MBTI Will & Grace (5 insights)

What is the MBTI personality type of Will and Grace? This article is a review of personality type of characters from an American Sitcom Will and Grace.

Who are Will and Grace?

Will & Grace is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 21, 1998 to May 18, 2006 (8 seasons), with a revival airing from September 28, 2017 to April 23, 2020. (3 seasons). Will & Grace is still the most popular television show with gay main characters.

Main Characters

Will Truman

  • Played by Eric McCormack

He was a gay lawyer who went to Columbia University and met Grace there. Since then, they’ve been best friends. He has a neurotic side to him, especially when it comes to cleaning. Several characters have remarked that his friendship with Grace is more akin to that of a romantic couple than that of two friends.

McCormack had no trouble portraying Will because he had previously portrayed gay characters in theatre and film, and he believed his character might become a “poster boy for some gay movement,” similar to how Ellen DeGeneres’ character in Ellen became a spokesperson.

Grace Adler 

  • Played by Debra Messing

Grace is Will’s best friend since college and an interior designer with an obvious fascination with food. She is selfish, messy, and neurotic, and she often serves as a counter-balance to Will’s more tense personality.

When Messing was approached to audition for the part of Grace, she was starring in ABC’s sci-fi series Prey. She says she wasn’t sure whether she wanted the job because she had been employed for five years and was considering taking a break at the time. She agreed to audition for the role because she wanted to work on an NBC sitcom with director James Burrows.

Other Characters

McFarland, Jack 

  • Played by Sean Hayes

He is flamboyant and shallow, and he is one of Will’s closest friends. He portrays a gay role that is more traditional than Will’s. Jack bounces around from boyfriend to boyfriend and job to job, working as a struggling actor, a supermarket associate, and a student nurse, among other things. He develops a close friendship with Karen early on in the show.

Karen Walker 

  • Played by Megan Mullally

The rich (but never seen) Stan Walker’s wife. She “works” as Grace’s assistant, increasing the popularity of “Grace Adler Designs” among her social contacts. She is known for consuming alcohol and pills, and she may be disrespectful, but she is close to Grace and Jack, as well as Will on occasion.

Plot: Will and Grace

Will, a gay lawyer, and Grace, a straight interior designer, share an apartment in New York City. Karen, a charismatic, filthy-rich, amoral socialite, and gleeful and proud gay Jack are their best friends.

What are MBTI Dimensions & Personality Types?


The word personality is rooted in a Latin word ‘persona.’ The word persona refers to a theatrical mask work by performers in order to either look a definite way or disguise their characters. Carl Jung highlights the idea of “collective unconscious.” This is a notion refers to the innate psychological dispositions of all human beings. 

Four Key Dichotomies

There are four dichotomies including 2 opposing styles each, which make a total of 8 different styles. The 8 styles are Extraversion (E), Introversion (I), Sensing (S), iNtuition (N), Judging (J), Perceiving (P), Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). Once it is determined what an individual style for the four dichotomies is, a four letter code is obtained. These four letters are the initials of each of the preferred style.

MBTI Dichotomy – Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E)

Function: How do individuals get their energy?

Description: By spending quiet time alone or with a small group, introverts are energized. They seem to be more thoughtful and reserved. By spending time with individuals and in busy, productive surroundings, extraverts are energized. They seem to be outspoken and more verbal.

MBTI Dichotomy – Sensing vs. iNtuition (S/I)

Function: How do individuals take in the information?

Description: Sensors rely on their five senses and are interested in data that they can see, hear, and so on directly. They prefer to be hands-on students and are frequently characterized as “practical.” A more abstract level of thought focuses on iNtuitive; they are creative and more interested in ideas, patterns, and explanations.

MBTI Dichotomy- Judging vs. Perceiving (J/P)

Function: How do individuals make decisions?

Description: Judgers enjoy structure and order; they like organized stuff, and they hate last-minute revisions. Flexibility and spontaneity are valued by perceivers; they want to leave open things so they can change their minds.

MBTI Dichotomy –Thinking vs. Feeling (T/F)

Function: How individuals organize their world?

Description: Thinkers, in their heads, prefer to make decisions; they are interested in making the most rational, fair option. Feelers prefer to make choices in their hearts; they are interested in how people will be influenced by a decision, and whether it suits their beliefs.

MBTI Types

The above mentioned method of obtaining combination can yield 16 possible personality types:

ISTJIntroverted – Sensing – Thinking – Judging
EXTJExtraverted – Sensing – Thinking – Judging
ISTPIntroverted – Sensing – Thinking – Perceiving
ESTPExtraverted – Sensing – Thinking – Perceiving
ISFJIntroverted – Sensing – Feeling – Judging
ESFJExtraverted – Sensing – Feeling – Judging
ISFPIntroverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving
ESFPExtraverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving
INFJIntroverted – iNtution – Feeling – Judging
ENFJExtraverted – iNtution – Feeling – Judging
INFPIntroverted – iNtution – Feeling – Perceiving
ENFPExtraverted – iNtution – Feeling – Perceiving
INTJIntroverted – iNtution  – Thinking – Judging
ENTJExtraverted – iNtution – Thinking – Judging
INTPIntroverted – iNtution – Thinking – Perceiving
ENTPExtraverted – iNtution – Thinking – Perceiving

MBTI of Will: ESTJ

ESTJs see life as a puzzle with parts that must fit together logically in order to comprehend the entire image. They have a keen grasp of organizational structure and complexity. ESTJs observe evidence, make educated guesses about what will happen next, and then test their predictions against real-world outcomes.

Something that cannot be proven with hard evidence is dismissed. The majority of ESTJs want their skills to be useful to others. ESTJs see themselves as advocates, people with the role and experience to represent a system and negotiate its structure on behalf of others. 

They know what they believe in how things should be done and strive to live by the rules they’ve developed for themselves. They conclude that their investment and persistence in maintaining a personal relationship is sufficient evidence of their emotional commitment.

These styles, on the other hand, can be very nostalgic about a family’s or society’s personal rituals, which have a clear collective aspect and can be appropriately regarded as high-priority affective obligations. When it comes to relationships, ESTJs are probably most at ease when they’re sharing their information or putting it to good use with someone else.

MBTI of Grace: ESFJ

ESFJs reason on a personal level, in terms of their relationships, and their identity stems from the roles they play in other people’s lives. Whereas Thinking styles discuss topics of general interest, ESFJs are more concerned with social time and space, with their questions centered on shared values and group relations.

They live their lives according to the ideals that come with the positions they’ve taken on. They want their actions to demonstrate that they are in the right relationship with others. The ESFJ’s primary criterion for judging others’ behavior is based on these principles. The ideals of the ESFJ are not a matter of personal choice.

These individuals would not act on their subjective perceptions and responses until they have compared them to the current social climate. Feeling styles use logic to weigh their choices, but they solve problems by talking to friends, asking colleagues for advice, or soliciting feedback from a partner.

ESFJs, more than any other personality group, are more likely to associate themselves with others who share their outlook on life, providing them with the encouragement and acceptance they need. When we need empathy as well as clear-eyed realism, we switch to ESFJs.

Others notice and want to be around them because they have a true love of life. They understand how to listen, laugh, and forgive, and they have the ability to bring out the best in others.

MBTI of Jack: ESFP

Since they are prone to surrendering themselves to the moment without restraint, ESFPs can seem insecure, even naive, to others. Whatever they’re doing, they’re fully immersed in it, and if they’re not, they’re likely to flee or produce a funny diversion.

As a result, ESFPs can come across as people who don’t take life seriously enough, or who don’t care enough about the consequences of their acts. In fact, these personalities are typically optimistic and want to be appreciated and valued, but they don’t plan in the same way that Judging personalities do; they don’t think in steps. They are perceptive thinkers who are aware of the possibilities that life presents.

Introverted Feeling inspires ESFPs to care for others. They pay attention to how people say things, how they sound when saying them, the intonation of their words, and the body language. As a result, they often know more about the states and intentions of others than they realize.

They enjoy doing things with others who are having a good time, and the excitement of others can lead them into situations they would not have considered. They don’t get people who really enjoy sitting on the bench.

MBTI of Karen: ESTP

ESTPs are first-rate pragmatists. They, like all Sensing types, are driven by their senses and enjoy relaxation and action. Introverted Thinking energizes the ESTP in situations involving risk, strategy, and serious competition. ESTPs are charismatic and always charming people.

They are funny and tell a good story because they rely on firsthand knowledge about what they know. They have a keen sense of people and are still conscious of the impact they create. ESTPs are so perceptive to others’ responses that they can use it to their benefit, negotiating desirable outcomes for themselves.

In this regard, an ESTP may be ruthlessly pragmatic, entirely capable of depersonalizing a situation and seeing others as competitors in a game of winners and losers. ESTPs are drawn to immediate success, but they may not be interested in building a system on those foundations. 

The sort loses interest in a situation after it has been resolved and moves on to the next challenge.


This article was a review of MBTI type of characters in Will & Grace

FAQs: MBTI Will & Grace

Who played Will in Will & Grace?

Will Truman was played by Eric McCormack in Will & Grace.

Who played Grace in Will & Grace?

Grace Adler was played by Debra Messing in Will & Grace

Who played Karen in Will & Grace?

Karen Walker was played by Megan Mullally in Will & Grace.

What is the personality type of Will in Will & Grace?

The MBTI personality type of Will is ESTJ in Will & Grace.

What is the personality type of Grace in Will & Grace?

The MBTI personality type of Grace is ESFJ in Will & Grace

Who is Jack in Will & Grace?

Jack is flamboyant and shallow, and he is one of Will’s closest friends. He portrays a gay role that is more traditional than Will’s. Jack bounces around from boyfriend to boyfriend and job to job, working as a struggling actor, a supermarket associate, and a student nurse, among other things. He develops a close friendship with Karen early on in the show.




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