List of Reasons for Taking Casual Leave (7+ Reasons)

In this brief guide, we will look at a list of reasons for taking casual leave.

List of reasons for taking casual leave

Here is a brief list of reasons for taking a casual leave:

  • Not feeling well
  • Trauma or physical damage of some kind
  • Urgent work at home 
  • Family gathering
  • A family emergency like someone not being well
  • Medical reasons
  • Death of a relative
  • Parental duties and responsibilities
  • Vehicle breakdown
  • Traffic
  • Needing to travel urgently
  • Dentist appointment
  • Work-related assignments like workshop or classes 
  • Pet-related emergency
  • Preparation for a work-related event
  • Preparation for a religious gathering
  • Religious reason
  • Loss or theft of some kind
  • Personal reasons
  • Menstrual cramps

What is a casual leave?

Casual leave is a short term leave of absence from work in case of an unforeseen event of some kind that requires your immediate attention.

The U.S Department of Labour (DOL) website talks about the various benefits the employees of any workplace are entitled to, and the leaves that they may take, including casual leaves, falls under the purview of the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Other benefits that the employees have a right to according to the DOL website are:

“The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. Covered nonexempt workers are entitled to a minimum wage of not less than $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Overtime pay at a rate not less than one and one-half times the regular rate of pay is required after 40 hours of work in a workweek.”

  • “FLSA Minimum Wage: The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Many states also have minimum wage laws. In cases where an employee is subject to both state and federal minimum wage laws, the employee is entitled to the higher minimum wage.”
  • “FLSA Overtime: Covered nonexempt employees must receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 per workweek (any fixed and regularly recurring period of 168 hours – seven consecutive 24-hour periods) at a rate not less than one and one-half times the regular rate of pay. There is no limit on the number of hours employees 16 years or older may work in any workweek. The FLSA does not require overtime pay for work on weekends, holidays, or regular days of rest unless overtime is worked on such days.”
  • “Hours Worked: Hours worked ordinarily include all the time during which an employee is required to be on the employer’s premises, on duty, or at a prescribed workplace.”
  • “Recordkeeping: Employers must display an official poster outlining the requirements of the FLSA. Employers must also keep employee time and pay records.”
  • “Child Labor: These provisions are designed to protect the educational opportunities of minors and prohibit their employment in jobs and under conditions detrimental to their health or well-being.”

How do I ask for a casual leave?

To ask for a casual leave you may send an email or a letter to your employer and call them as well, to intimate them about the fact that you need to take a temporary leave for whatever reason.

The list of reasons for taking a casual leave is endless, but the letter should not be; make sure you keep it short and to the point.

A casual leave application needs to go out to the employer when one needs to request a temporary break from the normal schedule to take care of the personal business of some kind.

Since casual leave is unplanned and short a casual leave application is appropriate to request it.

Tips on how to write a casual leave application

The main thing to remember when writing an application for a casual leave is to make sure that you maintain a professional tone and don’t go into unnecessary details about why you want to take a leave. 

Here are basic things your casual leave application should have:

Some of the most important points to mention in your leave application are:

  • Salutation (Dear employer)
  • Subject or purpose of the application
  • Reason for taking a casual leave, but without much detail
  • Number of leaves needed with dates
  • A work plan or replacement options during your absence
  • Contact information where you may be reached in case of emergency 
  • Signature and a sign off term (Warm regards, yours sincerely)

Here are some samples in case you have a strong reason for taking a casual leave

Letter with Reason to take a casual leave: Sample 1

In addition to the reason for taking a casual leave, this letter also mentions what the employer might do to make up for the absence of the person while they are gone.

“Subject: Casual leave application

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},”

“I am writing this application to request for seven days leave. The reason for my week-long leave is that I have to attend a telecommunication conference from {start date} to {end date}.

This is an essential conference as I would encounter many new and advanced technologies that we could use to update our telecom system. I will be very interested in attending this conference to learn about the revolutionary aspects of the telecommunication industry. With the conference, there will likely be a two-day workshop in which I will learn and observe the things practically.

As this conference is in Frankfurt, I will have to leave early on the evening of {date} to be in time at the airport.

I shall be resuming the office on {date} afternoon. I will be grateful to you for considering my leave application.”


{Your Name}”

Letter with the reason for taking a casual leave: Sample 2

This letter states the reason for taking a casual leave as being sick, which is a common reason for taking a casual leave as it is a temporary thing and one need not take a long leave for this reason.

Keep in mind that if you are applying for a casual leave with sickness as a reason, you need to be able to attach some sort of doctor’s note so that your employer knows that you are not misrepresenting facts.

“Subject: Sick leave application

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},”

“I am writing to notify you that I need sick leave from work because of a severe viral infection. I caught the infection yesterday evening and since then have been feeling very weak.

As per the doctor, I need to take medication for five days, along with proper rest for at least a week. The letter from the doctor is attached, confirming the need for time to recover from the illness.

Kindly allow me a week-long casual leave, until the {date}. Should I require an extended period off, I will let you know as early as possible.

Please feel free to contact me at your convenience, should you have any questions or require clarification concerning the ongoing project. Thank you for your quick attention to this matter.”


{Your Name}”

Letters with the reason for taking a casual leave: Sample 3

In the letter below, the reason for taking a casual leave is a sad one, as it talks about a death in the family.

It is hard enough losing someone you love or are close to anyway, you should not have to worry about work at the same time, so this sample may help you put things out of your mind and focus on being with your loved ones and mourning your loss in peace.

“Subject: Leave required due to death in the family

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},”

“I am writing this letter to inform you about the unfortunate and unexpected passing away of my uncle today. I intend to leave tonight and be out of town for the funeral and related arrangements until {date}.

I request you to grant me seven days of emergency leaves because of such circumstances.

I trust that my work over the last few years speaks for itself about my willingness to make all endeavors to catch up satisfactorily upon my return.

I am confident that my current unfinished tasks will not be negatively affected by this short absence.

Once I return to the office on {date}, I hope to be able to concentrate on my work much more effectively.

Thank you for your support during this time.”

“Yours sincerely,

{Your Name}”

Letter with the reason for taking a casual leave: Sample 4

This letter mentions a common reason for taking a casual leave, which is a vacation.

If you feel like you are not able to do your job to the best of your abilities, you may take casual leave and take a short vacation, to refresh your mind.

“Subject: Leave application for family vacation”

“Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},”

I am writing to request your approval for a 7-day leave for my planned vacation. I would like to take my vacation during the summer from {start date} to {end date} to take a cruise trip through the (Place) with my (family members).

I feel incredibly confident that the rest of the team should be able to continue excellent work during my absence.

I look forward to your response and also thank you for your consideration.”

“Yours sincerely,

{Your Name}”


In this brief guide, we looked at a list of reasons for taking casual leave. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments you have.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): List of reasons for taking a casual leave

What are the reasons for taking leave?

Here are some good reasons for taking a leave

Family commitments or reasons
Taking care of health.
Wanting to get out of the office for some time to refresh yourself
Feeling stressed out or overburdened with work
Not taking enough vacation time
Needing to take care of home
Not able to concentrate

How do I write a casual leave request?

Here is how you can write a casual leave request:

Explain concisely the reason for the casual leave
Mention the period or dates for the casual leave.
Mention the date that you will be resuming work.
Keep it short and comprehensive.
Provide contact details where you might be reachable in case of urgent work

What is the best reason to take emergency leave?

The best reason to take an emergency leave is if you are feeling unwell/sick.

Another reason to take an emergency leave maybe a house or family emergency.

How do I apply for leave for personal reasons?

To apply for a leave for personal reasons you may write an application and either send it by email or in the mail. You may also call your employer and inform them that you have sent in an email or mail and elaborate on the reason.

Submit the request with time to properly intimate the authority
Keep it professional and formal.
Use polite language and be concise
Be prepared to discuss the reason further in person 
Discuss how work will be handled while you are away and take care of necessary arrangements yourself

Other Sample resignation & Leave letters you may like

Below is a list of other sample resignation letters we have curated.

Remember, your health comes first and if you are feeling exhausted or work is simply stressing you out then taking a break doesn’t make you weak but strong.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.


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