Tony Robbins DISC Test (Everything you need to know)
In this brief guide, we will look at the Tony Robbins DISC Test, its meaning, the DISC profiles that one might receive from this test, and some other information about Tony Robbins and who he is.
Tony Robbins DISC Test
Tony Robbins DISC test is used for the assessment of the communication style of the person as well as their suitability to a job situation or as an aptitude test.
The Tony Robbins DISC test results should not be considered final, however, as they have not been validated scientifically and their reliability has not been measured either, which are crucial measures in case of a personality assessment.
Furthermore, Tony Robbins has been hailed as a life coach and management guru, but since he has no training in psychology and he does not have the necessary qualifications to design a personality assessment, one needs to ensure that they don’t depend completely on the DISC profile to draw conclusions about their personality.
Additionally, when the Tony Robbins DISC Test is used in an organizational setting by employers to understand the personality of their workers, it should be used in conjunction with other tests that are slightly more validated, like the Myers Briggs Type indicator (although even this test has questionable validity), and they should not be the only measure of personality that the employer depends on.
The Tony Robbins DISC test has 4 main aspects, and it is based on the DISC theory given by psychologist William Moulton Marston.
These four aspects are Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness, which are meant to measure the type of leadership, communication and workplace personality a person might have.
However, this test, and others like it, have been criticized thoroughly for the lack of evidence they don’t talk about nearly enough, and many scientists have shown concern at what these results could mean for the person that is made to take such a test and does not show the necessary qualities for a role.
There have also been some reports that tests like the Tony Robbins DISC test can also lead to improper work culture like being passed over for promotions or being handed less important projects simply because of the personality type of the individual, and one particularly scathing New York Times article calls tests like these the “Astrology of the Office”.
According to the DISC test, the person may receive scores on the four subsets, each of which imply the following things:
Dominance: High scorers will be Direct, Results-Oriented, Decisive, Competitive and likely have Problem Solver tendencies.
Influence: The person with high scores on influence is likely to be Charming, Enthusiastic, Optimistic, Persuasive and Inspiring.
Steadiness: Someone with high scores on steadiness may be Understanding, a Team Player, Patient, Stable and Sincere.
Conscientiousness: An individual with high scores on this domain may be Analytical, Diplomatic, Precise, Compliant and Objective.
DISC Theory
As mentioned previously, the DISC is meant to be a modern interpretation of the DISC theory by psychologist William Moulton Marston, and he formulated this theory as a means of explaining some personality types on the basis of their workplace related behaviors and communication styles.
William Moulton Marston was a famous psychologist who also wrote self-help books and created the character of Wonder Woman, as well as the systolic blood pressure machine which later became a part of the lie detector test, and he gave the DISC theory in a book he wrote in 1928, titled Emotions of the Normal People.
Though the title says Normal people, one also needs to remember that this aspect of normal is based on more commonly found people in that time, rather than the normal vs abnormal classification.
Based on his DISC theory, Marsten also stated that the “masculine notion of freedom that is inherently anarchic and violent and an opposing feminine notion based on “Love Allure” that leads to an ideal state of submission to loving authority.”
The DISC theory given by Marsten was adopted into the DISC test by an industrial psychologist called Walter Vernon Clarke.
According to Marston, people show or express their basic or core emotions using four behavior types: Dominance (D), Inducement (I), Submission (S), and Compliance (C), and these have been changed to Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness in the Tony Robbins DISC test.
Marsten said that these behavioral types came from people’s sense of self and their interaction with the environment and he has based these four types on two main underlying dimensions that he thought influenced people’s emotional behavior.
The first dimension in this theory is whether someone views their environment as favorable or unfavorable while the second dimension is whether someone perceives themselves as having control or lack of control over their environment.
Walter Clarke, the industrial psychologist who created the DISC assessment based on the DISC theory given by Marsten, created the the Activity Vector Analysis, which was a checklist of adjectives which he asked people to ascribe to themselves based on which they thought described them best.
The primary use of this assessment was the same as the Tony Robbins DISC Test, and it was intended for use in businesses needing assistance in choosing qualified employees.
Merenda, Peter F. and Clarke published their findings on a new instrument in the January 1965 issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychology, but instead of using a checklist, the “Self Description” test forced respondents to make a choice between two or more terms.
A statistical Factor analysis of this assessment added to the support of a DISC-based instrument and “Self Description” was used by John Geier to create the Personal Profile System in the 1970s.
Geier’s DiSC assessment eventually became Everything DiSC which is now owned by John Wiley & Sons.
DISC has been used to help determine a course of action when dealing with problems as a leadership team—that is, taking the various aspects of each type into account when solving problems or assigning jobs and projects to individuals in the workplace.
According to the DISC Theory of Marsten, the four aspects work as enumerated below:
- Dominance produces activity in an antagonistic environment
- Inducement produces activity in a favorable environment
- Submission produces passivity in a favorable environment
- Compliance produces passivity in an antagonistic environment.
DISC Test Samples
Most people want to know what the DISC test sample looks like, so here is an examples:
“Your report is organized into four main sections:
Section I is devoted entirely to you and your unique behavioral style based on your responses to DiSC Classic. First you will see your DiSC Graph, the basis of your feedback. Then, in Stage 1, you will learn about your Highest DiSC Dimension and your tendencies, needs, preferred environment, and strategies for effectiveness. In Stage 2 you’ll be able to explore your Intensity Index to become more aware of your potential strengths and weaknesses. Stage 3 will help you discover how your D, i, S, and C dimensions combine to form your unique Classical Profile Pattern.
Section II covers the DiSC model and descriptions of the four DiSC Dimensions with corresponding tendencies, needs, preferred environments, and effectiveness strategies for each.
Section III overviews all 15 Classical Profile Patterns.
Section IV provides the scoring and data analysis behind your report.
Section V provides optional supplemental reports.
As you read your report, please keep in mind that no dimension or pattern in DiSC Classic is better or worse than another and there are no right or wrong answers. Rather, the report shows your unique responses to your environment. You may want to read your report through once, then use a pen or highlighter to customize the results by crossing out any statements that don’t apply and highlighting all those that do.”
DISC Personality Types: Examples
Here are some of the most commonly cited examples of the DISC personality types according to the home website of DISC profiles and the Everything DISC test:
“DC – Challenge, results, accuracy
Goals: Independence, personal accomplishment
Fears: Failure to achieve to their own standards
Leadership qualities: Setting high expectations, speaking up about problems
D – results, action, challenge
Goals: Bottom-line results, victory
Fears: Being taken advantage of or appearing weak
Leadership qualities: Showing confidence, taking charge, focusing on results
Di – action, results, enthusiasm
Goals: Quick action, new opportunities
Fears: Loss of power
Leadership qualities: Stretching the boundaries, finding opportunities
iD – action, enthusiasm, results
Goals: Exciting breakthroughs
Fears: Fixed environments, loss of approval or attention
Leadership qualities: Finding opportunities, promoting bold action
i – enthusiasm, action, collaboration
Goals: Popularity, approval, excitement
Fears: Rejection, not being heard
Leadership qualities: Showing enthusiasm, building professional networks
iS – collaboration, enthusiasm, support
Goals: Friendship
Fears: Pressuring others, being disliked
Leadership qualities: Being approachable, acknowledging contributions
Si – collaboration, support, enthusiasm
Goals: Acceptance, close relationships
Fears: Being forced to pressure others, facing aggression
Leadership qualities: Creating a positive environment, acknowledging contributions
S – support, stability, collaboration
Goals: Harmony, stability
Fears: Letting people down, rapid change
Leadership qualities: Staying open to input, showing diplomacy
SC – stability, support, accuracy
Goals: Calm environments, fixed objectives, steady progress
Fears: Time pressure, uncertainty, chaos
Leadership qualities: Maintaining composure, being fair minded
CS – stability, accuracy, support
Goals: Stability, reliable outcomes
Fears: Emotionally charged situations, ambiguity
Leadership qualities: Showing modesty, being fair minded
C – accuracy, stability, challenge
Goals: Accuracy, objective processes
Fears: Being wrong, strong displays of emotion
Leadership qualities: Communicating with clarity, promoting disciplined analysis
CD – challenge, accuracy, results
Goals: Efficient results, rational decisions
Fears: Failure, lack of control
Leadership qualities: Creates high standards, improving methods”
In the examples above, the abbreviations stand for the core trait of the person and the other main trait they show, for instance, DC may mean Dominance and conscientiousness.
In this brief guide, we looked at the Tony Robbins DISC Test, its meaning, the DISC profiles that one might receive from this test, and some other information about Tony Robbins and who he is.
The DISC test is one of the personality assessments that is fairly common online, and though it is not as scientifically validated, many people like to explore their personality through it.
Tony Robbins is often touted as a life coach and his DISC test is quite famous as well, with people often wanting to know how to pass it and so on, but it is not the only DISC test available and it is also not validated or reliable, which is why the results should be taken with a grain of salt.
The other DISC test that measures personality traits is more validated and reliable, and if you want an assessment of your personality, it would be more beneficial to go to a clinician or expert so they can do it for you.
If you have any more questions or comments about the Tony Robbins DISC Test, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Tony Robbins DISC Test
Is Tony Robbins DiSC assessment free?
Yes, Tony Robbins DISC assessment is free, and it has been designed for individuals who want to identify and maximize their strengths and motivators, as well as for organizations looking to integrate high-performance teams, however, there are payments involved at a later stage and the person usually has to pay for their full profiles.
What are the 4 DiSC personality types?
The 4 DISC personality types are D (dominance), I (influence), S (steadiness), and C (conscientiousness).
The DISC model looks at a continuum of pace, that is, the activity and energy level of the person, and a continuum of skepticism or trust.
What is the best DiSC assessment?
The best DISC assessment has been said to be the Everything DiSC Workplace, as it can give you a clear overview of the person’s style along with insights about their strengths and where they need to stretch.
What is Tony Robbins MBTI personality type?
Tony robbins’ MBTI personality type is ENTJ, or extraverted, intuitive, thinking and judging.