The Dynamic Personality (The Complete Guide)

This article will attempt to explain what a dynamic personality is, how it differs from the traditional perspective on personality and what are the characteristics of a dynamic personality. Furthermore, it will explore the reasons as to why the need for a dynamic personality arises.

What is a Dynamic Personality?

A dynamic personality can be defined in terms of a person’s ability to make sense of a situation and behave, think or feel in an appropriate manner. It may entail diverting from one’s usual way of behaving, thinking and/or feeling in order to handle the situation well. 

In order to be a truly dynamic personality, the following areas must lie in synch:

  • Mindset
  • Behaviour
  • Communication
  • Goals

Before we understand why it is necessary to incorporate these aspects when trying to create a dynamic personality, let us take a look at how the traditional perspective differs from this concept!

Personality – The Traditional View

Personality is described as the relatively stable pattern of traits that include how you behave, think and feel across a wide number of situations. It is distinct for every person however considered to be relatively stable within each person. Hence, it is easy to define someone’s personality because we have always defined it as a stable pattern of traits.

However, the term ‘dynamic personality’ does not seem to fit anywhere into the traditional perspective. How is it then do we understand this new term and fit it into our worldview. Also, why did the need arise for this new concept of personality? 

In this section of the article, we will explore the reasons why people tend to behave differently from their so-called ‘established’ pattern of acting or thinking in almost all situations.


Motivation is one of the driving factors of change; is this change applicable to the personality of individuals? According to recent research, yes it is applicable and a real phenomenon. 

Motivation has been one of the drivers of change in human history where the need or desire to achieve something has led to much progress and development. It arises when we see something wrong with the current system or strive to achieve a better form of what we have. Similarly, sometimes we identify traits in our personality that we may deem detrimental to our physical or emotional health, our loved ones or our goals in life. Hence, we decide to become dynamic. We change ourselves according to the situation and its requirements.

For example, many people have the common trait of being lazy. They have no issue with it however it oftentimes interferes with their day to day needs or goals and results in them getting left behind. Some people are okay with it while others are not. Nevertheless, times do come when we want to achieve something that is in the long term. We suddenly have this drive in ourselves to acquire what we desire; it could be a material goal or an experience. 

The drive is so strong that we are able to go against our natural behavior, not just for a little while but for quite a long duration. This is what defines a dynamic personality. They realize the need for change and internalize it to the extent that it shows in their everyday behaviour.


Have you ever been impressed by someone who, for as long as you know never spoke up for you, but suddenly when you got in trouble they took the blame or defended you? 

Yes, that is a dynamic personality. They encaptivate you with their behaviour in the sense that it is something you look up to. The person recognizes the need to behave in certain situations that may well go against what they want or desire however, due to the situation, they adopt a certain set of traits that help tackle whatever it is in the immediate surroundings.

Such people are very observant of their surroundings and have this ability to quickly adapt according to people’s expectations or requirements in order to meet goals. They are considered dynamic and perfect for the situation and people are confident that these certain types of individuals will get something done out of the situation.

It is hence situations or the needs that arise in these situations that push people to adopt dynamic personalities. 


Experience is known for incorporating flexibility in even the most rigid and stubborn of men. Many people believe that nothing can make them change their ways and they will behave in however manner they have always behaved regardless of the situation and they themselves have no such motivation to be flexible. However, it is various experiences from life that makes them realize the need to be dynamic in terms of how they behave, think or feel. 

Having a dynamic personality is not only an added quality but a necessity, especially in today’s world that is itself so dynamic and complex. Things are changing at a very fast rate due to new technology and easy communication. From experience and quite possibly learning the hard way, people now realize that they have to be flexible otherwise they won’t get too far ahead in life.

Nature of Work – What You Do For A Living.

Some jobs require us to be dynamic. We need to be able to adapt quickly to the surroundings in order to impress our clients, achieve what we need and not let any opportunity get out of our hands. 

Jobs relevant to the crisis management domain, leadership especially in the international forum and the judicial system require one to have a dynamic personality. Having such a personality will not only allow them to process the change that is going on but also how they can behave appropriately.

What Defines A Dynamic Personality?

We will now look at what aspects of the human being are essential in order to have the dynamic personality which has been discussed in the article.


If you can’t understand change, you can’t be the change.In order to be able to develop a dynamic personality one should have a dynamic mindset. They need to be able to recognize the need for change, understand and process it in terms of how it affects them and what needs to be done and finally determine how they must react to this change.

Having such a mindset does not mean you do not have values or beliefs but it means you have values and beliefs that are rational, applicable across various situations and hold valid when you test them. In the case your belief system is not able to process what is going on, it must be adapted to accommodate what is occurring. 

Individuals who do not have dynamic mindsets are unable to accept what is going on in their surroundings and remain mostly in denial. They do not reach the stage where they can even attempt to alter their reactions as they fail at the first step.


This is a very important aspect that must be addressed in order to have a dynamic personality. Many people recognize the need for being flexible, however, they do not have the ability, strength, motivation or courage to change their behaviour. So say you know someone is being wrongly accused, however you do not speak up. A person who is an introvert but recognizes the dire need to speak up may go against their traits and speak so as to address the need of the situation and what their mind is processing.


People who have dynamic personalities have a very good way of communicating with others due to the realization that they will be experiencing different people, situations and complex matters hence they ensure that their communication has the following qualities:

  • Concise
  • Simple language (avoid jargons)
  • Articulate – they speak clearly
  • Think before they speak
  • Do not interrupt others
  • Affirmation – restate what others say


People set goals so they progress in life and achieve what they want. But oftentimes people become very narrow minded or they confuse their goals with their vision. This can result in getting left behind, experiencing failure and frustration and possibly giving up.

Goals are only there to help one achieve what they truly believe in. Changing one’s vision or end goal is not necessarily a part of dynamic personality especially if that vision is rational, necessary and sustainable. However, our goals are short term, concise and the result of quick thinking so they may not be very practical in every situation and might be needed to change if we are to truly progress.

People who have dynamic personalities recognize the nature of goals; hence if they feel the goals are not allowing them to progress to their vision they change or modify them. Some people are rigid and once they make up their mind do not change their behavior – this can be quite detrimental and they may lose many opportunities in the process and be unable to understand why they are consistently failing.

Hence, in order to be truly dynamic it is necessary that individuals incorporate flexibility in the above listed areas.


The article stated what a dynamic personality is and how it does not fit into the traditional perspective of psychology. Furthemore, it highlighted the reasons as to why such a personality may be needed and what areas of the human being must be addressed in order to create a dynamic personality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a dynamic personality?

If a person is energetic and adaptable they are most likely to be dynamic. A dynamic personality is one that adapts to the changes in their surroundings in the right manner.

What is the meaning of dynamic?

It is something marked by continuous change or productivity.

How can a person become dynamic?

They should be a good listener, not interrupt others, speak clearly, dress to impress and have a good few stories to tell.


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