What Enneagram Is An ENFP? (+3 Insights)

This article will take a look at the enneagrams that are most likely to be an ENFP and why. The article will introduce each of these personality types in detail and also highlight the traits that come about or exist as common ones between them.

What An Enneagram Is An ENFP?

The following enneagram types usually turn out to be ENFPs:

  • Type 7 Enneagram – The Enthusiast
  • Type 4 Enneagram – The Individualist
  • Type 2 Enneagram – The Helper

Let us take a look at these in detail and what traits they have in common with the ENFP personality type! Before we do that we will take a look at the ENFP personality type from the MBTI inventory in detail!

What Is The ENFP Personality Type?

This is the personality type that is extroverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving hence they are also known as the Campaigner; these individuals are full of energy and quite vibrant. They like to pursue the bigger things in life and are generally hopeful and want goodness for others as well.

These individuals are very sociable and like to attend events not just for the sake of partying but to meet new people, learn about them and form new emotional bonds; this is mostly due to the feeling function they possess hence they receive much satisfaction from any experience that stimulates it!

Furthermore, these personality types are quite insightful hence they do not just view the world through what is observant but also try to see beyond the face value of things. They are also of the opinion that everything is connected; however, they view these connections more through the lens of their emotions rather than logical thoughts and systems.

The campaigner is an interesting personality that can surprise others. It is easy for them to both focus on what their idealistic mind pushes them to work towards while also grabbing opportunities to socialize. However, sometimes these individuals get frustrated in their attempts to understand what people actually want. 

Enneagram Type 7: The Enthusiast

These individuals are versatile and spontaneous! They have a lot of energy in them and they like to be in high spirits! However, by continuously working themselves out, they can get tired and become exhausted and hence lose focus. They will become distracted and lose track of the goal they had in mind. It is obvious then that they have problems with impulsiveness and impatience.

Overall, these individuals are joyful and cheerful and that is what they emanate when they are around others. At their best, they want to focus on worthy goals that use their talents and strengths.

These enneagrams have been called enthusiasts because of the energy with which they approach the things in life that catch their eyes! They are like children who have a lot of energy, optimism and curiosity about the things that seem interesting to them. Furthermore, they are intelligent not in the sense of academics but in a way that they can process a lot of information and hence brainstorm in an effective manner. 

However, their ability to read and process much information and hence learn new skills can sometimes confuse them about what they are actually meant to do in life!

Basic Fear

The basic fear of this enneagram type is to be in pain. They absolutely hate pain and they do not want to be deprived in any manner. They will avoid situations where they might get hurt emotionally or physically because they do not want to deal with the experience or feeling of pain. However, because of this fear, they often miss out on worthwhile experiences.

However their fear of missing out does encourage them to take up routines that are not too structured and allow for last minute plans. They may even be unable to focus much on the task at hand because they are looking for a more interesting experience – one that will make them let go of what they are doing and scramble outside for some fun!

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.

Basic Desire

To be satisfied and fulfilled or content is the desire of this enneagram type 7. They want to feel complete and whole so that they do not have to rely on anyone else for their needs. It is also linked to their fear of being in pain and deprived. Hence, they strive to fulfill their needs in an independent manner and wish to be in a state that renders them safe.

At the same time, they do not want to miss out on joyful, stimulating and awesome experiences from life! They want to be part of the fun and seek excitement and joy from what they are doing. They want to feel happy and this leads them to oftentime justify or rationalize their negative feelings in a way that they are responsible for how they feel – even if it isn’t their own fault!

Type 7 ENFPs

The traits of a Type 7 ENFP are listed below:

  • Repress Emotions
  • Difficulty In Regulating Negative Emotions
  • Thrill Seekers
  • Travelers
  • Introverted

Who Is A Type 4 Enneagram?

They are also known as the individualist because of their desire to be self-sufficient and do things on their own terms. Being dramatic innately, expressive and sensitive describes them very well. Such individuals are very honest, creative and remain reserved and personal however they do long to connect with others. What prevents this? Their fear of being vulnerable or abandoned hence they tend to keep a distance. 

Another highlighting feature of such personalities is that they dislike the ordinary lifestyles people have most probably because they feel they cannot achieve something like this in their life.

The type 4 enneagram does have a dark side to itself. These enneagrams can become very toxic to themselves if left alone for too long. They fear that they will never develop a self identity with which they can understand themselves. However, they always feel as if something is missing from their life which they can’t seem to pinpoint. The type 4 enneagram is brutally honest with himself or herself; they accept feelings, thoughts, pain and fear which they experience. Hence they are often more equipped to go through experiences others may break during.

When their fears become too much, they can adopt the path of self destruction and engage in habits of excessive alcohol consumption, drugs, reckless sexual behavior and in the worst cases suicide. 

The type 4 also experiences very negative thoughts. They become extremely pessimistic and torment themselves with their thoughts to the extent that they view themself with hatred and dissent. They will try to drive away anyone who tries to help them. 

Basic Fear.

Type 4 enneagrams are confused about who they really are or what beliefs and values define them. They fear not having an identity or self worth. They feel as though they are not benefitting society and have no place in it. Such individuals become a victim of self pity and self indulgence and want to stay inside their thoughts.

Basic Desire.

Their basic desire stems from their fear; they want to discover themself and hence possess an identity. They want to be known for who they are and be visible in the eyes of others so maybe they can connect with them and experience the life of the ordinary and live the dream they imagine.

Type 4 ENFPs

Here are the major traits of a Type 4 ENFP:

  • Highly Creative
  • Introverted
  • Quiet
  • Seem Distant
  • Tendency For Art Related Professions

Who Is An Enneagram Type 2?

An enneagram type 2 is also known as the Helper because of their desire to help others and make their tasks easier or remove any burden upon them.  They are very caring and have great interpersonal skills that allow them to interact with people to help them and understand their situation and needs. Personality traits used to describe type 2s include possessive, demonstrative, helpful and people pleasing.

People with this type are very empathetic and have profound emotional intelligence thus it makes them more approachable and appealing to people who are in need of help and find it difficult to ask. They are friendly, generous and self sacrificing hence they overlook their own needs to fulfill those of others!

However, such closeness with others results in feelings of possessiveness. Also, they force their own self to forgo their feelings and need to make sure they are available to others for help; this may seem pretty good in the short term but they will end up pretty frustrated in the long run and their feelings may erupt like a huge volcano does!

Basic Fear.

Type enneagrams are scared they will be left alone and unloved. They want to belong somewhere, especially in someone’s heart. They feel that the only way they can do this is to feel worthy. How do they feel worthy? Well they have this innate core belief that they must be helpful in some way to another person – they must be able to help them get work done, provide the resources they need or be there for them in their difficult times.

This is why such people are often in the pursuit of trying to get close to others to find out how they can be of use to them! They will sometimes be too nosy and may become a source of irritability for others as they wonder why they are always around them!

Basic Desire.

The desire of enneagram type 2s stems from their fear that they will be left alone and unloved. Also, they feel they will be worthless not only in their own eyes but those of others too. Hence they want to be in a position where they can help other people and they will strive persistently to do so. They want to be recognized and appreciated for the help they provide and also be loved in return. This is the basic desire of enneagram type 2s that drives them to work hard to become close to others – a bit too close sometimes!

Type 2 ENFPs

Below are the most exhibited traits of a Type 2 ENFP:

  • Highly Sensitive
  • Empathetic
  • Introverted
  • Understand Feelings
  • Take Other People’s Burdens 
  • Helpful


This article took a look at the enneagrams that are likely to identify as an ENFP personality type from the MBTI inventory of personalities. The article also took a look at each of these enneagrams in detail and highlighted the traits they have in common with an ENFP. The article also described what an ENFP personality type is like.

If you’ve enjoyed the ”What Enneagram Is An ENFP?” you should take a look at ”What Enneagram Is An INTJ?” too.


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