This blog will cover topics like what is Auditory Processing Disorder, top jobs for people with Auditory Processing Disorder, its symptoms, types, and frequently asked questions.
What are the Top Jobs For People With Auditory Processing Disorder?
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a hearing impairment in which your brain has problems processing sounds. It can affect how you understand the language and other sounds around you. For example, the question, “What color is the sofa?” You may hear “What color is a cow?”
The top jobs for people with auditory processing disorder are listed below:
- Content writer
- Copywriter
- Blog writer
- Web designing
- Information Technology
Before we get into detail about jobs for people with an auditory processing disorder, let us understand all about auditory processing disorder
What is auditory processing disorder?
APD, also known as central hearing loss, is not a hearing loss or learning disorder. This means that your brain cannot “listen” to sounds in the normal way. This is not a problem to understand the meaning.
People of all ages can have APD. It usually starts during one’s childhood, but some people develop it later in their life. 2-7% of children have APD and men have it more often than women. APD can lead to delayed learning, so children with them may need extra help at school.
Although APD can occur at any age, symptoms usually begin in adolescence. The child may hear “normally” when in fact he has difficulty interpreting and using sounds correctly.
APD can be associated with other factors that cause a similar types of symptoms. This may be part of the reason why some people have dyslexia. And some experts think that children are sometimes diagnosed with ADHD if they have APD.
How listening in people with APD?
Listening is a complex process. Sound waves from our surroundings travel to our ears, where they transform into vibrations in the middle ear.
When the vibrations reach the inside, several sensory cells produce an electrical signal that passes through the cerebral nerve to the brain. In the brain, this signal is analyzed and processed to create a sound that you can recognize.
People with APD have problems with this phase of processing. As a result, they have difficulty understanding and responding to the sounds around them. It is important to realize that APD is a hearing impairment.
It is not a consequence of other conditions that may affect comprehension or attention, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, in some cases, APD may occur with these conditions.
What are the symptoms of auditory processing disorder?
Symptoms of APD may include:
- difficulty in understanding the language, especially in a noisy environment or when there are multiple speakers.
- people are constantly asked to change what they say or respond with words like “huh” or “what”
- misunderstanding of what was said requires a long response time during a conversation
- difficulty determining the source of sound/voice.
- recognition problems between the same sounds
- difficulty concentrating or paying attention is common
- problems with following or understanding fast speech or complicated instructions
- problems learning or listening to music
Symptoms of APD in children:
Your child may show signs mentioned below:
- Watching the conversations
- Knowing where the sound is coming from
- Listening to music
- Keep spoken instructions in mind, especially if there are multiple steps
- Understand what people are saying, especially in a loud place or when more than one person is speaking.
APD can influence your children’s ability to read, write, and spell, as well as their ability to speak. They can omit words or combine similar sounds.
They may also find it challenging to converse with others. They may be unable to process and respond swiftly to what others are saying.
Because of these symptoms, people with APD may have difficulty listening. However, because the problem involves sound processing, tests always show that their ability to hear is normal.
Because they have difficulty processing and understanding sounds, people with APD often have problems with learning activities, especially oral ones.
How is APD diagnosed?
There is no standard procedure for diagnosing APD. The first part of the process involves writing a complete history.
This may include evaluating your symptoms and when they start, as well as checking if you have risk factors for APD.
- Multidisciplinary perspective
Since many conditions are similar or prevalent to APD, a multidisciplinary perspective is often used to make the diagnosis.
This will help your healthcare provider to rule out any other possible causes for your hearing-related issues and APD.
Here are some examples:
- An audiologist can perform various hearing tests to understand if there is a physical issue that is causing the problem.
- A psychologist can assess the person’s cognitive functioning.
- A speech therapist can assess your oral and written communication skills that can be a developmental delay or associated with other conditions.
- Teachers can provide feedback on any teaching or other challenges they feel they face within the classroom and school premises.
- Test evaluation method
Based on the information provided by the multidisciplinary team from the investigation it conducted, the audiologist determines the diagnosis.
Some examples of the types of tests they can use include:
- Find out if your condition is caused by other hearing-related issues or is it APD
- Testing your ability to listen and understand speech in different scenarios, including background noise, competitive speech, and fast speech
- See if you can detect subtle changes in sound, such as changes in intensity or pitch measures your ability to recognize patterns in sounds
- The use of electrodes to monitor your brain activity and listen to sounds with headphones can give better insights as to what is going on
What are the causes of APD?
It is not fully understood what exactly causes APD. However, risk factors and potential causes are discussed below:
- Developmental problems or delays in the area of the brain whose function is a sound processing
- Genetics play a major role
- Neurological changes associated with aging
- Damage to the nervous system is caused by degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, infections such as meningitis, or head injuries.
- Recurrent otitis media
- Lack of oxygen in the brain, low birth weight, and jaundice are among problems that can occur during or shortly after childbirth.
How to treat APD?
APD treatment is tailored to your individual needs based on evaluations made during the diagnostic process but there is no cure for the condition.
The treatment focuses on:
- Learning to handle sounds better
- Support from teachers and classroom
- Frequency modulation to help hear with more clarity
- Speech therapy
- Learning your skills to have a better life
- Making changes in your study or work environment to better manage your situation
How to make changes in your environment?
Making changes in your environment can also help you manage your APD. Some examples of environmental changes and lifestyle changes are:
- Adjust the furniture in the room so that it is less noisy, such as using carpets instead of hard floors
- Avoid objects that can generate background noise, such as fans, radios, or televisions
- Sit close to the sound source in situations where communication is needed, such as a business meeting or classroom
- Elimination of too many sources of sound
- Asking others to nudge you a little before talking to you
- Use relaxation techniques to deal with daily stressors
- Join support groups for people with APD
- Use microphones to hear things properly
- Use visual aids to process the information
Top Jobs for People With APD
The labor market is now friendlier for people with any type of disabilities or disorders. This is because the right job for a person depends on his skills, talent, interests, and goals.
People looking for work may be vigilant when applying, but there are hundreds of jobs. It is also helpful for those who need help creating their resume.
Jobs that involve written communication
A person with APD can look for jobs where there is more of a written communication-related job description as they face difficulties with processing sounds and verbal communication.
- Content writer
- Copywriter
- Blog writer
- Web designing
- Information Technology
- Librarian
- Administration management
- Shelf stocking at grocery stores
- Data entry
- Written Translation
- Software developers
- Graphic designer
All these jobs can be done from home and help a person with APD to have a better sense of control over their environment and do great in their work.
Jobs where you need to focus on a particular task at a time
People with APD face difficulty when bombarded with lots of sounds and multitasking but they can be great at things that require undivided attention
- Massage therapist
- Yoga teacher/instructor
- Accounting
- Photography
Other jobs good for people with APD
- Librarian
- Administration management
- Shelf stocking at grocery stores
- Data entry
- Written Translation
- Software developers
- Graphic designer
APD often reinforces another skill. When someone isn’t that adept with something, they usually return the other way around. Their talent for something can also help build a future career.
This fun may be from us to make people with learning disabilities feel confident. The types of artwork include:
- Graphic designer
- Author
- Computer animation
- Musician
- Interior Designing
Everyone has the right to work. You may need to have a source of income for yourself and others. APD can make a person feel inferior to others, unable to work, or can slow others down.
However, if you focus on the job you want and find ways to deal with any issues you have, it is not impossible to get the job done.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): What are the Top Jobs For People With Auditory Processing Disorder?
Is hearing impairment considered a limitation?
Hearing impairment is a type of learning disability. Learning disabilities relate to many disorders that can affect the acquisition, organization, storage, understanding, or use of verbal or non-verbal information.
Is Hearing Disorder A Mental Illness?
Mental disorders associated with central hearing loss include schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, depression, auditory hallucinations, Parkinson’s disease, alcoholism, anorexia, and mental retardation in children.
Is APD on the autism spectrum?
It is important to realize that APD is a hearing impairment. It is not a consequence of other conditions like ASD or ADHD that can affect comprehension or attention. However, in certain cases, APD can occur with other conditions like the autism spectrum.
Does auditory processing disease increase with age?
As people age, small hearing problems increase and can affect everyday life. The auditory nervous system becomes somewhat less flexible with age, which means that listening and processing speech, especially background noise, is more demanding.
Does APD affect reading?
Children and adults with hearing impairments do not normally process hearing information. If deficiencies are not identified or addressed in time, speech and language processing problems can later cause problems in reading progress.
Is hearing impairment genetic?
The cause of central hearing loss (CAPD) may be genetic, but may also be related to birth trauma and middle ear infection leading to temporary hearing loss. CAPD can also be associated with other disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and aphasia.