideas rather than focusing on objective or logical information. They also pay attention to how their decisions may impact others.

Introverted intuition 

ENFJ personalities like to think about the future. In other words, they are not present-oriented people. They have a tendency to focus on long-term goals and accordingly miss out on details. They process information based on impressions and broad ideas rather than minute details. This helps them connect different pieces of information and spot patterns. It also enables them to understand complex abstract information.

Extroverted Sensing

ENFJ personalities focus on concrete information and sensory information gathered from their environment. Accordingly, they seek new experiences that stimulate their senses. They are aware of their environment and appreciate aesthetic and pleasing spaces. 

Introverted Thinking 

These people spend a lot of time planning and organizing information in their minds. They like structure and predictable schedules. This is because it helps them feel in control. Although this function is less developed which plays out in the form of under-confidence in personal abilities. However, if this is developed, these people can be more self-assured, balanced, and confident in their decision-making. It can also help them focus on logic along with personal values while making important choices.

ENFJs in Romantic Relationships

ENFJ personalities are committed in their romantic relationships. They take the process of finding a partner quite seriously unlike the casual approach of other personalities. They are supportive in their relationship and encourage their partner to reach their goals. These people look for ways in which they can be of help and use to someone they care about. Their role in a relationship is of someone who is reliable and trustworthy.

Although they have a tendency to have mood swings, they still try to manage it by discussing their feelings and checking in with their partner about how they feel about things in their relationship. This approach helps them to avoid any conflicts and disagreements. However, frequent checking in can make them seem clingy and needy and put off their partner.

With their romantic partner, it doesn’t take much to make an ENFJ happy. As long as they know their partner is satisfied, they feel content and express their affection in an apparent way. Furthermore, they make it a priority to ensure their partner’s goals are reached and they are living their dream. Although, this makes them quite attractive and considerate in the relationship, however, if they focus too much on what their partner wants and needs, they end up ignoring themselves. This can create unconscious feelings of resentment in them and create an imbalance in the give-take aspect of their relationship. It is important that these people take out time to express what they want to their partners especially on special occasions like Birthdays and Christmas etc.

Another thing about ENFJ is that they have a tendency to avoid conflicts especially since they compromise too much in order to maintain peace and harmony in their relationship. This keeps things in control for some time but when major aspects and ill feelings are kept unaddressed, it can expand out of proportion at some other point and create problems that are more long-term in nature.

Their conflict resolution style may seem adaptive to others especially since ENFJ asks their partner for feedback, criticism, suggestions, and make attempts to improve themselves as a romantic partner. They try to prevent things from escalating in the future by employing this strategy. Though this masks their neediness and eagerness to please the other person in the relationship, it may create feelings of resentment and establish the foundation of failure of their relationship in the near future. Furthermore, they start feeling like their efforts are wasted and blame themselves later on. In some cases, they may even think that their partner betrayed them and it was a one-sided relationship.

If on the other hand, their partner appreciates these qualities of ENFJ especially their emotional investment and observable efforts to keep them happy and maintain the relationship, they can have a good and long-lasting bond.

As lovers, ENFJs are dependable people who like to maintain a predictable structure in their romantic life. Spontaneity and taking a lot of risks does not sit well with them but they are still willing to make an effort if it means it would make their partner happy. They are selfless, dedicated, and strive for mutual happiness in their relationship. If they find the right person for this, they can have an amazing, happy, and long-lasting bond.

ENFJ compatibility

Below we shall discuss the compatibility of ENFJ with other personality types

ENFJ compatibility with personalities similar to them

ENFJs can form a connection with INFJ, ESFJ, ENFP, and ENFJ personalities based on the similarities they share. These people bond over having a similar approach to life, the same values, and common interests. It is not necessary that just because these people share a lot of similarities, they would have a smooth relationship and agree on everything. They would have their disagreements and conflicts like any other relationship. The only difference is that it would be easier for them to have a good rapport and relate to each other in a smooth manner. In short, the connection would feel more natural.

ENFJ compatibility with personalities slightly different than them

ENFJs will be able to have a good connection with INTJ, INFP, ENTP, and ENTJ based on similarities as well as differences. Interacting with someone who is the same yet different would make such partners attractive to ENFJs. They would feel a connection and be interested in them. Their relationship would be more balanced since it would involve both a chance to bond over commonalities and a chance to grow based on differences.

ENFJ compatibility with personalities complimentary to them

ENFJs can have a good relationship with ISFJ, INTP, ESTJ, and ESFP since they are complementary to them with respect to personality. However, they would not feel an immediate connection with them the first time they meet. As they invest time in getting to know one others, they would realize that they can learn a lot from such partners and grow to be more balanced.

ENFJ compatibility with personalities opposite to them

ENFJ personalities would have a hard time connecting with ISTP, ISTJ, ISFP, and ESTP. This is because these personalities are the complete opposite to them in terms of their approach to the world, their values as well as interests. It would be hard for them to find a common ground. At the same time, such relationships also provide opportunities for both partners to learn and grow as a person especially since one partner’s strengths are the other’s weaknesses and vice versa.

FAQs: ENFJ compatibility

What are ENFJs attracted to?

ENFJ personalities are attracted to people who are skilled and talented. Seeing someone with a unique potential excites them and they find the originality quite appealing.

Do ENFJs fall in love easily?

The pace of whether ENFJs fall in love easily or not depends on the situation, person, and circumstances. ENFJs do however try to be there for their partner and emotionally invest themselves since for them commitment matters a lot. They fall in love easily if they know their relationship is based on mutual satisfaction and happiness.

Are ENFJs clingy?

It is highly likely that ENFJs may come off as clingy and needy in their relationship. For them, it is important to fulfill their partner’s needs and make them happy. To do that, they make an effort to look after them and frequently check in with them regarding how they feel about their relationship. This can come off as clingy and pre-occupied behavior to their partner.


In this article, we discussed ENFJ compatibility. We found that ENFJ personalities have a good relationship with INFJ, ESFJ, ENFP, and ENFJ personalities since they share a lot of similarities and can have an easy time relating to each other. With INTJ, INFP, ENTP, and ENTJ, they can also bond since these personalities are similar yet different from each other. This develops an attraction and interest in them for each other. Other than this, ENFJs are compatible with ISFJ, INTP, ESTJ, and ESFP especially since these personalities complement each other well. Where one partner is weak, the other can step up and compensate for it and vice versa. So, these relationships are more balanced in nature. Lastly, with ISTP, ISTJ, ISFP, and ESTP,  ENFJs would have a hard time establishing and maintaining a relationship as these personalities are completely opposite to them with respect to their interest, values, and approach towards life. It would be difficult for them to connect with each other.

 I hope you found this article interesting. If you have any queries or comments, please state them in the comment section 😊




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