Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care (5+ samples)

In this brief guide, we will look at how to write a Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care.

Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care 

A Sabbatical leave letter for child care is a letter written to apply for a leave of absence from the office for the specific purpose of taking care of your children and may be taken as an extension of your maternity leave or taken separately as well, at some other point.

A sabbatical is usually of a longer duration than a casual leave or a general leave of absence, and usually involves pain or unpaid time off for a while, and is usually taken in cases when the person needs to deal with a significant thing of some sort.

The maternity leave in the U.S., and in most other parts of the world, refers to the time taken from the time of delivery, or a couple of weeks prior, to about 3 months after the baby is born, while in some cases and some countries it can be up to 6-8 months as well.

A sabbatical leave letter for child care is separate from maternity leave, and may also not be covered by laws like the FMLA or other employment regulations.

The FMLA does generally allow for unpaid leaves of long duration, like a sabbatical, for employees who need to take time off to fulfill their parental responsibilities or even take care of foster duties.

Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care: Sample 1

This sabbatical leave letter for child care states its purpose very clearly and precisely, without wasting too many words.

The person specifies why maternity leave is not able to cover the child care needs they have and they also specify that they don’t have people around to help.



The Managing Director

Office Name

Office Address

Subject: (Child Care Leave Application)

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am Nasima Khatun (Your Name) and I am currently working in the Accounts department (Your Department) as Junior Accountant (Your Designation) at your reputed office.

I am writing this letter to you to inform you that I am currently on Maternity Leave and delivered a baby on 10.01.2018 and want to request you to extend my maternity leave for two more months as my husband works in a different city and could not help me in taking care of our baby.

We could not find a nanny for our child yet that’s why I need some extra day leave to take care of my baby.

There is no relative or close friend who can take care of our baby. So, I request you to grant me some extra day leave. I will be very much grateful to you if you grant my leave application.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

Nasima Khatun (Your Name)

Junior Accountant (Your Designation)

Contact No.


Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care: Sample 2

This is another great example of how short and to the point, a sabbatical leave letter for child care needs to be, as it mentions all the relevant details like what the person needs, why they need it, the relevant dates they may be able to fit into the leave and so on.

One needs to ensure that they have covered all the details required like where they work, what their designation is, what their needs are, and so on.

“Dear Sir / Madam,

I _______(Your name) working in ______ (Section/Department), Regional Office, Little Rock, recently had a baby ___(girl/boy) and currently on Maternity Leave.

My husband is in an ______ (IT/manufacturing Company) with extensive working hours allowing him with very limited availability to support me in taking care of the baby. My mother-in-law is _________________(mention the reason why your mother-in-law is not able to support you, eg, she is working in an office herself and has very limited leaves). Initially, she was available to assist me for _____ (no. of days/month) month exhausting her leaves completely.

Due to the untimely demise of my mother in the past, I have no support from my family.  I am the primary caretaker of the baby needs taking care of her 24X7, as there is no relative or family member to support me.

I humbly request you to consider my condition and sanction a Child Care leave for a period of ____(no.of days) days. This will help me to take care of my growing kid.

Thank You for all your support.



Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care: Sample 3

This is a relatively longer sabbatical leave letter for child care and goes into more detail about the duties the person hopes to perform before they leave and even as they are on sabbatical.

In addition, this sabbatical leave letter also asks for a longer leave than most other leave letters which is something that one may choose to do, and if your employer is not agreeing to this, you may be able to look at some legal options.

“Dear (name), 

I would like to hereby formally request the opportunity to take a (6/12) month sabbatical leave, commencing 6 months from today, on (day/month/year). I have been at (your position) at (name) university for (X) years and as you are aware I recently had a baby, who is not keeping well currently and my husband is also working in another city.

I am quite busy taking care of my baby and since that is proving to be rather challenging on its own, I hope that you will grant me this favor, I will be so grateful. I hope to be able to accomplish the goals that I have been working on since my return from my maternity leave and will finish them before I start the sabbatical, and I will hopefully return to the faculty with a renewed sense of energy.

During my time off, I try my best to be available by email or phone should the need arise that my input is required for a project. I have enclosed further information regarding my aims to achieve at the end of my sabbatical and am very much looking forward to taking the time off for this purpose. Thank you so much for your consideration.



Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care: Sample 4

This sabbatical leave letter for child care is also asking for an extension on maternity leave, and in most cases, the employer is required to give time off as they are not legally required to provide child care options but people are also allowed to take time off for parental duties should they need to.

“Subject: Application for extension of maternity leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you of my need to take an extension on my maternity leave as I have not been able to find a suitable source of child care for my baby, and I would like to formally ask you to provide me an extension of {Number of weeks} on maternity leave available to me. 

I hope to start my maternity leave on the {Starting date} and return to the office by {Tentative joining date}, barring any more unforeseen issues.

If my plans change for any reason, I will let you know as soon as possible. A letter from my doctor confirming the relevant details have been attached to this letter.

Please do well to contact me if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}”

Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care: Sample 5

This is a great example of what a brief sabbatical leave letter for child care should look like, it mentions the problem briefly, does not dwell on it, and it also states clearly what the person needs.

“Date: __/__/___


The Managing Director

Office Name

Office Address/ Working Address

Subject: Child Care Leave Application

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am ____ ( Name ) working in _______ department (Your Department) as ________ (Your Designation) at your reputed office/ school.

I am writing this letter/ mail to you to inform you that I am currently stuck in a situation where I am not able to take care of my baby/son/daughter.   

We have not been able to find a nanny for our child yet, and that is why I need some extra day leave to take care of my baby. There is no relative or close friend who can take care of our baby. So, I request you to grant me some days’ leave. 

I will be very much grateful to you if you grant my leave application.

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully,

________(Your Name)

_______(Your Designation)

Contact No. / Phone no.


Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care: Sample 6

This last sabbatical leave letter also states the problem in a concise manner, albeit with a touch more detail than the [previous one, but not so much that it becomes too long a letter.

In most cases, the sabbatical will have been discussed with the employer previously anyway, so the leave letter is merely a formality that needs to contain the bare minimum of the situation.


The Principal,

All and Sundry System,

Texas, United States of America.

Subject: Requesting leave due to child care by the teacher

Respected Sir,

With due respect and honor, it is briefly stated that I am a Mathematics teacher and a father of three sons. Due to changing weather, they are getting ill and the signs of pneumonia are visible in the last two. They need urgent medical help and might need some treatment that may run a bit long, and for this purpose, I request you to provide me with a sabbatical leave so that I can see to the matter with a free mind. Please let me know about the sanction of the leave on the contact number of mine: +876543-876543-987 as soon as possible. Thanks in anticipation of your timely cooperation.

Best Regards,

Mr. Goarg

13th November 2018.”


In this brief guide, we looked at how to write a Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Sabbatical Leave Letter for Child Care

How do I write a letter for child care leave?

To write a letter for child care leave you may write something like this: “I am the primary caretaker of the baby needs taking care of her 24X7, as there is no relative or family member to support me. I humbly request you to consider my condition and sanction a Child Care leave for a period of ____(no. of days) days. This will help me to take care of my growing child.”

How do you write a sabbatical leave letter?

You can write a sabbatical leave letter with these tips:

Your introduction, designation, and the purpose of the letter.
A valid reason
Arguments and facts in support of the reason.
Possible benefits of the sabbatical to the company, or just to you, if it is medical or child-related in nature.

How do I write a leave letter?

Here is how you can write a leave letter:

Speak personally to your supervisor first to get their approval.
Keep your tone polite and professional.
Include a note of gratitude
Attach supporting documents if needed.

Other Sample resignation & Leave letters you may like

Below is a list of other sample resignation letters we have curated.

Remember, your health comes first and if you are feeling exhausted or work is simply stressing you out then taking a break doesn’t make you weak but strong.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.


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