Planetary Positions & Personality: The Pseudoscience Behind Astrology

Our ancestors looked up at the stars in awe for millennia, spotting patterns in their movements and deducing reasons behind the wonders they observed. Even in the modern realm of science, many still follow these ancient traditions – gaining insight into their own personality and that of others.  

A quick history of astrology 

Plato established the earth as the center of the universe (geocentric model) in the fourth century B.C.E. with his student Aristotle continuing his legacy and working to engrain this model into classical society. While you may be scratching your head in ponderance of how this relates to modern star signs, the connection is critical – Because until Galileo Galilei defied the church and argued for the sun to be placed at the center (heliocentric model), Western astrology, for the most part, was based on the geocentric model. 

The history of astrology is linked with humanity’s fascination with the cosmos and attempts to understand what role the celestial forces play in our everyday lives. Early astrological practices were closely tied to agricultural and seasonal cycles as civilizations sought to predict unpredictable natural events. The geocentric model, proposed by the ancient Greeks, placed Earth at the center of the universe, and astrology was developed within this framework, attributing cosmic significance to the positions of planets and stars. However, during the Renaissance, the heliocentric model, championed by astronomers like Copernicus and Galileo, challenged the geocentric view, positioning the Sun at the center of our solar system. 

Despite this scientific revolution, astrology persisted, adapting to new knowledge and retaining its appeal as a tool for understanding human nature, personality, and destiny. If the concept of applying knowledge like this to help understand others fascinates you, there are a range of opinions, like an online clinical counseling masters where you can apply the same inquisitive attitude toward discovering the many fascinating personality traits. 

Natal astrology 

A natal chart, commonly known as a birth chart or horoscope, is a highly individualized map meticulously detailing the precise positions of celestial bodies at the specific time, date, and location of an individual’s birth. This snapshot encapsulates the positions of key celestial players such as the Sun, Moon, planets, and various astrological points within the zodiac. 

According to astrological principles, the natal chart serves as the cornerstone for astrological analysis, functioning as a cosmic blueprint that purportedly influences various aspects of an individual’s life. It is believed to offer insights into personality traits, shed light on potential challenges and opportunities in relationships, and provide glimpses into significant life events. Astrologers rely on the information embedded in natal charts to make predictions and offer guidance, looking at the nuanced and symbiotic relationships between celestial elements to provide a personalized roadmap for the individual’s life journey.


Originating as playing cards in the 15th century, Tarot has transformed into a tool for self-reflection. The deck comprises 78 cards, each with different symbols. Readers draw the cards into specific arrangements to gain insights. While skeptics question its supernatural claims, Tarot has gained popularity as a means of introspection. Despite its lack of empirical scientific backing, many find value in its symbolic language, viewing it as a unique way to explore the subconscious and gain personal insights. The science behind tarot remains more rooted in psychology and subjective interpretation than in empirically validated principles.

Tarot is built upon a rich knowledge base steeped in symbolism, archetypes, and historical significance. The deck itself is a collection of centuries-old cultural and esoteric wisdom. Tarot readers draw upon this extensive knowledge, often incorporating elements from psychology, mythology, and mysticism. While the scientific community may not endorse tarot’s supernatural claims, the depth of its symbolic language and the intricate connections have given it an enduring appeal. Tarot enthusiasts often appreciate its ability to tap into different cultural and spiritual understandings, creating a framework for insightful reflection and personal exploration.


The zodiac is a system that divides the sky into twelve parts, each linked to specific constellations. It’s been around since ancient times and is a big deal in astrology. Basically, it assigns personality traits and makes life predictions based on where the sun was when you were born. You’ve heard of the zodiac signs like Aries, Taurus, and Gemini – they’re part of the zodiac wheel. People believe these signs influence compatibility, behavior, and destiny. The zodiac is a guide for understanding human nature and relationships. Despite the lack of solid proof, it keeps people hooked, influencing how we think about destiny and how our individual personalities affect that.

Vedic Astrology 

It is important to note that not all astrology is based on the Western ideas pioneered by the Greeks. Vedic astrology is an ancient system from India that links planetary positions to human life. It’s been around for ages; it is innately rooted in Indian traditions and closely linked to Hinduism. It considers the moon and other planets, creating detailed birth charts called Kundalis. Vedic astrology aims to predict life events, personality traits, and even relationships based on these celestial positions. People turn to it for guidance on important decisions. Despite its cultural significance, there’s no scientific proof to back up its claims. Vedic astrology is like a cosmic guide, shaping how individuals in India and beyond perceive their destinies and navigate life’s journey, blending tradition with a belief in celestial influences.

Modern Astrology 

Looks at how celestial bodies, like planets and stars, affect human affairs and natural events. It is dated way back and was closely tied to predicting previously unexplainable things like farming seasons. The whole idea is to understand personality traits and make predictions based on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth. Astrologists create personalized maps called natal charts to look into your personality, relationships, and life events. Despite major shifts in our understanding of the universe, astrology has stuck around. People use it for guidance, even though there’s no scientific evidence backing it up. It’s like a tool to interpret symbolic relationships between celestial elements. Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, astrology has a long history and continues to influence how people see themselves, their lives, and their futures. 

**It should be noted that astrology has been shown to have a no greater than chance probability of predicting personality traits. It is not a science. For effective personality testing and prediction, use one of the many rigorously tested personality models like the “Big Five.” 

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