MBTI’s when sick (7 insights)

What MBTI types do when sick? In this article, the responses of MBTI types when they are sick.

Does sickness affect MBTI?

Following is a summary of responses:

16 MBTI TypesHow MBTI react to sickness: Summary
INFJUnless they really have to take it, refuses medicine, but remains home to relax and heal. They’re not going to let anyone see them in a fragile state in any way!
ENFPRefuses to rest or relax-not realizing that this will help them feel better-and goes about their day as normal, getting sick in the process to everyone they meet.
ENFJ Maintains their sunny smile commitments-not wanting to stress other individuals with their illness-and then goes home and crashes hard.
ISFPSecretly revels in finding a socially appropriate excuse for a week or so to stay home and do their own thing.
ESFJ.Try to get better as soon as possible so that any friends or loved ones who have also caught their bug can be taken care of.
ESTJWorks on their laptop fervently from bed while scolding their immune system mentally for not trying harder
ISTJ Sticks exclusively to any strategies they were taught as a child to get better, because that’s what has always worked for them, so why turn it up?
ISTPTakes sufficient drugs to get a little high and then loves the excuse to stay home and play video games.
ESTPPops some drugs, chugs and energy drinks and, as usual, goes about its way. What is there to worry about if it’s not terminal?
INTPGoogle ten thousand variants of what they might have and end up talking about a rare Polynesian virus that died out 1000 years ago in the depths of Wikipedia.
INTJ Each time someone asks them how they feel, they Pops some drugs, ignore their illness and gets progressively more irritated.
ENTPCreates a plethora of odd new medications that they test on themselves, finally extending their illness weeks longer than needed
ENTJ Rests for about 30 minutes, determines that self-care is enough and then gets the hell back to work.
ESFP Asks who wants to come over for a movie night, texts all their buddies that they’re DYING?
INFPStays at home and fantasizes about all the good things people will say about them at their funeral
ISFJ  Trying to reassure everyone that they’re all right, they just don’t need any help… Although secretly hoping that their appeals will be ignored by one of their loved ones and come take care of them.

What are MBTI Dimensions & Personality Types?


The word personality is rooted in a Latin word ‘persona.’ The word persona refers to a theatrical mask work by performers in order to either look a definite way or disguise their characters. Carl Jung highlights the idea of “collective unconscious.” This notion refers to the innate psychological dispositions of all human beings.  

Four Key Dichotomies

There are four dichotomies including 2 opposing styles each, which makes a total of 8 different styles. The 8 styles are Extraversion (E), Introversion (I), Sensing (S), iNtuition (N), Judging (J), Perceiving (P), Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). Once it is determined what an individual style for the four dichotomies is, a four letter code is obtained. These four letters are the initials of each of the preferred styles.

MBTI Dichotomy – Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E)

Function: How individuals get their energy?

Description: By spending quiet time alone or with a small group, introverts are energized. They seem to be more thoughtful and reserved. By spending time with individuals and in busy, productive surroundings, extraverts are energized. They seem to be outspoken and more verbal.

MBTI Dichotomy – Sensing vs. iNtuition (S/I)

Function: How individuals take in the information?

Description: Sensors rely on their five senses and are interested in data that they can see, hear, and so on directly. They prefer to be hands-on students and are frequently characterized as “practical.” A more abstract level of thought focuses on iNtuitive; they are creative and more interested in ideas, patterns, and explanations. 

MBTI Dichotomy- Judging vs. Perceiving (J/P)

Function: How individuals make decisions?

Description: Judgers enjoy structure and order; they like organized stuff, and they hate last-minute revisions. Flexibility and spontaneity are valued by perceivers; they want to leave open things so they can change their minds.

MBTI Dichotomy –Thinking vs. Feeling (T/F)

Function: How individuals organize their world?

Description: Thinkers, in their heads, prefer to make decisions; they are interested in making the most rational, fair option. Feelers prefer to make choices in their hearts; they are interested in how people will be influenced by a decision, and whether it suits their beliefs.

List of MBTI Types

The above mentioned method of obtaining combination can yield 16 possible personality types:

MBTI TypesMBTI Type Abbreviations
ISTJIntroverted – Sensing – Thinking – Judging 
ESTJExtraverted – Sensing – Thinking – Judging
ISTPIntroverted – Sensing – Thinking – Perceiving
ESTPExtraverted – Sensing – Thinking – Perceiving
ISFJIntroverted – Sensing – Feeling – Judging 
ESFJExtraverted – Sensing – Feeling – Judging
ISFPIntroverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving 
ESFPExtraverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving
INFJIntroverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Judging
ENFJExtraverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Judging
INFPIntroverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Perceiving
ENFPExtraverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Perceiving
INTJIntroverted – iNtuition  – Thinking – Judging
ENTJExtraverted – iNtuition – Thinking – Judging
INTPIntroverted – iNtuition – Thinking – Perceiving
ENTPExtraverted – iNtuition – Thinking – Perceiving

MBTI when sick

Although your form of personality does not directly impact your wellbeing, your state of mind may have more influence than you know, and certain personality features may have more influence. Often, the discrepancy between how healthy we are and how healthy we consider ourselves to be can be amazing.

Some people tend to use to their benefit the power of positive thinking (or even denial), while others are more inclined toward hypochondria, often believing they have some medical problem.

ISTJ – Introverted Sensing Thinking Judging 

You stay home from work with the image of duty, but also manage to get as much work done as possible when cooperating. After every sneeze, you sanitize every surface, wash your hands for exactly 20 seconds, and get worried about all the work you’re not doing. Then you know that this is the ideal chance to dive into the passions and hobbies that you still put off because of other duties.

ESTJ – Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging

You carry home your job, lock the door, and yet manage to be more efficient than other people.

ISTP – Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving

You sprint to the supermarket and load up on your favorite snacks, beverages, and video games, not one to be slowed down by a pesky virus. You can feel like death, but you can still clobber enemies in a video game, scale mountains, and harness the most complicated weapons you can imagine. You let the fantasy self-do the hard job,

ESTP – Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving

You pop a few Mucinex and continue the adventure of snowboarding. Nothing will slow you down. This is yet another chance to prove your power against resistance. Sadly, in the midst of doing a backflip, you sneeze, fall and break your neck.

ISFJ – Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging 

You laugh at aid offers, assuring everyone that you’re going to be “just perfect.” Then you cocoon yourself while re-watching your favorite childhood movies and TV shows in blankets and pillows. You secretly want somebody to turn up with hot soup or medication just to demonstrate that they care.

ESFJ – Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging

You go into full hibernation mode, so that nobody else gets sick of you. When talking with your friends on social media, you make chicken noodle soup, steep herbal tea, and listen to calming classical music. To get well as soon as possible, you do whatever you can so you can take care of whoever else is under-the-weather.


ISFP – Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving 

They open Netflix; wear warm blankets, and get hot drinks of choice. When you’re under the weather, these three things are important for you. With as many body-pampering rituals as you can find, you close your door to the outside world and relax yourself.

ESFP – Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving

Sickness will profoundly depress you energetically and socially, but only if you allow it. Although also tending to self-care, you build a way to get your social needs met. Remember that popsicles are fantastic for a sore throat, so stock your freezer and invite all of your sick friends to come and join you. You watch the funniest comedies you can find and compete to make the blanket forts that are most comfortable to imagine.

INFP – Introverted iNtuition Feeling Perceiving

Sickness gives you the chance to indulge in all your dreams about hermits. With books, videos, CDs and your favourite herbal teas, you pack your bed. You shut the door, silence your phone, pile up tissue boxes, and get ready for your favourite show’s book and/or movie marathon.

You may feel like a train has run you over, but you won’t let this opportunity to indulge in all your introverted luxuries pass you by.

ENFP – Extraverted iNtuition Feeling Perceiving

As an ENFP, you try to disregard the fact that you have a body and think of yourself as an imagination for walking and chatting. Occasionally, you go through your day puzzling over why you’re not in the best mood or feelings appear more out of control than normal. While watching random YouTube videos, you finally pass out on the sofa.

INFJ – Introverted iNtuition Feeling Judging

Being sick gives you the chance, once you’ve taken care of everyone else, of course, to shut out all the chaos of the external world and take care of yourself. You apologise to anyone you may have infected unintentionally, hand out to everyone in your immediate vicinity blankets and hot drinks, and then you collapse in your bed.

You’re too tired at this point to read all the books you’ve imagined reading, and watch all the movies you’ve imagined watching. You’re creeping toward your room, pulling a blanket over your head, and you’re trying to turn your brain off so you can close your eyes.

ENFJ – Extraverted iNtuition Feeling Judging

Either way, when you are under the weather, you have plenty of presents and cleaning to do. While being careful to cough into your elbow and sanitize any surface you touch, you’ll fulfill your obligations.

People are going to keep staring at you quizzically and asking you to go home and relax, please, but you are just going to smile, sneeze, and emphatically gasp that it’s nothing.

INTJ – Introverted iNtuition Thinking Judging

You believe in toughing it out as independently as possible when it comes to sickness. You’re likely to bring as much work home as you can, shut out the outside world, and revel in the extra isolation, not one to cry out to your mates. You really have to make sure that you don’t do too much when you’re sick. It’s not anything you necessarily want to do to prioritize your physical comfort.

ENTJ – Extraverted iNtuition Thinking Judging

You think it’s a form of weakness to give in to illness, but you’re still rational enough to realize that a power nap is necessary. You drink a green smoothie, fight off your to-do list, and pretend that right behind your eyes you don’t feel that migraine throbbing. You’re fighting a battle between your psyche and your body.

You are determined that against exhaustion, infection, and pain, your mind will prevail. As a measure of your strength and determination, you alter your outlook on this experience. You will prevail!

INTP – Introverted iNtuition Thinking Perceiving

You end up skipping a series of random Google searches after self-diagnosing your disease that are of no interest to your immediate day-to-day life. You will study alien life forms, the afterlife, mysterious holiday locations, and fan fiction from Game of Thrones. This is your time to satisfy your imagination.

You’ll try not to drown in the ever-increasing sea of tissues gathering around you between researching and playing games on your iPhone.

ENTP – Extraverted iNtuition Thinking Perceiving

“Intellect over matter.” When you’re sick, that’s your mantra—or actually, any time at all. By doing what you do best, you try to distract yourself from your misery: Brainstorming. How would you turn a Positive thing into being sick? Are there any ingenious uses for vomiting? How can your physical limitations be transcended? 

You will finally find yourself burnt out and worried that you are really dying this time. You are going to go to the supermarket to buy 2 dozen herbal supplements, Gatorade, and a random selection of science journals and comic books. You write out your will when you get home in case the worst happens.


FAQs: MBTI when sick

How do INFJ respond when sick?

Unless they really have to take it, refuses medicine, but remains home to relax and heal. 

How do ENFP respond when sick?

Refuses to rest or relax-not realizing that this will help them feel better-and goes about their day as normal, getting sick in the process to everyone they meet.

How do ENFJ respond when sick?

Maintains their sunny smile commitments, not wanting to stress other individuals with their illness-and then goes home and crashes hard.

How do ISFP respond when sick?

Secretly revels in finding a socially appropriate excuse for a week or so to stay home and do their own thing.

How do ESFJ respond when sick?

Try to get better as soon as possible so that any friends or loved ones who have also caught their bug can be taken care of.

How do ESTJ respond when sick?

Works on their laptop fervently from bed while scolding their immune system mentally for not trying harder

How do ISTJ respond when sick?

Sticks exclusively to any strategies they were taught as a child to get better, because that’s what has always worked for them, so why turn it up?





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