What MBTI was Jesus?
What MBTI was Jesus? This article is a brief review of the personality type of Jesus. In Islamic tradition, Jesus is called Isa (A.S).
Who is Jesus?
Jesus in Christianity: The Doctrine of Trinity
Extensive analogies are a popular way for Christians to try to understand the Trinity. The following are some examples that are often used:
- The Trinity is made up of three components, similar to the shell, white, and yolk of an egg.
- The Trinity is represented by three different types of water: ice, liquid, and vapor.
- The Trinity is akin to a man who can be a father, a son, and a husband all at once.
When it comes to the essence of God, there are major differences in beliefs among Christian denominations. The most widely held belief, which is endorsed by the vast majority of churches around the world, is that God is triune. The Trinity is a theology that describes God as one being who resides eternally as three distinct persons: “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
Simply put, it is “one God manifested in three persons.” The Trinity’s persons are not interchangeable, because the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father. Each of the Trinity’s three persons is said to be co-equal and co-eternal, and “each is God, whole and complete.”
When it comes to how God interacts with the universe, however, each individual is said to play a unique role. For example, the Father is said to have sent the Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for mankind’s sins in God’s plan of salvation. Believers are believed to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit, who inspires Christians in their daily lives.
The incarnation of God is a crucial part of the Trinity doctrine. This implies that the Son, the second person of the Trinity, took on human flesh in the person of Jesus. As a result, when Mary gave birth to Jesus, God entered the world. Jesus is defined as a God-man with two natures: divine and human. Jesus is believed to be completely God and fully human at the same time.
Humanity has been permanently absorbed into the Godhead as a result of incarnation; Son will still have an inseparable divine and human existence. The humanity of Jesus cannot be thrown away or melted back into the Godhead. Jesus will continue to live in heaven as a glorified man, although God, even after his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension back to the Father.
Different Christians in different churches in different regions had different views of Jesus right from the beginning of Christianity. These opinions include:
- Jesus was purely human and not a divine being
- Jesus was nothing else but a divine being
- Jesus was both divine and human.
Jesus in Islam
Jesus, peace be upon him, is one of the most important people listed in the Qur’an. Because he is a great messenger of God, Muslims respect and love Jesus. You may be shocked to learn that Jesus is mentioned by name in the Qur’an more than Muhammad, and that Mary,
Jesus’ mother has a Qur’an chapter named after her, an honor she does not receive in the New Testament. Even information about Jesus and Mary’s lives that are not found in the New Testament are included in the Qur’an in Surah Maryam.
Some argue that since Jesus’ birth was miraculous and he had no earthly parent, he must have had a divine father, and therefore he is literally the Son of God. Is this a true statement? The Qur’an makes a compelling case:
“In God’s eyes, Jesus is exactly like Adam: He made him from dust, said to him, ‘Be,’ and he was.” (3:59)
According to the Qur’an, the existence of the first human being, Adam, was also a miracle since he had neither a father nor a mother. Despite this, no one considers Adam to be divine because of his miraculous existence. As a result, the miraculous birth of Jesus cannot be used to attribute divinity to him.
In a similar vein, the birth of Eve, the first woman, was miraculous because she was made from Adam’s rib: a woman gave birth to a man. Take note of the Qur’an’s consistency: everything in creation is a product of God’s creative power: God simply says “Be,” and it is brought into being. In this respect, Jesus is no exception.
The Qur’an simplifies for mankind that Jesus the Messiah was a messenger in a long line of messengers:
“The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a messenger; other messengers had come and gone before him; his mother was a virtuous woman; both ate food [like other mortals]. See how clear We make these signs for them; see how deluded they are.” [5:75]
This verse exemplifies one of the Qur’an’s many beautiful qualities: simplicity. From children to adults, laypeople to scholars, the Qur’an provides a common message for people of all ages and backgrounds. When we consider the Qur’an’s example of Jesus’ need for sustenance, we can see how profound it is. Everything that needs nourishment, such as food, cannot be God.
What happens if the requirement isn’t met? In this scenario, Jesus will starve to death. However, we know that God is All-Powerful and that He cannot perish. After we feed, what happens to us as humans? We have to go to the bathroom. It would be blasphemous to entertain such a thought about God.
What are MBTI Dimensions & Personality Types?
The word personality is rooted in a Latin word ‘persona.’ The word persona refers to a theatrical mask work by performers in order to either look a definite way or disguise their characters. Carl Jung highlights the idea of “collective unconscious.” This notion refers to the innate psychological dispositions of all human beings.
Four Key Dichotomies
There are four dichotomies including 2 opposing styles each, which make a total of 8 different styles. The 8 styles are Extraversion (E), Introversion (I), Sensing (S), iNtuition (N), Judging (J), Perceiving (P), Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). Once it is determined what an individual style for the four dichotomies is, a four letter code is obtained. These four letters are the initials of each of the preferred styles.
MBTI Dichotomy – Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E)
Function: How do individuals get their energy?
Description: By spending quiet time alone or with a small group, introverts are energized. They seem to be more thoughtful and reserved. By spending time with individuals and in busy, productive surroundings, extraverts are energized. They seem to be outspoken and more verbal.
MBTI Dichotomy – Sensing vs. iNtuition (S/I)
Function: How do individuals take in the information?
Description: Sensors rely on their five senses and are interested in data that they can see, hear, and so on directly. They prefer to be hands-on students and are frequently characterized as “practical.” A more abstract level of thought focuses on iNtuitive; they are creative and more interested in ideas, patterns, and explanations.
MBTI Dichotomy- Judging vs. Perceiving (J/P)
Function: How do individuals make decisions?
Description: Judgers enjoy structure and order; they like organized stuff, and they hate last-minute revisions. Flexibility and spontaneity are valued by perceivers; they want to leave open things so they can change their minds.
MBTI Dichotomy –Thinking vs. Feeling (T/F)
Function: How individuals organize their world?
Description: Thinkers, in their heads, prefer to make decisions; they are interested in making the most rational, fair option. Feelers prefer to make choices in their hearts; they are interested in how people will be influenced by a decision, and whether it suits their beliefs.
MBTI Types
The above mentioned method of obtaining combination can yield 16 possible personality types:
Type | Abbreviation |
ISTJ | Introverted – Sensing – Thinking – Judging |
EXTJ | Extraverted – Sensing – Thinking – Judging |
ISTP | Introverted – Sensing – Thinking – Perceiving |
ESTP | Extraverted – Sensing – Thinking – Perceiving |
ISFJ | Introverted – Sensing – Feeling – Judging |
ESFJ | Extraverted – Sensing – Feeling – Judging |
ISFP | Introverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving |
ESFP | Extraverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving |
INFJ | Introverted – iNtution – Feeling – Judging |
ENFJ | Extraverted – iNtution – Feeling – Judging |
INFP | Introverted – iNtution – Feeling – Perceiving |
ENFP | Extraverted – iNtution – Feeling – Perceiving |
INTJ | Introverted – iNtution – Thinking – Judging |
ENTJ | Extraverted – iNtution – Thinking – Judging |
INTP | Introverted – iNtution – Thinking – Perceiving |
ENTP | Extraverted – iNtution – Thinking – Perceiving |
What MBTI was Jesus?
There are many opinions in this matter, but it is most agreed upon that Jesus was an INFJ.
Here’s the explanation to this stance:
- Although Jesus appears to be outgoing, sociable, and people-oriented, all of which are traits of extraversion, Jesus needed this time alone to interact with God. Jesus was more of an introvert person (I).
- Jesus was very aware of the value of each person and dealt with each situation accordingly. He had a sharp eye for the finer points of a situation. Jesus was a more intuitive person (N).
- Feelers base their choices on their own personal core beliefs and motivations. They place a high emphasis on kindness and harmony. There are several signs that indicate a preference for Feeling.
- From the beginning of his ministry, if not from the very beginning of his life, Jesus exhibited the characteristics of a Judging personality style in that he seemed to have a definite plan for his life, to know who he was and what his intention was.
This article was a review of the personality type of Jesus. It was found that he was more of an INFJ.
FAQs: What MBTI was Jesus?
Who is Jesus in Islam?
Jesus, peace be upon him, is one of the most important people listed in the Qur’an. Because he is a great messenger of God, Muslims respect and love Jesus.
What is the personality type of Jesus?
There are many opinions on this matter but the most agreed upon view is that he was an INFJ.
Who was Mary?
Mary (Maryam in Quran) was the mother of Jesus.
Are Jesus and Mary mentioned in the Quran?
Yes Jesus is mentioned in the Quran. It may be shocking to learn that Jesus is mentioned by name in the Qur’an more than Muhammad, and that Mary, Jesus’ mother, has a Qur’an chapter named after her, an honor she does not receive in the New Testament.
Who is Jesus in Christianity?
The Trinity is a theology that describes God as one being who resides eternally as three distinct persons: “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Simply put, it is “one God manifested in three persons.” The incarnation of God is a crucial part of the Trinity doctrine. This implies that the Son, the second person of the Trinity, took on human flesh in the person of Jesus. As a result, when Mary gave birth to Jesus, God entered the world. Jesus is defined as a God-man with two natures: divine and human. Jesus is believed to be completely God and fully human at the same time.
Do Muslims believe in Jesus?
Yes, Muslims believe in Jesus. Their faith is incomplete without a belief that Jesus is messenger of God (Allah)