Resignation letter due to relocation of spouse (5 Samples)

In this brief article, we will curate a list of “ Resignation letter due to relocation of spouse       “.

Sample 1: Resignation letter due to relocation of spouse


Dear Ms. Greeley,

I am just writing this letter to inform you that I am resigning from my sales position at ABC Company. My husband’s job requires us to relocate to Pennsylvania as soon as possible, so I will of course be moving with him and looking for a new position. My last day of work will be September 15, 2014, so please accept this as my official two weeks’ notice of resignation from ABC Company. I hope you can understand.

If any inconvenience should arise as a result of my resignation, I apologize in advance and hope that I can be of assistance. If you would like to discuss my training a replacement to take over my responsibilities, please do not hesitate to contact me at (555)-555-5555 or [email] I look forward to hearing from you.

I feel fortunate to have had this job and gained so much experience at ABC Company, which I’m sure will be helpful as I seek out my next job. I wish everyone there the best in success and thank you for your patience and cooperation with me at this time.

Yours sincerely,

Misty Windsor

Misty A. Windsor


ABC Company


Sample 2: Resignation letter due to relocation of spouse


Alejandro Rodriguez

123 Main Street

Anytown, CA 12345


September 1, 2018

Tiffany Lee

Director, Human Resources

Acme Sales

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Lee,

It is with a great deal of sorrow that I am notifying you that my employment with Acme Sales must end at the end of the month. My official last day of employment will be September 15, 2018.

The reason for my resignation is that my spouse has received a job offer that advances her career significantly and provides a wonderful opportunity for our family. Therefore, although I feel like a member of the Acme Sales family, I will need to leave your employ.

I have not only enjoyed working at Acme Sales but I am indebted to all of the people that trained me throughout the years and helped to advance my career from junior sales associate to sales manager. I will miss my customers, and especially my coworkers who have become more than colleagues, but close friends.

I am anxious to help with the smooth transition of my job and I want you to know that I am available to help train the person who will be taking over my position. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do to help ease the transfer of my work projects—both current and future—or to help the team during the next two weeks,

I will be available to meet with the HR department to fill out any necessary paperwork and undergo my exit interview.

While I will not be on-sight after the end of the month, please feel free to call, email, or text me if you have any questions as I would be more than happy to assist you. I have provided all my contact information below.

Again, I am sorry to leave you, and the team, but I wish you all the best and promise that I’ll stay in touch.

Warm regards,

Alejandro Rodriguez


Sample 3 :  Resignation letter due to relocation of spouse 


Aaron Copland


100 Main Street, New Parkland, CA, 91010

Robert Ashland

President, Ashland Incorporated

100 Broadway Lane

New Parkland, CA, 91010

Dear Mr. Ashland,

It is my sad duty to inform you that my wife has received her transfer orders and we will be moving to Missouri where she will be stationed at a local Air Force base. Because of this change in our family, I will have to resign my position here with Ashland Incorporated effective two weeks from today.

I have enjoyed my time with the company and I have also enjoyed your hands-on approach to running your organization. I want to thank you for the multitude of opportunities you have given me over the years and the countless chances to grow my career. I will take everything I have learned and every opportunity you have given me into the future and use them to be a better person.

My wife and I understand the nature of being of military family and I am certain that I will find myself resigning a future position to follow her successful career as a military scientist. If you need to contact me for any reason, please feel free to call me at 555-322-3212 or email me at I will make sure that all loose ends are tied up prior to my last day.

Sincerely Yours,

Aaron R. Copland


Sample 4:  Resignation letter due to relocation of spouse 


Caitlyn Sharp

325 City Ave

Fairbury, NE 80214

(000) 999-8760

caitlyn @ email . com

November 8, 2019

Mr. Owen Wilson

Marketing Manager


982 M Street

Fairbury, NE 88273

Dear Mr. Wilson:

I am writing this letter to resign from my position as a marketing officer for Vince. I love my work and company, but circumstances have prevailed that leave me no choice but to take this decision. Please note that my last day at work will be November 21 on a 2-week notice.

The reason of my resignation is that my husband has been transferred to Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions’ Head Office Omaha and we have to relocate by the end of November. While both us of us were initially unsure of doing this, we now agree that this is in the best interest of our future and that of our children.

Vince has been my home away from home for a long time and it was a very difficult decision to make. I am thankful to you and all my colleagues who have taught me all that I know and made me into the success that I am known for. I will miss everyone and wish everyone success in all their future endeavors.


Caitlyn Sharp


Sample 5  Resignation letter due to relocation of spouse   


​February 24, 2019

Cindy Greene

177 New Way

New Park, MD 64321

Phone: 765 – 2101


Larry Summers


XYZ Company

313 Business Road. 

Orange Mill, MD 64322

RE: Resignation

Dear Mr. Summers:

Please accept this as my formal resignation letter from my position as [Name of Position] to be effective from [date]. I have scheduled my resignation from your company a month from now, which will allow me sufficient time to prepare my successor to take over my position.

I wish to thank you and all my colleagues at XYZ Company l for all your help, professional courtesy, and support. I have immensely enjoyed working here as the [Name of Position] for the past six years, and my experience with this company has been greatly rewarding.

You probably already know the reason I am leaving is due to my spouse being relocated to Florida. But I wanted to state officially that my resignation is in no way to be perceived as my being unhappy or dissatisfied with the job, its responsibilities, or leadership of XYZ Company.

I wish you and the rest of the administrative team continued success, and I want to take this opportunity again to thank you for permitting me to be part of the team.


Cindy Greene

​By Andre Bradley           “

In this article, we curated a list of “ Resignation letter due to relocation of spouse “.

Other Sample resignation & Leave letters you may like

Below is a list of other sample resignation letters we have curated.

Remember, your health comes first and if you are feeling exhausted or work is simply stressing you out then taking a break doesn’t make you weak but strong.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.

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