Sample Resignation Letter for Chef (5 samples)

In this brief guide, we will look at some sample resignation letters for a chef.

Sample Resignation Letter for Chef 

A resignation letter for a chef is no different from resignation letters in any other agency, given that there is an employee/employer relationship even, in this case, it is just that the industry is very specific.

The sample resignation letter for a chef may also be adopted by other kinds of kitchen staff, line cooks, pastry chefs, or kitchen assistants; basically, anyone working in a kitchen may use these sample resignation letters.

Training to become a chef is hard, and sometimes a job you are at currently may be part of your training, and so needing to resign from the job may be challenging and you may refer to anyone sample resignation letter for a chef that we have provided below.

Sample Resignation Letter for Chef: Sample 1

This sample resignation letter for a chef is pretty basic and simple, it talks about why they are leaving, and the fact that they enjoyed their time very much and that it has been hard for them to decide to leave.

“January 1, 2019

John Smith


123 Road, St., New York NY 11121

Company Inc.

Bryan Doe

Restaurant Manager

123 Business Road, New York NY 11121

Dear Bryan —

It is with a heavy heart that I must submit a notice for my employment to end at the ideal date of September 1, 2019, and relieve my duties as Chef of the Bull & Bear Establishment. My time with this restaurant was nothing more than spectacular.

I was able to learn how to truly become a chef here. And it will be difficult for me not to be part of the team on a regular basis. We have made more than 10,000 customers extremely happy with their meals.

I have spoken with Matthew Smith regarding training my replacement and ensuring a smooth transition. I want to thank you again for this opportunity to serve your patrons and be part of your restaurant establishment.


John Smith”

Sample Resignation Letter for Chef: Sample 2

This sample resignation letter for a chef takes a friendly tone but is a good example of a brief and concise resignation letter.

All resignation letters, regardless of what industry they are being used, need to be professional and as concise as possible, this is a quality all employers greatly appreciate in general.

“February 17, 2019

Nick Scott


Golden Diner

733 Mushroom Drive

Miami, FL 64932

RE: Resignation Notice

Dear Mr. Scott:

This is to inform you that I have accepted an executive chef position in another restaurant. Therefore, I would like to offer my resignation effective on March 7th.

​I appreciate the professional development and growth from Golden Diner, and in particular, from you. Your mentoring support has encouraged me, and I hope that we will continue our relationship as I move forward in my career. If there is anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to ask me. I can be reached at 305-3188 or

I wish you, and Golden Diner continued growth and success in the future.


​Aaron Greene

Sous Chef​”

Sample Resignation Letter for Chef: Sample 3

This sample resignation letter is written in a situation where the person has accepted another job offer and is thanking the current employer for all the experience and good time they have had.

It is a fine line between friendly and unprofessional in a resignation letter, especially when one is trying to be appreciative; it is important to briefly discuss the highlights but also important that one does not reminisce about everything important that ever happened.

This example shows a good balance between the two perspectives.

“Dear Ms. Peters,

I am writing to let you know that I am resigning from my position as head cook at ABC Family Restaurant. I have recently been offered a position elsewhere that I believe will better help me to reach my career goals, and have decided to accept. My last day of work at ABC Family Restaurant will be June 15, 2014, so I hope that you will understand and accept this letter as my official two weeks’ notice of resignation.

I hope that my moving on from the restaurant will not cause any inconvenience to you or the customers. I will of course continue to work as hard as ever during my last two weeks and am also willing to help train a replacement cook if needed. Feel free to call me any time at (555)-555-5555 or email me at [email] if you would like to discuss this matter with me further and I will return messages as quickly as possible.

I have enjoyed working at ABC Family Restaurant and will miss the great environment and staff. I am of course grateful for the excellent experience I have earned and know it will serve me well in my future endeavors. I wish ABC Family Restaurant continued success and thank you for your patience and cooperation with me at this time.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Frederick

Martin A. Frederick”

Sample Resignation Letter for Chef: Sample 4

This sample resignation letter for a chef is actually written by kitchen staff but may be changed slightly and used by a chef as well, as there are similarities in the letters used across these two positions.

It is a good example of an extremely detailed letter and while one may write one like this, it is always best to keep it on the shorter side.

“Date: 5th November 2014


Stephan (kitchen staff)

Dun church Park Hotel, Rugby Rd,

Dun church, Warwickshire CV22 6QW, United Kingdom


The hotel manager

Dun church Park Hotel

Rugby Rd

Dun church, Warwickshire CV22 6QW

United Kingdom

Dear Sir,

This is to inform you that I wish to resign as kitchen staff from your fine institution effective from 10th November 2014. Sorry to intimate you of my resignation just 5 days prior to the date, I am on something of a deadline, unfortunately. I am passionate about my career to become a top chef therefore I need to resign as I want to continue my further studies.

To succeed in my career I would like to accept the opportunity from Imperial Hotel Management College Canada. I am willing to join this college in order to complete my masters in hotel management so that I can become a top chef in the future. So I have decided to move to Canada as soon as possible because my classes are going to start on the 13th of this month.

Hope you understand and accept my resignation letter. I am willing to work in your most leading Dun church Park Hotel in the united kingdom even after my masters. There will be recruitment in the future for me I hope.

I have enjoyed my work here with the remaining kitchen staff and learned many things that may help in my career growth. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to prove myself and gain experience during my internship. I appreciate you providing useful training during my internship. I personally thank everyone who helped me to learn many things regarding the kitchen.

I hope you will understand my problem and encourage me. I wish Dun church Park Hotel and all staff members for great success and a bright future ahead.

I will be waiting for soon acceptance of my resignation.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


Sample Resignation Letter for Chef: Sample 5

This sample resignation letter is a good example of the kind of brief letter that most people would expect from a resignation letter for a chef.

“Today’s Date

Manager’s Name

Manager’s Title

Restaurant Name

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager:

This is to inform you that I have accepted a position in another restaurant. Therefore, I would like to offer my resignation dated [date].

I appreciate the professional development and growth from [Restaurant Name], and in particular, from you. 

Your mentoring support has encouraged me, and I hope that we will continue our relationship as I move forward in my career.

I wish you continued growth and success in the future.


Your signature

Your typed name”

Sample Resignation Letter for Chef: Sample 6

This sample resignation letter for a chef talks briefly about the fact that they have to leave, the reason for leaving (accepted a position elsewhere without going into specifics), and their last day.

These are elements that must be present in any good resignation letter.

“Today’s Date

Manager’s Name

Manager’s Title

Restaurant Name

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager:

Please accept this letter of resignation from the position of the chef, effective two weeks from today. My last day at [Restaurant Name] will be [date].

I have accepted a position with another restaurant that will further my growth and development in my career. 

I have enjoyed working at [Restaurant Name] and will miss my colleagues. However, this new position will challenge my growth and further my career.

During the next two weeks, I am willing to help you in any way to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

This includes assisting in recruiting and training my replacement. Please let me know if there is anything specific that you would like me to do.

Again, it has been a pleasure working as a part of your restaurant.

Best regards,

Your signature

Your typed name”


In this brief guide, we looked at some sample resignation letters for a chef. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Sample Resignation Letter for Chef

How to write a resignation letter for chef de partie?

To write a resignation letter for the chef de partie you need to ensure that you have spoken to your manager already and they are aware of your intention to leave. 

After that you may write a resignation letter you may include the following elements:

Name and address of the recipient
Declaration of resignation
Effective date/notice 
Reason for leaving (brief)
Highlights/gratitude/acknowledgment of things learned
Signing off/Warm regard/Regards

What to write in a resignation letter for hotel kitchen chefs?

Here is part of what you can write in a resignation letter for hotel kitchen chefs: “Dear (manager name), through this letter I wish to inform you that I have decided to tender my resignation effective (date). I have had a lot of fun working in your kitchen and have learned a lot, but it is now time for me to look further in my career. Thank you for the experience.”

How do I write a resignation letter for the hotel industry?

To write a resignation letter for the hotel industry you may write something to the effect of, “Respected sir/ma’am, I regret to inform you that I need to resign from the position of (Name), from your esteemed hotel (name) effective (Date). I have to go abroad for further studies and I will make sure that I apply all that I have learned at your fine institution in my education.”

Other Sample resignation & Leave letters you may like

Below is a list of other sample resignation letters we have curated.

Remember, your health comes first and if you are feeling exhausted or work is simply stressing you out then taking a break doesn’t make you weak but strong.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.


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