In this article, we will describe a combination of ISTP 4w5 personality type i.e. ISTP personality from the MBTI types and the type 4w5 from enneagram types. We will be describing each personality separately followed up by giving an in-depth overview of a combination of both personalities i.e. ISTP 4w5.
ISTP 4w5
ISTP 4w5 shares traits of both ISTP and 4w5 personality. These people strive to be unique and have an influence on the world. They use their creativity to express themself. In addition to that, they are good problem solvers and are quite interested in human behavior. They spend their time tackling complex problems and easily get bored if something does not grasp their interest.
MBTI: Four Cognitive Functions
Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), based on Carl Jung’s 16 personality types, approaches personality to be composed of four cognitive functions that govern how people think, process, and make decisions. The top two cognitive functions play a dominant role in guiding a person’s personality. Whereas, the latter two play less of a role. However, they still have some impact or influence on how a person behaves in certain situations. ISTP is one personality type out of the 16 types.
ISTP: The Crafter (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)
The ISTP personality type from the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on Carl Jung’s 16 personality types. It describes people who are independent, action-oriented, prefer freedom and flexibility in their life. They are open to new experiences and like engaging in practical activities. Logic, rationality, concrete information, and practical application of things appeal to them more than abstract ideas. They dislike routine and prefer newness in their life. 5.4% of people have an ISTP personality type in the world.
Four Cognitive Functions of ISTP
Four cognitive functions that guide how ISTP personality type processes information includes:
Introverted Thinking
ISTPs spend most of their time thinking and processing information which they rarely express to others. Consequently, they prefer being quiet most of the time. Their actions are based on their strong observational and thinking skills. You could say they are rational and logical people who like to engage in practical activities. Furthermore, while analysing situations, they can put their emotions aside and see things objectively. Such personalities are hard to get to know for other people due to their action-oriented and reserved nature.
Extroverted Sensing
ISTPs are present-oriented who do not think about the past or the future excessively. They are logical and enjoy learning about how things function and operate. They love the practical application of concepts. So they learn more by doing than from reading theories or abstract ideas.
Introverted Intuition
ISTPs often have gut feelings about different situations especially before making a decision. They can turn abstract concepts into actions or practical ideas. Due to their intuitive function, they are also able to have moments of insight about themselves and others.
Extroverted Feeling
This is the weakest part of ISTP’s personality. They are usually calm and logical. However, in stressful situations, they can have emotional outbursts and lash out at others. This is because they usually ignore their feelings till they reach a breaking point.
Enneagrams are a map or typology of human personalities. It was developed by George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, Oscar Ichazo, and Claudio Naranjo.It is divided into nine personality types that are spread across 3 triads i.e. Feeling triad, Thinking Triad, or Instinctive Triad. It describes a person’s fundamental psychological orientation in the form of good or bad traits and sees which triad quality i.e. emotion, intellect or instincts is most characteristic of his or her personality. The Basic Personality Type is the most characteristic of a person. Whereas wings add elements to the overall personality. Type 4w5 is one of its types.
Type 4w5: ‘The Bohemian’
Type 4w5 has basic traits of type 4 and secondary traits of type 5 personality. Both types influence such individuals to withdraw and protect their feelings. These people are observant, intellectual, original, and insightful. They have a degree of social insecurity and can be inconsistent in their work at times.
Healthy versions of this subtype are creative with a high degree of emotional awareness and intellectual comprehension. They are attracted to arts and social sciences since they are interested in understanding human behavior. Such types do not care deeply about the opinions of others and do what they feel like doing. Their self-expression is original, authentic & unique and they create things more for themselves than for their audience.
Average versions of this subtype are self-absorbed in philosophy and religion. Their emotions are dominant than their intellect but both are equally profound. Such types shy away from social connections and spend time alone. Their artistic expression is original and unique. At times, they have insights that are out of this world. Consequently, people find them independent, eccentric, and unconventional.
Most of their time is spent thinking and keep their thoughts private. Even their creative ideas are unique, symbolic, and unusual. So, they keep their communication limited to only those who can understand them, as expressing their vision no matter what it is, is important for them. Generally, they like a simple lifestyle but at times they can be eccentric too.
Unhealthy versions of this subtype spend their time daydreaming, fantasizing, and in self-doubt. Their inner world is scary and has a self-denying feel to it. Especially as their existential problems are incapacitating. Although they are aware of their problems but often they get lost in the negative emotions. Fatigue, Depression, hopelessness, and nihilistic tendencies are common in them. What makes matters difficult is that they deny help from others and continue to be alienated. Their distorted thinking especially phobias, hallucinations, etc. are based on self-hatred and they can easily start feeling that life is meaningless. Due to this, they are at high risk of having depression and schizophrenia.
Examples of Type 4w5: Virginia Woolf, Johnny Depp, Bob Dylan
A Combination of ISTP 4w5
Personality: ISTP 4w5
ISTP 4w5 are afraid of not being able to have an impact or influence on the world. They strive to be unique and seek the admiration of other people. In their attempts to figure out who they are, they use creativity and adopt their loved ones’ traits. They are also good problem solvers who get stimulated by unique challenges. They love fixing things and aspire to use their knowledge and skills for such a purpose. However, they get bored easily and look for new things to keep life interesting
Workstyle: ISTP 4w5
In the workplace, ISTP 4w5 are deep thinkers who use their experience, knowledge, and skills to make an impact. They are determined problem solvers who are adept at crisis management. They make an effort to express themself creatively. For this, they require flexibility and independence. Consequently, they dislike routines and schedules and see them as something constraining their creativity. They pay attention to details as well as concrete and creative ideas. ISTP 4w5 likes spending time with books than people which explains their inquisitive and insightful nature. They prefer to work in jobs that allow them to think and express their creativity e.g. artists, writers, actors, librarians, video game designers, carpentry, scientist,s, etc.
Emotional stressors of ISTP 4w5
ISTP 4w5 are stressed by spending a lot of time with other people and engaging in casual conversation. However, at the same time being rejected and isolated by others also stresses them. Another thing that upsets them is when they don’t understand something.
Conflict: ISTP 4w5
ISTP 4w5 have a good understanding of people and their thoughts. Consequently, they are good at problem-solving. Their conflict management style is practical and solution-oriented. Occasionally, they use logic to make their arguments and are good at expressing themself. They can resolve matters quickly and dislike it when things are dragged out.
Interpersonal Skills: ISTP 4w5
ISTP 4w5 are friendly and practical in their interpersonal interactions. They focus on being unique and creative. They are quite interested in human behavior and observe people with a curious mindset. Emotionally, they may struggle to understand others. They can express their point of view quite clearly. Although they seek the admiration of others, they are not too dependent on their approval. They seek innovation and thrill in their social interactions and get bored when things are dull.
Strengths of ISTP 4w5
- They are curious, inquisitive and have a high drive for knowledge
- They want to stay authentic
- They can connect with their ‘Self’ at a deeper level
- They are creative
- They are good problem solvers
- They are logical
- They learn by experience
- They are action-oriented
- They are realistic and practical in their approach
- They enjoy new things
- They are self-confident and easy-going
Weakness of ISTP 4w5
- They often withdraw from others
- They can lose grip on real-world problems
- They engage in overthinking
- They struggle to follow rules and orders
- They are difficult to get to know
- They can be insensitive
- They get bored easily
- They are risk-takers
- They do not like commitment
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
FAQs: ISTP 4w5
Who should an ISTP marry?
ISTP should marry ESTJ or ENTJ. This is because their dominant introverted thinking can be matched well by the dominant extroverted thinking of such partners. However, they can enjoy good relationships with other personality types as well.
Is ISTP rare?
No. ISTPs are not rare among the general population but they are rare among women.
What is Type 4 personality?
Type 4 personality is social, creative, and expressive. They fear being unwanted by loved ones and experience identity confusion. So, they try really hard to figure out who they are to prevent that from happening. It is one of the types from the nine enneagrams.
What is Type 4w5?
Type 4w5 or Type 4 wing 5 is an enneagram personality subtype. It has core characteristics of type four personality and complementary characteristics of type five personality.
Who are type 4 compatible with?
Type fours are compatible with type fives and nines.
In this article, we discussed ISTP 4w5 personality. We found that ISTP 4w5 shares traits of both ISTP and 4w5 personality. These people strive to be unique and have an influence on the world. They use their creativity to express themself. In addition to that, they are good problem solvers and are quite interested in human behavior. They spend their time tackling complex problems and easily get bored if something does not grasp their interest.
I hope you found this article interesting. If you have any queries or comments, please state them in the comment section 😊
Personality Types – Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery by Don Richard Riso with Russ Hudson
The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson