ISFJ Fictional Characters (A Comprehensive List)
In this brief guide, we will look at a list of ISFJ fictional characters, and dive a little bit deeper into some key ISFJ fictional characters as well.
List of ISFJ Fictional Characters
Here is a list of some ISFJ fictional characters that show rather typical ISFJ traits:
- Joyce Byers: Stranger Things
- Captain Wentworth: Persuasion
- Samwise Gamgee: Lord of the Rings
- Jane Hawking: The Theory of Everything
- D. Grayson/Nightwing: DC Universe’s Titans
- Bo Beep: Toy Story Series
- Tara Thornton: True Blood
- Jane Seymour: The Tudors
- Bella Swan: Twilight Saga
- Pete Martell: Twin Peaks
- Leonard: The Umbrella Academy
- Matt Donovan: The Vampire Diaries
- Baroness Lehzen: Victoria
- Ubbe: Vikings
- Lori Grimes: The Walking Dead
- Michonne: The Walking Dead
- Ser Jorah Mormont: Game of Thrones
- Catelyn Stark: Game of Thrones
- Morty: Rick and Morty
- Maid Marian: Robin Hood
- Ted Mullins: Schitt’s Creek
- Elaine Benes: Seinfeld
- Kala Dandekar: Sense8
- Simon Lewis: Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments
- Dr. John Watson: BBC’s Sherlock
- Jared: Silicon Valley
7 Detailed ISFJ Fictional Characters
ISFJ personality stands for Introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging, and this is a personality type in the Myers Briggs personality test.
These individuals are also known as the defender, and in fiction, they are usually portrayed as the best friend, the guide, or the follower, and they usually appear in tertiary roles to the protagonist, allowing them to shine due to their extroversion and all the while doing significant things in the background.
ISFJs in the real world is driven by feelings and values, and there are few things the ISFJ cares about as much as their own core belief system.
They make most of their decisions based on their own beliefs and those of others around them, sometimes, and they use their introverted sensing as a means of collecting information about the world around them, and they do so in an organized, piece by piece manner.
Now that we have touched upon the personality traits one might find in an ISFJ, let’s look at some great ISFJ fictional characters.
Joyce Byers from Stranger Things
Joyce Byers is a pivotal character on the show Stranger things which took the internet by a storm a while ago for its plethora of amazing characters, and she makes for an amazing ISFJ fictional character.
As mentioned before, ISFJ fictional characters tend to serve as helpers or friends of the protagonist in some way, and they truly help move the story along, and they tend to serve the function of helping the protagonist out in some way.
Joyce Byers is the mother of the kid that gets lost in the first season and her entire arc in that season is about following her gut and trying to figure out where he has gone.
She works in a methodical way, trying to figure out the clues she receives from the environment and piecing the puzzle together one by one in a fashion typical of the introverted sensing manner of the ISFJ.
Additionally, she is also characterized by her tendency to be driven by her feelings and her beliefs, and this need is so strong in her that she refuses to listen to reason from anyone else, standing so firm by her beliefs that people start to think of her as crazy.
This is a characteristic that may be seen in many ISFJ fictional characters, thy tend to be portrayed as people who are incredibly loyal to the people they are supporting and they never seem to give up no matter what happens.
Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings
Samwise is a great ISFJ fictional character from the Lord of the Rings series.
The function of introverted sensing is very evident in Sam’s character, as it takes in information methodically in the form of facts and memories, especially on topics that are of personal importance and interest to the dominant user of the function.
Sam has a lot of specialized knowledge on a lot of subjects, which is also a trait common to a lot of the typical ISFJ character in fiction, as they usually serve the function of movers of the arc of the story, and as such, they are meant to fulfill the hero in a way.
Sam is very knowledgable about everything in the Shire, but especially gardening and cooking and like any true introverted sensing user, he takes great pride in his vast knowledge of gardening and cooking facts but he does so in a subtle way, not the arrogant type one might expect from someone who has introverted sensing as the dominant function.
He is also a caretaker of sorts, and the thinks of the little things because his experiences have taught him the little things, and this may be seen in how he packs for the journeys, thinking of cooking along the way and bringing herbs and spices from the Shire with him.
The way ISFJs use the things they have gathered data about speaks in a manner of self-expression as well, and it talks about what is important to them personally.
He also tends to be overly attached to his things and sometimes goes too far to save them.
Felicity Smoak from Arrow
Another ISFJ fictional character that serves the role of a helper and supporter of the hero is Felicity Smoak, a character on the show Arrow.
Felicity’s tendency to use introverted sensing is seen in how much data she is able to both collect and hold in her head, so much so that she is almost like an encyclopedia of facts.
She is able to retain a lot of facts and figures in her mind which makes her so useful on top of her amazing hacking skills.
One might also notice in Felicity a slightly dramatized version of introverted sensing, which enables her to recall things she has ever seen, names, faces, and places.
She is also quite focused on the feelings and emotional way of processing data and she doesn’t forgive those who have crossed her, which is also why she refuses to work with people who might be assets simply because she remembers exactly how they made her feel previously.
The extroverted feeling function of Felicity, and other ISFJs, often put them in a mediator role of sorts, and they usually have good vibes with their social environment, which works in the favor of conflict resolution.
Extroverted feeling also makes ISFJs happy expressing their feelings and perspectives and this may be seen in felicity quite often, as she expresses what she thinks of a situation in a clear and precise manner.
She may also often speak her mind about situations she knows nothing about, like anything to do with the League of Assassins.
Dr. John B Watson from BBC’s Sherlock
John Watson is an ISFJ fictional character from the BBC adaptation of the stories of Sherlock Holmes.
John Watson provides Sherlock with much-needed stability and is an all-round appealing sort of guy who likes to get along with people and serves as an intermediary between the complex world of Holmes and the outer world which is much different.
Watson, like a true ISFJ, is a pragmatist and deals in concrete reality, and he uses his introverted sensing function to collect information about the environment and applies it in a beneficial way, specifically to him and his life.
Watson is a doctor of medicine, and his sensing function is also related to medical information and facts about the people around him, and because he deals so much in the concrete and real things, sometimes he gets confused about what Sherlock spends his time memorizing and learning.
Watson is a thorough sensing person, and he cares first and foremost about the information that is important if it has immediate and personal relevance.
Perhaps some of these tendencies may also be a result of Watson’s days as a soldier, which is something that many ISFJs might be drawn to, due to the sense of service it entails and the love for one’s country that is interwoven into the field.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye from Marvel’s Avengers
Clint Barton, or as he is better known, Hawkeye, is a character in Marvel’s Avengers, and he is a sharpshooter, both with his superpower and with his words.
He is quiet, but his loyalty to Natasha and other members of the team usually speaks volumes.
He is also incredibly introverted, and his closest friends, the Avengers, don’t even know he has a whole family, which he has somehow kept hidden away for years.
He is deeply sentimental, and his family and friends mean more to him than anything else.
Hawkeye, true to his name and the ISFJ personality traits that define him, is all about the details.
He cares about the practical aspects of anything far more than he does about anything else, and usually, he is okay with ideas, but they are never the point for him, and Hawkeye’s actions speak louder than words.
He is an introverted perceiver, his interests get extremely specialized, and in his particular case his chief interest is archery and because he is an ISFJ he wants to use his skill for the service of others, for the people he cares about, and there are a number of these people.
Hawkeye is a true defender, which is the name often given to the ISFJ, and he cares most about finally retiring and being with his family, as much as he wants to save and protect the world those aren’t his endgame
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier from Marvel’s Avengers
Bucky Barnes is an enigmatic and sentimental ISFJ fictional character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and he is usually seen in conjunction with Steve Rodgers, or Captain America.
Bucky is an introvert before and after the tragedy of all the changes he has to go through physically, and this is very evident in how much he keeps to himself and his close circle of people he cares about, Captain America being one of them.
Even Bucky’s brand of care is specific, as he is there to support them no matter the cost and he may even define himself in this role as a protector of those he cares about deeply.
He is a man of action and he doesn’t have much use for abstract thinking either.
Marge Simpson from The Simpsons
ISFJ fictional characters may also often be seen in roles that are somewhat like a guide, protector, or family member of some authority, like a matriarch or patriarch, and Marge Simpson is one such ISFJ fictional character.
Marge is all about the introverted sensing, and this function ensures that marge tends to trust personal experiences that have worked before more than experimenting with the unknown for no apparent reason, just to see what happens.
ISFJ is a judging personality, and as such, they don’t like to be too reckless or impulsive, and this may be seen in Marge and her tendency to stick to the tried and true.
Some people may consider this boring, but Marge is simply always operating in what she knows which often does work for her and her family, and that reinforces her belief in that experience some more.
In this brief guide, we looked at a list of ISFJ fictional characters and dived a little bit deeper into some key ISFJ fictional characters as well. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have for us.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): ISFJ Fictional Characters
What characters are ISFJ?
Here is a list of characters that are ISFJ:
Hercule Poirot
Anne Elliot
Neville Longbottom
Beth March
Samwise Gamgee
Who are some famous ISFJ personalities?
Here are the names of some famous ISFJ personalities:
Michael Caine
Halle Berry.
Bruce Willis
Gwyneth Paltrow
Naomi watts
Anne Hathaway.
Christopher Walken.
Elijah Wood
Who is ISFJ compatible with?
ISFJ may be quite compatible with ESTP as they both have complementary functions.
The ISFJ has a dominant function of introverted sensing, and they would be quite compatible with someone who has the function of extroverted sensing, like ESTP or ESFP.