Category: INFJ

  • INFJ 9w1 sx/sp (5-Point Gude)

    In this short article, we are going to explain what it’s like to be an INFJ 9w1 sx/sp. First, we will break down this personality type into three categories of general behaviour.  We will understand what qualities are associated with INFJ, 9w1, and sx/sp personalities. Then, we will expand this knowledge to describe how they…

  • INFJ 9w1 Personality Database (A Comprehensive Guide)

    In this article we are going to elaborate on the INFJ 9w1 Personality Database. We will do so by first explaining what this database is, how it operates, and what kind of information contains.  Next, we will break down the data available for this specific personality type and what that implies. By reading this blog,…

  • INFJ 9w1 Characters (5 Individuals)

    In this blog we will describe the personalities of 4 fictional INFJ 9w1 individuals. First, we will understand what the INFJ 9w1 qualities are and how they impact behaviour. After that, we will inspect the behaviour of four fictional characters to see how the INFJ 9w1 type suits them.  Who are some INFJ 9w1 Characters?…

  • INFJ 5w4 vs 9w1 (A Comprehensive Guide)

    In this comprehensive guide, we are going to compare INFJ 5w4 with INFJ 9w1 personalities. We will do so by breaking down the two Enneagram types as well as the MBTI personality type. Then, once we have a thorough understanding of the three, we will look at similarities and differences.  How are INFJ 5w4 and…

  • INFJ 9w1 (7-point guide)

    In this brief guide, we are going to explore some similar qualities in INFJ and 9w1 people. The INFJ is a personality type based on the MTBI whereas 9w1 comes from the Enneagram approach to personality.  This guide illustrates common factors between the two types, the likelihood of them occurring together, and their strengths and…

  • INFJs & INFPs Compatibility (5 comparisons)

    This article will explore the compatibility of INFJs and INFPs by examining their major personality traits, dominant functions and how they behave in important aspects of life. The article will also highlight any elements that may reduce their compatibility. Are INFJs and INFPs Compatible? Yes the INFP and INFJ personality types are very compatible due…

  • INFJ vs ISFJ (5 differences)

    This article will delve into the discussion of how the two personality types, INFJ and ISFJ, are different! It will look at their differences by studying their dominant functions and major personality traits. The article will also briefly shine light on how the Myer Briggs Type Indicator assigns different personality types to people. INFJ Vs…

  • INFJ Male (How they differ from Stereotypical men)

    In this article, we will discuss INFJ Males. We will do that by describing how INFJ males are different from stereotypical men, describe their traits and the struggles they face due to their unique way of processing information and interacting with the world. INFJ Male  An INFJ male has the following traits: They are not…

  • INFJ door slam (A Complete Guide)

    In this article, we will discuss the INFJ door slam. We will do that by giving a brief overview of INFJ personality. We will move on to explain what door slamming is and it’s types. We will discuss possible reasons for door slamming, how to prevent it, and situations in which the door may re-open,…

  • INFJ-T (A Complete Guide)

    In this article, we will discuss INFJ-T Personality. We will do that by giving a brief description of them including their strengths and weaknesses. We will move on to describe their cognitive functions, their workplace, suitable careers for them, and how they behave in interpersonal relationships.  INFJ-T  INFJ-T personalities can be described as empathetic and…

  • INFJ Careers (A list of 17+ Careers)

    In this brief guide, we will discuss some of the best INFJ careers, as well as some INFJ careers to avoid. We will also look at some other things related to the INFJ personality type. INFJ Careers  INFJs need to be in careers where their softer side is appreciated and where they can use their…

  • Am I an INFJ or an INFP? (A Complete Guide)

    In this guide, we will answer the question: Am I an INFJ or an INFP? INFP and INFJ are two among the sixteen personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Often, people can be confused between the two personality types. This can be compared to the color red! Generally, due the many similarities people…