Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment (5 samples)

In this brief guide, we will discuss some samples of resignation letters due to low salary increments.

Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment

Writing a resignation letter due to a low salary increment may not feel like an easy thing to do, and it may seem like you don’t know where to start, but it is actually very easy.

You have a right to ask for regular salary increments based on your job performance, and if your job is not fulfilling this right, then it might be time to leave.

When writing a resignation letter due to low salary increment, the same rules apply as with any other resignation letter due to dissatisfaction of any kind, you need to maintain a professional tone, make sure you don’t use accusatory language, and talk more in terms of how you feel rather than talk about what your office has not provided for you.

In addition, you also need to ensure that you don’t burn any bridges while leaving, as you might still need a letter of recommendation, and for that, you need to have a decent working relationship with your boss.

Lastly, make sure your resignation letter due to low salary increments includes an offer to help and your contact information so that they may reach you in case of any important work that you are able to help with.

Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment: Sample 1

In this resignation letter due to low salary increment, the person gets to the point immediately and does so in a polite manner.

They talk about the time spent at work, the good things, as well as a brief explanation of why the low salary increment is a problem for them in particular.


General Manager/CEO/HR Manager

Company/Institute name

Office Address

Sub: Resignation Letter Due to Low Salary Increment

Dear employer

It is humbly submitted that I have been working in your esteemed organization (Job Designation, e.g., Manager I.T) for the last two/four/six years (more/less). (Describe in your own words). I have had a good time with you for many years but now I have been experiencing some salary issues for the last few months due to which it is regretted to inform you that I am unable to continue my services with your esteemed organization in such a scenario. (Describe your actual cause and situation).

I have also not been awarded an annual increment this year which is due since last December due which I am facing many financial issues and I am unable to fulfill even basic needs at home. (Explain all about the situation). I, therefore, hereby resign from my services and request your kind honor to accept it so that I can try for my job in some other organization. I assure you that I will complete all my pending assignments before leaving and also train the other person who will come to look after my duties.

I hope you will accept my resignation due to above-mentioned reasons.

Yours Truly,

Your name

Job Designation

Department Name”

Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment: Sample 2

In this resignation letter due to low salary increment, the person talks about a new job position that is offering the benefits that were not available to them previously, which is not always advised but it may be done in some cases when someone feels that they have enough level of familiarity with the organization.

“Your name and address




Employer name


Dear employer:

I am writing to notify you that I have accepted a position with an organization that is offering me better compensation and benefits than this company.

My last day of work will be in (Notice period, date)

Although I have greatly valued the opportunity to work with you, unfortunately, this is an opportunity I cannot turn down. I would be doing myself and my family a disservice to turn down an increased salary and a complete benefits package that includes paid vacation and sick time, and dental and vision insurance.

I do hope you understand my situation to take on this new position. Please accept my sincere thanks for all that you have done for me during my time working for you. I would be more than happy to assist in the transition period and welcome any questions you may have as you look for a replacement.

Thanks again for your understanding.


Your Signature (hard copy letter)

Your name”

Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment: Sample 3

This resignation letter due to low salary increment talks about the positive experience first and then goes on to mention the problem.

They do so in a polite manner so that even if this letter is brought up in the future one may remember that this person was professional and therefore made for a good employee even in the face of problems.

“The Manager Human Resource,

Subject: Resignation letter due to low salary increment

Dear (salutation),

I have been a loyal and productive member of your team for a long time now, and while my experience has been lovely, I have run into some problems with the compensation for my work, and due to that, I regret to inform you that I am unable to continue my services with your esteemed company.

I have not received the salary increments that were promised to me at the beginning of my contract in the stated fashion, and to add to that I have not been rewarded with an annual increment this year which was due since last December. Now I am facing financial issues and I am unable to cope with the financial pressures.

I, therefore, hereby resign from my services and request your kind honor to accept it and issue my experience letter. I assure you that I will complete all my pending assignments before leaving and also train the other person (if required) who will look after my duties.

I hope you will accept my resignation for the above-mentioned reasons.

Yours Truly,



Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment: Sample 4

This resignation letter due to low salary increment takes a much more aggressive tone than the others. 

It sounds almost accusatory and while it is not a tone most professionals would suggest, it may be done if the person feels that they have been overworked and underpaid despite complaints.

“Employer name


Respected employer,

With best regards, I am writing this email to inform you about my resignation from the job.

I have been serving this company for 3 years. In this period I have been ignored by the senior management in terms of promotion quite often, and while I have been okay with that, I have experienced low salary increments which are causing a hindrance to my life and that I can no longer ignore. I have been promoted once but not given any fringe benefit in my salary. I have submitted my request several times as well, but nothing seems to have come of it, therefore I am compelled to take this final step.

I wish you luck, and I shall handover all the job assets to this office today. Thank you

Yours Dutiful,


Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment: Sample 5

This is a very brief resignation letter due to a low salary increment, and it may be one that may suit your needs best if you merely want to make an exit without getting into the fuss about how much of a problem you have faced.

This kind of letter would work in a situation where the person has no problem with the workplace as such, they are just not happy with the pay structure and have decided to do something about it.


The HR Manager,

(Company/Organization Name),


Subject: Resignation Letter due to Low Increment

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due esteem, it is to state that I am a (position) in this company/organization. The tasks assigned to me are many and I am educated as well that’s why I served and controlled the laborers. I am a diligent worker but now I cannot work with this pay scale as there is a very low increment and my needs are out past this salary. Kindly accept my resignation and clear my pending funds, Gratuity, Security as declared in the Terms & conditions of my appointment letter.

I am very thankful to you.

Yours Sincerely,

Name: XYZ



Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment: Sample 6

The resignation letter due to the low salary problem is lengthy, but it does not take an accusatory or unprofessional tone at all, keeping things civil and almost positive, even talking about the great time they have had.


Subject: Resignation Letter

Dear employer

I am sorry to inform you that I have decided to resign from my position as a computer programmer in order to seek a more rewarding position elsewhere. This resignation must become effective no later than two weeks from today’s date.

I have concluded that my contributions here are unrewarded and my ideas ignored. I have much to offer and feel frustrated that I am consistently passed over for special projects. It is important for me to work for a company that encourages creativity rather than restricts it. Although your compensation has been fair, you have been unable to provide other types of incentives that I need.

Nevertheless, my time here has not been wasted. I have gained experience and have honed my skills. I have worked with a dedicated group that has earned my respect and admiration. I sincerely wish co-workers well in their future endeavors.

Because you have indicated that my work is excellent, I would appreciate a positive recommendation from you should any prospective employers inquire about my qualifications. If you feel you are unable to satisfy this request, I would sincerely value an opportunity to discuss with you any reservations you may have.


Your name”


In this brief guide, we will discuss some samples of resignation letters due to low salary increments. Please feel free to drop us any questions or comments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Resignation letter due to Low Salary Increment

How do I write a letter of salary resignation?

Here is how you can write a letter of salary resignation, with an intimation of the tone and language you might want to use: “Respected Employer, The reason for my writing to you is that I am quitting the job the company has provided me with, the reason behind quitting being the lesser salary offered. (Describe in your own words). It has been my pleasure to work for (company) over the last (amount of time).”

How do I write a salary increment letter to an employee?

To write a salary increment letter to an employee, you can use the following format:

Name and Designation.
Name and designation of the person to whom you are addressing the letter
Company/organization name.
Salutation (Dear so and so)
The reason for the letter (Salary increment)
Achievements or projects that merit a salary increment

How do I write a letter of resignation due to a low salary?

To write a letter of resignation due to low salary you may use the following language, more or less: “I regret to inform you that I need to tender my resignation due to feeling like my compensation needs are not being met at my current position, and I am forced to find a job more suited to my financial needs. I appreciate all the things I have learned from my colleagues and this job and bear no ill will to anyone at the office. I hope I do not cause too much trouble with my resignation and will help in any way I can to make for a smooth transition.”

Other Sample resignation & Leave letters you may like

Below is a list of other sample resignation letters we have curated.

Remember, your health comes first and if you are feeling exhausted or work is simply stressing you out then taking a break doesn’t make you weak but strong.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.


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