Category: Mental disorders

  • John Lennon’s mental illness(+5 tips)

    In this article, it will be discussed how John Lennon, The Beatles lead singer, lived with mental health issues, what were the behavior signs he might have had a mental health condition.  The article will also show how a person dealing with them can be creative and be in the biggest band of all time.…

  • Winnie the Pooh and mental illness

    This article will discuss the books of Winnie the Pooh, and how people have discussed over time that each of them demonstrates a mental illness.  The article will discuss how depression and anxiety are portrayed in it, how they might manifest in a person’s life, and also the way that one can cope with them.…

  • Does My Fitness Pal cause Eating Disorders?

    In this blog, we will answer the question “Does My Fitness Pal cause Eating Disorders?”, and also cover what are eating disorders, their types, symptoms, what is My Fitness Pal, and the link between the app and eating issues along with frequently asked questions. Does My Fitness Pal cause Eating Disorders? The answer to this…

  • Is Pulling out Pubic hair a sign of Disorder?

    In this blog, we are going to answer the question, “Is Pulling out Pubic hair a sign of Disorder (Trichotillomania)?” and also discuss Trichotillomania (a condition in which people pull their hair), its causes, treatment, and also answer frequently asked questions.   Is Pulling out Pubic hair a sign of Disorder (Trichotillomania)? Tio put it in…

  • How does the seasonal affective disorder look on the map?

    In this blog post, we will answer the question “How does the seasonal affective disorder look on the map?”, we will be learning about what seasonal affective disorder is, its symptoms and causes, risk factors of SAD, treatment of SAD, and frequently asked questions.  How does the seasonal affective disorder look on the map? If…

  • Is There A Test for Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder?

    In this blog, we will cover all about maladaptive daydreaming disorder tests, and also include its causes, its symptoms, its treatment, and answer frequently asked questions. Is There A Test for Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder? Yes, there are tests that measure the issue of maladaptive daydreaming in people. The scale that measures maladaptive daydreaming is known…

  • What is Love Randalin’s Disorder? (Lipedema)

    In this blog, we will discuss Love Randalin’s Disorder: Lipedema, what is Lipedema, who is Love Randalin, management and treatment of Lipedema, and we will also answer frequently asked questions.   What is Love Randalin’s Disorder? (Lipedema) Love Randalin has an autoimmune condition which is known as Lipedema and it affects a person’s lower body.  Lipedema,…

  • Kurt Cobain’s struggles with Bipolar Disorder

    In this blog, we will explore Kurt Cobain’s struggles with Bipolar Disorder, and we will also discuss who is Kurt Cobain, what is bipolar disorder, the symptoms of bipolar disorders, the causes & risks of bipolar disorder, and also answer frequently asked questions. Kurt Cobain’s struggles with Bipolar Disorder Kurt Cobain has struggled with various…

  • Does Kaitlin Olson have an Eating Disorder? 

    This blog will cover topics like who is Kaitlin Olson, her eating disorder journey, types, causes, statistics, treatment, and frequently asked questions Does Kaitlin Olson have an Eating Disorder?  No, she hasn’t talked about having an eating disorder. Kaitlin seemed to be really skinny while she was working on the show It’s Always Sunny In…

  • What Are Some Recovery Poems On Eating Disorders?

    In this blog, we will cover various kinds of eating disorders, what are their symptoms and what causes them, their treatment, recovery poems on eating disorders, and answer frequently asked questions.  What Are Some Recovery Poems On Eating Disorders? There are some recovery poems related to eating disorders like the thicket of pins, Pinnochio on…

  • What are some Documentaries/Movies on Netflix about Eating Disorders?

    In this blog, we will be talking about documentaries/movies on Netflix about eating disorders, and also cover what are eating disorders, types of eating disorders, causes, symptoms, and treatment. Further, we will be giving you a list of documentaries/movies on eating disorders, which air on Netflix and other places.  What are some Documentaries/Movies on Netflix…

  • Is swaying back and forth a symptom of mental illness?

    In this blog, we will answer the question, “Is swaying back and forth a symptom of mental illness?”, and also cover what is a mental illness, what is a balance disorder, symptoms of balance disorder, what causes problems with balance, other causes of swaying back and forth, and also answer some frequently asked questions.  Is…