ISTP Spirit Animal (A 7 Point Guide)

In this article, we will look at the spirit animal of ISTP personality type. This article will reveal the ISTP spirit animal and also their shared characteristics.

What is the spirit animal of ISTP Myers Briggs personality type? 

Your spirit animal is the proud cat!

ISTP, The Virtuoso (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Prospecting) is a person who possesses the Introverted, Observing, Thinking, and Prospecting personality characteristics. 

These are also relatively rare personality types and they are known for being calm yet spontaneous, and creative, and they approach everything that they do with great optimism and energy. 

The ISTP are also known as Virtuoso’s and for good reason! ISTPs make up about 5% of the total population.

You can’t come up with an animal that matches the ISTP personality type than the Cat, who is curious, proud, and even thought of as an introverted animal. Let’s further explore what makes the two alike.

Common Traits of the Elephant and INFP personality type:

  • Intelligent
  • Curious
  • Proud
  • Introverted
  • Observant
  • Composed
  • Self-sufficient


Cats are some of the most intelligent animals on the planet. Just so you can have a better idea of how smart cats really are they have 300 million neurons as compared to dogs who have 160 million. Feline intellect has really surprised scientists. 

Cats show a remarkable capacity to absorb new information, and not just this they can integrate it with previous knowledge, remember it, and apply it to new scenarios.

ISTPs also have a lot of intelligence when it comes to things, and they instinctively know how to do things efficiently. This intelligence is very beneficial to them in life, and it lends the ISTP an implicit intelligence that others may notice.


You must have heard the proverb ‘curiosity killed the cat’ and it is very befitting of ISTPs because they are indeed extremely curious people. However, their curiosity is reserved for learning and not for probing into people’s lives because they tend to respect others’ privacy.

ISTPs are curious people and they take interest about a wide range of topics and enjoy learning. Since they are adventurous, they are likely to become invested in anything that arouses their curiosity.

Well, you already know how famous cats are for their curiosity. They are also known for being notorious little stalkers but not for the wrong reasons because this curiosity of theirs is a behaviour that has helped them survive.


Cats have been known to be prideful and some people suggest that they have a very strong sense of self respect. 

This is shown in their behaviour because they expect people to respect their personal space and sometimes end up scratching you when they have had enough of petting and want to be on their own and this goes to show that they expect to be respected.

ISTPs are also thought to be proud people but in a positive way. Their pride has more to do with the fact that they don’t like being weak or vulnerable and because of this ISTPs can come off as a bit arrogant to others which in reality they are not. 

Their sense of pride doesn’t normally hold them back from living to their full potential, but it can affect how others view them. ISTPs strive to preserve their individuality, which can lead to them isolating themselves (especially in times when they feel low) so that people are unaware of what is going on within them.


ISTPs, are true-blue introverts and are seen as shy and silent individuals. When in a social situation they are likely to choose silence to small talk. They are self-reliant and dislike being dominated in relationships. 

They have a reputation for being difficult to understand. They are the kind of people who think that their personal affairs must be kept strictly confidential and never discussed with others or brought out in the public (there’s a reason why they are called ‘personal’ affairs).

ISTPs and cats will take quite a long time to connect with someone, and they can come across as aloof and distant. However, if someone makes them feel comfortable and actually gets close to them then they’re in for the long haul.

ISTPs are dominant introverted thinkers which means that they don’t just cherish their alone time but think of it as an absolute essential. 

If an ISTP is having an alone time you better not be snooping on them or getting into their personal space. Just like a cat will scratch you when you violate their precious space, they probably might not scratch you but they will have absolutely no qualms totally ignoring you. 


Cats have very strong observation skills. They learn through observation and experience. You must have seen videos of cats doing uncanny stuff like opening doors, turning on light switches and even ringing bells. 

All this is possible because of the excellent memory of cats. They can form memories and this helps them to recall past experiences and even the feelings associated with them. Wow!

ISTPs have the Observing function in their function stack and are very keen observers. They have an ability to draw very accurate observations about people and other things in general. 


Cats are very calm creatures. Just try observing a cat for a while and you might just catch them slipping into their meditative state. 

When you look at them in their meditative state, when they’re just sitting there with their eyes closed, they really do give off those Buddha vibes. Don’t you think so? Looking at a cat in its meditative state makes me think ‘what am I doing with my life?’

ISTPs are also very composed people. They are not just calm in normal situations but they are also incredibly calm during stressful situations or in times of crisis. The ISTP calmness is almost enviable for most people who tend to lose their heads in a crisis/


Cats need attention and love, but they are also known to be very self-sufficient. You can go to work and leave them at home but when you return you won’t find your cat throwing a tantrum or getting upset or behaving in a way that gives off the message ‘Don’t leave me or else I’ll die without you’. 

They may just spend the entire day catching some nice z’s and seem to be pretty unbothered with you being away. However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t need you, it simply means that they are self-sufficient. 

ISTPs are self-sufficient and possess a strong sense of freedom. They prefer to have their own independence and this very sense of freedom is the reason why they would not want to rely on someone else to fulfill their needs for them.


In this article we explored the spirit animal of the ISTP Myers Briggs personality type and their shared characteristics. If you have any questions or views on this topic please feel free to reach out to us!

Frequently Asked Questions: ISTP Spirit Animal: The Cat

Are ISTP rare?

Is the ISTP personality type uncommon?
Men are also more likely than women to have the ISTP personality type. It is the third most common personality type for males in the population. It is the fourth most unique amongst women.

Are ISTP dangerous?

ISTPs may even sometimes learn and perfect somebody else’s expertise to the extent of being able to fully annihilate them with their own weapon, thanks to deep sensing and a somewhat inhuman capacity to analyze information. This is what makes the ISTP personality type oh so dangerous.

Are ISTPs lazy?

ISTPs may sometimes have a negative reputation for being lazy or using shortcuts to get things done. When it comes to productivity, ISTPs are often mistaken and undervalued precisely because they function in a different way than other personality types.

Are ISTPs loners?

ISTPs are loners at heart. ISTPs aren’t the sort of people you’d see at a party mingling with others. They are engrossed in their own secret worlds and will go to great lengths to keep anyone from intruding. ISTPs can also sabotage their relationships in fear of becoming too close to someone.

Who should ISTP marry?

The ISTP’s natural partner is the ESTJ, or the ENTJ. While two well-developed adults of either kind may have a stable partnership, the ISTP’s natural partner is the ESTJ, or the ENTJ. The dominant function of Introverted Thinking in the ISTP personality is ideally paired with a partner who is a dominant Extraverted Thinking personality type.

How does an ISTP show love?

ISTPs like to do things with their partners rather than having lengthy talks. Conversations could be tedious for them, but enjoying things together in their presence should be enough for them to express affection. When you are dating an ISTP, come up with fun things that you and your date can do together.

Are ISTPs calm?

ISTPs are rational and pragmatic, and yet still relaxed and nonjudgmental. They have a laid-back attitude that makes people curious to know more about them.

What makes an ISTP happy?

ISTPs thrive in times of hardship and challenge, but they have no desire for follow-through because they are still searching for a novel, complex challenge. ISTPs are self-reliant and autonomous, and they are only completely fulfilled when they are involved in a challenging or thrilling task.

Why are ISTPs so cool?

ISTPs may be some of the coolest people you come across. They’re adaptable and take things as they come. ISTPs don’t spend their time overthinking problems or stressing about things they can’t change, because they simply shouldn’t. They have a peaceful disposition, but a part of them is also spontaneous and adventurous and that can be rather surprising for some people.


Myers Briggs Spirit Animals

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