6 Vs 7 Enneagram: (What Makes Them Different)

This article will look at the differences between the 6 and 7 enneagram types. The article will highlight differences between the two by talking about their traits. It will also talk about their fears and desires as well and introduce both of them to the audience!

6 Vs 7 Enneagram: What Makes Them Different?

The type 7 enneagram is different from the type 6 enneagram in the following ways:

  • Optimism Vs Pessimism
  • Responsible Vs Careless
  • Flexibility Vs Structure

Before we look at how these enneagram types are different from each other in detail, we will introduce both the type 6 and type 7 enneagrams!

Who Is A Type 6 Enneagram?

A type 6 enneagram is also known as the loyalist because of their traits that include commitment and engaging with others and willing to fulfill their promises. These individuals are very hard working as well as reliable and people that can be countered. They believe in being there for others, especially their loved ones.

The type 6 enneagram is also an excellent problem solver and they are able to see where the loopholes are, why exactly there is a problem and what possible solutions there are! They are great at bringing people together for a common cause that requires cooperation and joint resources in order to solve an issue or problem!

However, this enneagram type can become evasive and run away from their problems. If confronted, they are also very defensive and may snap at you! They are prone to experiencing stress and will oftentimes work while complaining about it – it is not easy to get them to stop working.

These individuals also have issues with their decisions in the sense that it is difficult for them to take a certain stance on something – hence they are indecisive and sometimes doubt their own selves.

Basic Fear of Loyalists

The enneagram type under discussion here is fearful of losing what support, stability or guidance they have in life. They are very much dependent on others whom they not only consider close but also depend on. The reason why they are so loyal to their close ones is because they do not want to lose them. Why? These people are the ones they derive their support and guidance from. They have this belief that they do not have all the resources that they think they need to take the world on!

Basic Desire of Loyalists

The type 6 enneagram has the desire to have stable and strong relationships from where they can derive support, guidance and the strength they need to tackle their own problems in life. They want to be able to trust others and depend upon them and feel like they have someone to rely on. 

This is what drives these individuals to form loyal bonds with others so they are not left alone when they are in need.

Enneagram Type 7: The Enthusiast

These individuals are versatile and spontaneous! They have a lot of energy in them and they like to be in high spirits! However, by continuously working themselves out, they can get tired and become exhausted and hence lose focus. They will become distracted and lose track of the goal they had in mind. It is obvious then that they have problems with impulsiveness and impatience.

Overall, these individuals are joyful and cheerful and that is what they emanate when they are around others. At their best, they want to focus on worthy goals that use their talents and strengths.

These enneagrams have been called enthusiasts because of the energy with which they approach the things in life that catch their eyes! They are like children who have a lot of energy, optimism and curiosity about the things that seem interesting to them. Furthermore, they are intelligent not in the sense of academics but in a way that they can process a lot of information and hence brainstorm in an effective manner. 

However, their ability to read and process much information and hence learn new skills can sometimes confuse them about what they are actually meant to do in life!

Basic Fear

The basic fear of this enneagram type is to be in pain. They absolutely hate pain and they do not want to be deprived in any manner. They will avoid situations where they might get hurt emotionally or physically because they do not want to deal with the experience or feeling of pain. However, because of this fear, they often miss out on worthwhile experiences.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.

However their fear of missing out does encourage them to take up routines that are not too structured and allow for last minute plans. They may even be unable to focus much on the task at hand because they are looking for a more interesting experience – one that will make them let go of what they are doing and scramble outside for some fun!

Basic Desire

To be satisfied and fulfilled or content is the desire of this enneagram type 7. They want to feel complete and whole so that they do not have to rely on anyone else for their needs. It is also linked to their fear of being in pain and deprived. Hence, they strive to fulfill their needs in an independent manner and wish to be in a state that renders them safe.

At the same time, they do not want to miss out on joyful, stimulating and awesome experiences from life! They want to be part of the fun and seek excitement and joy from what they are doing. They want to feel happy and this leads them to oftentime justify or rationalize their negative feelings in a way that they are responsible for how they feel – even if it isn’t their own fault!

6 Vs 7 Enneagram: What Makes Them Different?

The type 7 enneagram is different from the type 6 enneagram in the following ways:

  • Optimism Vs Pessimism
  • Responsible Vs Careless
  • Flexibility Vs Structure

Let us take a look at each of these one by one!

Optimism Vs Pessimism

It would not be wrong to say both the type 6 and type 7 enneagram experience much anxiety but they have very different ways of handling it! They tend to worry about the future and what could possibly go wrong. This constant state of thinking can make them very anxious. They are also stressed out at things that are not going well even in the present.

The type 6 enneagram does not handle anxiety well. They fret and become even more stressed out. They start to look at the bad side of things and only expect the worst to come instead of recognizing the opportunities that are becoming available because of the current situation. Not only do they become anxious, but they also engage in self doubt and this can push them tumbling down a dark flight of stairs! They will also start doubting others and their motives.

Type 7 enneagrams on the other hand are way better at handling stress and anxiety – at least in the short term! They prefer to adopt an optimistic attitude and focus on the brighter side of life! They will engage in activities that help them stay distracted from what is bothering them or giving them anxiety. They will not adopt the ideal way to handle stress which is to actually face it or deal with the root cause or go for therapy but at the same time they will try to make the best out of the situation but not thinking about it too much. Hence, they are in a way better position when it comes to dealing with stress as compared to the type 6 enneagram.

Responsible Vs Careless

The type 7 enneagram is quite free mentally. They do not like restrictions placed on them and they prefer to do what they wish! They are spontaneous and do not want to miss on opportunities that can help them stay engaged and happy. 

The type 6 enneagram is very different. They prefer getting work done and are not so carefree but actually very responsible and serious about work. They absolutely do not allow themself to be free or enjoy until everything from the first to the last task of something is 

done that they have committed to! 

Flexibility Vs Structure

To be in control of their own self and their environment, the type 6 enneagram wants structure. They understand that to have control they must be controlled by a strict system such as setting up a very rigid schedule that allows them to work and meet their goals. This way they remain self disciplined and get a lot of work done.

The type 7 enneagram on the other hand is quite flexible in how they handle themself. They like to stay free in terms of their routine and work so that they can engage in events with people and try new things as soon as the opportunity allows it!


This article took a look at the differences between the type 6 and type 7 enneagram. It not only highlighted the traits where they are quite different but also introduced the enneagram types and their basic fears and desires.



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