In this brief guide, we will look at the ISFP 9w1 personality type, as well as other questions related to ISFP 9w1 combination in a personality, like ISFP enneagram, ISFP 9w8 and Enneagram test.
ISFP 9w1 Personality type
The ISFP 9w1 personality might be someone that likes to maintain inner peace much more so than outer peace, given their strong introverted feeling function, and while they may be concerned with the well-being of others, they may do so only when they are at peace.
The ISFP likes to be involved in procuring and defending the well-being of those they see as less than capable of helping themselves, and they may frequently be seen helping our children, animals, the disabled, the underserved, etc., which fits well with the peacekeeping tendencies of the enneagram 9w1 personality type.
There may be times when the ISFP 9w1 personality’s chief reason for helping others may be so that they can act on their deeply-held belief that every individual is valuable and deserves a fair shot at reaching her own personal potential, in which one might find the typical Enneagram 1 trait of idealism as well as the strong moral compass.
Often, the ISFP 9w1 might be seen trying to find authentic and moral ways of achieving external peace, and they may also be very focused on getting interpersonal harmony in place, especially when it involves feeling or understanding among the involved parties.
The ISFP 9w1 can also sense immediately when a relationship is superficial or the peace they just established is based on fakery, and if this happens in their interpersonal relationships with their intimates they may be deeply hurt.
The ISFP 9w1 will always be willing to work through finding peace and harmony in their inner and outer world, and they will always be believers in the concept of “clearing the air” so that they can improve the relationship.
Because they are introverted individuals, the ISFP 9w1 is also going to be less conflict-averse because the typical enneagram 9 traits of being passive and conflict-avoidant are very evident in this personality.
Because the ISFP has a sensing function, the 9w1 traits of being uninvolved with the surroundings may often not be limited and the ISFP 9w1 personality may often want to act at the moment and not read into things as much and because the introverted intuition function is quite low in this type, they may often exclude ideas and reduce them down into an ideal, which may be dichotomous in nature because of the type 1 wing.
All 9w1 personality types are sentimental, and those who are self-aware may want to retreat into a comfortable place that soothes all their senses, which may be at odds with the extroverted sensing function of the ISFP, since they may not be as sentimental in that particular way.
That is not to say that the ISFP is not sentimental, because their introverted feeling makes them very much so, but is that the ISFP is more objective in their sentimentality, and the fact that introverted intuition is so low in their function stack, they value they assign to sentimental things may often be symbolic value, and not extreme and intense value.
When they are stressed, the ISFP 9w1 is likely to get quite obsessive, because their extroverted sensing function may make them think whatever is going to happen will happen and they can’t stop it, but because of their introverted feeling function, they may also feel that emotional about it and keep thinking about it over and over again either way, and stressing their nerves to the point of exhaustion.
ISFP personality
ISFP stands for introverted, sensing (observant), feeling, and prospecting or perceiving, and they are also known as adventurers, and to know if you have the ISFP personality type, you can take the Myers Briggs Type Indicator test.
The ISFP has very artistic tendencies and a unique ability to find beauty in their surroundings, and combined with their open mind and a tendency to approach life and new experiences with enthusiasm, these can be very interesting people.
There is also a lot of grounded warmth and tendency to stay at the moment in the typical ISFP, likely due to the prospecting function, and the sensing function.
The ISFP is good at finding and uncovering exciting potentials which may often make them true artists, not just in the creative arts like music or painting, however, one might find that these disciplines often see a lot of ISFP individuals.
Obviously, the ISFP are introverts and as such they may often feel the need to step out of the spotlight to be by themselves and engage their mind in some introspection and they may often like going through their principles at this time.
Despite this tendency though, the ISFP does not spend a lot of time dwelling on the past or the future, they just like thinking about who they are and when they have spent a lot of time among people they need time alone desperately, to feel transformed and energized.
Surprisingly for an introvert, however, the ISFP also loves the thrill of new experiences which means that they may often engage in impulsive behavior like gambling and extreme sports.
But, the ISFP may not engage in an excess of impulsive behaviors, they are more likely to be able to control it before it gets too much and their attunement to the moment and their environment allows them to do better than most people in getting out of risk before they get into dangerous territory.
The ISFP also has a great love for aesthetics, design, and even their choices and actions that often tend to push all limits of social convention, which may often make them look like rebels.
This personality is also very adventurous precisely but always with beauty and grace, and going against useless traditional expectations with experimental things is something they love to do.
The ISFP also loves the idea of reinventing and experimenting with themselves and the environment around them, and likely due to their sensation tendency, they may be high on exploratory behavior and spontaneity.
The ISFP is capable of connecting with people very well too and they are charming and pleasant when they are not in one of their introspective moods.
ISFP Enneagram
The ISFP enneagram usually tends to be enneagram type 9, due to the tendency of both ISFP and enneagram 9 to seek peace and stay away from conflict.
The ISFP enneagram is also more likely to be 9w1 than 9w8, due the artistic tendencies one might find in the 9w1, as well as the need to help other people in some way.
The 9w1 enneagram is also every moral and idealistic, which are also traits one might find in the ISFP personality, due to their introverted feeling function.
9w1 Personality
Enneagram 9w1 refers to someone with the core traits of type 9 and partial traits of type 1, and this individual would probably like being peaceful and sure of their convictions and ideals, which means they may be someone that takes a peaceful and adaptive approach to solve the biggest of the society’s issues.
The 9w1 is likely to be quite sure of themselves but very calm and gentle at the same time they may be very hardworking, creative, and friendly and they will never react to bad circumstances with actual physical harm.
The enneagram 9w1 is defined by their calm idealistic tendency and their attitude of adhering to rights and wrongs they believe in.
The basic fear of a 9w1 enneagram may often revolve around fearing misfortune and isolation, but this comes through in their darker moments, and generally they are rather optimistic due to their type 9 traits.
ISFP 9w8 Personality
The ISFP 9w8 personality may be someone that is quite forceful about what they want and they may come across as more rebellious than the ISFP 9w1, because when the defiance of ISFP combines with the wing 8 traits of wanting to be invulnerable, it may make for someone who is very strong and sure of themselves.
The ISFP 9w8 personality will likely get noticed, which they obviously won’t like, because they are still introverts, but they will likely not want to adhere to arbitrary rules and regulations, but they might do it in very subtle ways, and keep the peace at the same time.
When stressed, the ISFP 9w8 is also more likely to engage in reckless or impulsive behavior, but in their best times they are likely to be very adventurous and happy-go-lucky.
Enneagram Test
The main Enneagram test that is validated and used often is the Riso Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator, and it was designed by Don Riso and Ross Hudson.
There are also many Enneagram tests available online if one wants to know their enneagram type, and it is also suggested that you read about the adjacent enneagram types so you may find out what your wing might be.
In this brief guide, we looked at the ISFP 9w1 personality type, as well as other questions related to ISFP 9w1 combination in personality, like the ISFP enneagram, ISFP 9w8 and Enneagram test.
ISFP 9w1 personality type is just one of the many that are possible with the ISFP enneagram combination, because it is not a rule that certain MBTI types will only get along with certain enneagram types.
Enneagram types are not based on any one part of the personality, instead, they are more just categorizations of people in the world based on what kind of people there are, which means that anyone that uses any cognitive function can be a given personality type.
If you’ve enjoyed the ”ISFP 9w1 Personality Type” mentioned above, I would recommend you to take a look at ”ISFP-T” too.
If you have any questions or comments about ISFP 9w1, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): ISFP 9w1
What Enneagram is Isfp?
ISFP enneagram is usually enneagram 9, probably because both of these personality types are quite introverted.
What is a 9w1?
9w1 is a personality type which is also known as nine wing one is someone that identifies more with the type nine, but also shares several traits with the one type.
The enneagram 9w1 may be hardworking, creative, and friendly in their behavior and they are also likely to be quite idealistic and serious than other nines.
How rare is Isfp?
ISFP personality is not rare, as the sensing type tends to be quite common in the population.
ISFP is the fourth most common type in the population as they make up about 9% of the general population.
Are Isfp emotional?
ISFP can be quite emotional, as they have an Introverted Feeling function, which makes them quite private about their own emotions, which may also at the same time be very intense and strong.
The ISFP can also be quite emotional when coping with stress and the MBTI manual says they may often do it by “Getting upset or angry and not showing it”.
Who Should an Isfp marry?
The ISFP should marry someone like an ESFJ, or the ENFJ because their dominant function is Introverted Feeling which is best matched with someone whose dominant function is Extraverted Feeling.