Category: Personality

  • 4w5 Characters (A +3 List)

    This article will take a look at a number of famous characters from movies that are often associated with the type 4w5 enneagram. The article will also introduce this enneagram type in detail and highlight its major traits. 4w5 Characters – The List Here is a list of those movie characters that are often associated…

  • ENTP Compatibility: Romantic Relationships (3 Personalities)

    This article will highlight those personality types that are the most compatible for the ENTP personality as well as why. Furthermore, these personalities will be described in detail for the audience. ENTP Compatibility: Romantic Relationships – The Special Ones Here are 3 personality types that are compatible with the ENTP personality: The INFJ The INTJ…

  • Lack Of Personality – What It Means

    This article will take a look at what a lack of personality basically means and what exactly is personality. Furthermore, the article will take a look at different personality systems that have their own way of determining what different personality types there are. Lack Of Personality – What Does It Mean? A lack of personality…

  • The Cool, Calm & Collected Personality (A Complete Guide)

    The article will explain what it means to have a cool, calm and collected personality as well as which MBTI and enneagram personalities encompass such a character. The article will also highlight traits that reflect the personality under discussion. The Cool, Calm & Collected Personality – What It Means To have a cool, calm and…

  • Do Girls Like Shy Guys? (5 Reasons Why)

    This article will take a look at the reasons why girls like shy guys as well as shed some light on what personality is and which personality types are usually shy in nature. Do Girls Like Shy Guys – 5 Reasons Why Here are 5 reasons why girls like shy guys: They Are Great Listeners…

  • Does Clothing Reflect Personality?

    In this article, we will take a look at whether or not clothing reflects personality and what other things clothing can tell about a person. Also, the article will take a look at what other things affect personality and hence may affect the type of clothing we wear! Does Clothing Reflect Personality? Yes clothing does…

  • Is Enneagram Always Capitalized? (A Complete Guide)

    This article will take a look at whether or not it is right to capitalize the word ‘Enneagram’ and why this is the case. Furthermore, the article will take a look at when words need to be capitalized. Lastly, the article will take an in-depth approach to introducing what enneagrams really are. Is Enneagram Always…

  • Which Enneagram Type Is The Best (A 9 Point Guide)

    This article will highlight all of the enneagram’s best qualities and explain what they are great at doing. Furthermore, for the understanding of the audience, the article will introduce each enneagram as well so they can determine the link between their traits and their known qualities. The 9 Enneagrams – Their Best Qualities Here is…

  • Are Enneagrams Christian? (A Complete Guide)

    This article will discuss whether enneagrams belong to the concept of Christianity and whether or not they are considered a religious symbol. Furthermore, the article will explain what enneagrams are as well as shed light on the religion of Christianity. Are Enneagrams Christian? Enneagrams are not Christian nor do they have any relation to the…

  • Are Enneagrams Scientific? (+ 3 tips)

    In this article, we will discuss whether or not enneagrams are scientific and what impact that has on their use. Furthermore, the article will shed light on the scientific method and what enneagrams basically are. Lastly, the article will give some examples of enneagrams so the audience has a deeper understanding of the topic. Are…

  • Do Enneagram Types Run In The Family? (A Complete Guide)

    This article will take a look at whether enneagram types run in the family as well as other factors that may shape our personality. The article will also comment on the nature and nurture debate and clarify what enneagrams exactly are. Do Enneagram Types Run In The Family?  Yes, enneagram types run in the family…

  • Enneagram Do’s & Don’ts (A Complete Guide)

    This article will take a look at what enneagrams should do or should not do to ensure they improve their own selves and avoid a deterioration of their own selves. The article will point out tips for each enneagram type. Enneagram Dos’ & Don’ts – A Piece Of Advice To Take Or Leave There are…