In this article, we will describe a combination of ISTJ 9w1 personality type i.e. ISTJ personality from the MBTI types and the type 9w1 from enneagram types. We will be describing each personality separately followed up by giving an in-depth overview of a combination of both personalities i.e. ISTJ 9w1.
ISTJ 9w1
ISTJ 9w1 shares traits of both ISTJ and 9w1 personality. These personalities want to have peace in their life and feel content both externally and internally. They fear losing what is important for them. ISTJ 9w1 are balanced personalities who can be warm, reassuring, nonjudgemental as well as objective and rational. They are self-controlled people who avoid conflicts but can resolve them in a fair and just manner. They have good skills of observations, pay attention to details, and try to fulfill their goals in life.
MBTI: Four Cognitive Functions
Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), based on Carl Jung’s 16 personality types, approaches personality to be composed of four cognitive functions that govern how people think, process, and make decisions. The top two cognitive functions play a dominant role in guiding a person’s personality. Whereas, the latter two play less of a role. However, they still have some impact or influence on how a person behaves in certain situations. ISTJ is one personality type out of the 16 types.
ISTJ: The Inspector (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)
The ISTJ personality type from the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on Carl Jung’s 16 personality types. It describes people who are quiet, reserved, practical, and organized. They are traditionalists and value loyalty. 13% of people have an ISTJ personality type in the world.
Four Cognitive Functions of ISTJ
Four cognitive functions that guide how ISTJ personality type processes information includes:
Introverted Sensing
ISTJs are present-oriented and can take in information from their surroundings. They have a good memory and can use prior experience to predict or expect what will happen in the future.
Extroverted Thinking
ISTJs are logical, objective, and rational. They focus on details and concrete information rather than abstract information. They are efficient and productive people who appreciate knowledge with practical application. They are also good decision-makers who use logic and evidence instead of feelings to guide their judgment.
Introverted Feeling
ISTJs often have gut feelings about different situations. Although they make decisions based on logic but their feelings inform them to trust their emotional instinct rather than just facts.
Extroverted Intuition
This is the weakest part of ISTJ’s personality. They enjoy new ideas and experiences which help them to have a more balanced personality.
Enneagrams are a map or typology of human personalities. It was developed by George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, Oscar Ichazo, and Claudio Naranjo.It is divided into nine personality types that are spread across 3 triads i.e. Feeling triad, Thinking Triad, or Instinctive Triad. It describes a person’s fundamental psychological orientation in the form of good or bad traits and sees which triad quality i.e. emotion, intellect or instincts is most characteristic of his or her personality. The Basic Personality Type is the most characteristic of a person. Whereas wings add elements to the overall personality. Type 9w1 is one of its types.
Type 9w1: ‘The Dreamer’
Type 9w1 has basic traits of type 9 and secondary traits of type 1. Type nine pushes these people to repress emotions for peace and type ones do that to maintain self-control. Thus, such types are more cerebral, interested in concepts, and ideas. They are emotionally calm and stable but have their moments of anger. From being agreeable to shifting to critical and sarcastic comes easy to them. Philosophy and spirituality spark their idealistic side.
Healthy versions of this subtype are wise, fair, objective, principled, and possess integrity. They are able to compare and contrast different schools of thought. They have a good imagination, are creative, expressive, and visionaries. People find them friendly yet serious, non-judgemental, helpful, and reassuring. They make good teachers, leaders, and therapists.
Average versions of this subtype strive to make the world a better place within their capacity. They have clear opinions and ideas on different matters. Associated with them are emotionally-controlled, orderly, active, energetic, detached, and less passionate traits. They can achieve their long-term goals in an orderly fashion They can also be perfectionistic, thoughtful, and private. Conflict avoidance and traditional approach describe their overall attitude towards life. Although they can get angry but do not do it in a loud explosive way to cause a scene because they are concerned about respect and propriety. Often, they feel they are morally superior to others. So, they use morality and rationality in their arguments with political and religious people.
Unhealthy versions of this type have a withdrawn and schizoid type personality with limited emotional expression. Their anger and impulsivity are within range but often come out of the blue. Seeing injustice in the world creates resentment in them and a need to punish those people for their sins also arises. OCD-like traits can also develop in neurotic 9w1 types but with a degree of dissociation from their real-life problems. They can become extremely involved in their troubles and have emotional breakdowns yet dissociate from them later when nothing new happens in life. Long periods of no treatment may make them resemble autistic people who are mostly dissociated, helpless, in despair, and react suddenly with bursts of negative emotions.
Examples of Type 9w1: Abraham Lincoln, Queen Elizabeth, Carl Jung, Walt Disney
A Combination of ISTJ 9w1
Personality: ISTJ 9w1
ISTJ 9w1 fear being cut off from the world and losing what is important to them. They desire to make peace both within and outside themselves. They strive to make the image of their idealized world come true. They exercise logic and rationality in their life. They have good skills of observations and pay attention to details. They are self-controlled and peace-loving and try to avoid conflicts. They use their knowledge and skills to guide their behavior. Also, they are good negotiators who distract themself with their routine and avoid negative emotions, to defend themself. They work according to plan quietly and steadily.
Workstyle: ISTJ 9w1
ISTJ 9w1 are open-minded, humble, motivated to help others, and good at making peace. They are good planners who clarify team roles and make sure objectives are achieved timely and efficiently. They pay attention to rules and regulations. They prefer to work in jobs that allow them to make a difference at a large scale and utilize their mediating skills e.g. judge, nurse, counselor, diplomat, veterinarian, etc.
Emotional stressors of ISTJ 9w1
ISTJ 9w1 are often stressed by making mistakes and disappointing others in the process. They want to be acknowledged and feel down when they are overlooked or ignored. They usually pay attention to the needs of others and may ignore their own in the process. Not being able to achieve their objectives and goals in life, distresses them greatly.
Conflict: ISTJ 9w1
ISTJs 9w1 dislike and avoid conflict. Yet, they are able to control their emotions in disagreements and use their skills of mediation to understand both perspectives and resolve the matter peacefully. They pay attention to being fair in the process. They use communication that is balanced in being logical and emotional. Overall, their priority is to restore harmony.
Interpersonal Skills: ISTJ 9w1
ISTJ 9w1 are balanced personalities that are warm towards others and can establish good relationships. People find them objective, non-judgemental, and reassuring. Their priority is to have harmonious relationships. Although they like hanging out with people, they need space to recharge as they can get socially overstimulated. They like to keep their feelings private and don’t express them openly. They can be sarcastic at times as well. Usually, they like to discuss both concrete and conceptual ideas with others.
Strengths of ISTJ 9w1
- They are accepting of multiple perspectives
- They have a good work ethic
- They are open-minded
- They are helpful to others
- They have strong motivation and sense of purpose
- They are detail-oriented
- They are realistic
- They are focused on the present
- They have good observational skills
- They like practicality, organization, and order in their life.
Weakness of ISTJ 9w1
- They neglect personal needs
- They can be self-critical
- They dislike conflict and try to avoid it.
- They can be perceived as cold, sarcastic, and insensitive during times of stress.
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
FAQs: ISTJ 9w1
Who should an ISTJ marry?
ISTJ should marry ESFP or ESTP. This is because their dominant introverted sensing can be matched well by the dominant extroverted sensing of such partners. However, they can enjoy good relationships with other personality types as well.
Is ISTJ rare?
No. ISTJs are not rare. 12% of the population is an ISTJ personality.
What is Type 9 personality?
Type 9 personality is peaceful, creative, and hardworking. They fear wreaking havoc on others so they numb their needs to prevent that from happening. It is one of the types from the nine enneagrams.
What is Type 9w1?
Type 9w1 or Type9 wing 1 is an enneagram personality subtype. It has core characteristics of type nine personality and complementary characteristics of type one personality.
Is Enneagram valid?
Yes. Studies conducted on The Enneagram Institute’s Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) are 72 percent accurate, reliable, and valid.
In this article, we discussed the ISTJ 9w1 personality. ISTJ 9w1 shares traits of both ISTJ and 9w1 personality. These personalities want to have peace in their life and feel content both externally and internally. They fear losing what is important for them. ISTJ 9w1 are balanced personalities who can be warm, reassuring, non-judgemental as well as objective and rational. They are self-controlled people who avoid conflicts but can resolve them in a fair and just manner. They have good skills of observations, pay attention to details, and try to fulfill their goals in life.
I hope you found this article interesting. If you have any queries or comments, please state them in the comment section 😊
Personality Types – Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery by Don Richard Riso with Russ Hudson
The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson