Is the Many Sides of Jane Fake? (A comprehensive guide)
In this brief guide, we will look at the subject Is the many sides of Jane Fake, as well as Many sides of Jane Discussions and Reviews. We will also look at some details of the show Many Sides of Jane, like the cast.
Is the Many Sides of Jane Fake?
The show Many sides of Jane is likely not fake, but there is no real way to know for sure given how rare the condition of Dissociative Identity Disorder is and how little is actually known about it properly.
Dissociative Identity disorder is a mental health condition in which the person’s psyche responds to severe trauma by sort of splitting off in multiple personalities which may have completely different attributes, and this is the disorder that Jane Hart suffers from on the show Many Sides of Jane.
It has been shown that Jane Hart on Many Sides of Jane has 9 or more personalities, which include individuals like Madison, who is 23 years old, Jaden, 11 years old, Ashley, 19 years old Beth, who is 9 years old, Janey, who is 6 years old and Alexis, who is 17 years old.
“I think I am more impulsive than she is”, says one of Jane’s personalities. Alexis, 17 years old, claims she is more fun than Jane, and it becomes rather hard to understand whether the many sides of Jane is fake or not, because while on one hand it is clear that there is a problem here, and that she is clearly being different people, on the other hand many people may have trouble reconciling what they know about the human mind with the fact that it is capable of splitting off like that.
Part of the reason many psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as researchers, find it hard to give any credibility to Dissociative Identity Disorder is because the disorder is extremely hard to report or assess, which is what gives credibility to most conditions of the human mind.
Even schizophrenia, which can be downright bizarre on occasion, can be understood and assessed according to its symptoms and checklists and scales exist that do just that, but how do you ascertain if something like the Many Sides of Jane is fake or real when you have no measure that reliably tells you of what to expect?
Another possibility why people may wonder about the Many Sides of Jane being fake or real is because the chances of malingering are incredibly high when something controversial is claimed as being true, in any case, and when someone comes out with an already suspicious condition on a show that is clearly going to work out in their favor, it becomes easier to question the authenticity of it.
Whether the Many sides of Jane is fake or real, is not something that can be decided when we barely know anything about the disorder, other than the fact that it can make you into different people and make you sound different sometimes, which are incidentally also symptoms of a great actor.
Sadly, people who actually suffer from the disorder may often get sidelined or more misunderstood because of the controversy that surrounds it, which means that any efforts like Many sides of Jane, whether fake or not, are only going to help as long as they bring about any awareness at all.
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder is defined as the following by NAMI:
“Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously referred to as multiple personality disorder, is a dissociative disorder involving a disturbance of identity in which two or more separate and distinct personality states(or identities) control an individual’s behavior at different times.
When under the control of one identity,a person is usually unable to remember some of the events that occurred while other personalities were in control. The different identities, referred to asalters, may exhibit differences in speech, mannerisms,attitudes, thoughts and gender orientation.
The alters may even present physical differences, such as allergies, right or-left handedness or the need for eyeglass prescriptions. These differences between alters are often quite striking.”
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
Jane Hart
Jane Hart features on the show Many sides of Jane, and she is a 28 year old woman who suffers from Dissociative Identity disorder (previously, Multiple Personality Disorder), and she has about 9 alternate identities as a result of trauma she experienced as a child.
Jane Hart is an author, a public speaker and mental health activist who helped produce the show Many Sides of Jane because she wanted to bring about awareness of the condition of Dissociative Identity Disorder, which she suffers from.
Jane was born and raised in Boise, Idaho, from where she moved to Rural Alaska when she got married, and currently she lives back in Boise again, and she has two sons.
Most research indicates that DID is probably caused by repeated childhood trauma of a sexual and/or physical nature, which Jane endured as a child, through her biological mother.
Jane Hart calls herself a “human information sponge,” and she has also spent countless hours researching the effects of trauma on the brain as well as learning as much as she can aboutDID in the hopes of helping others.
Many Sides of Jane Reviews
Here are some of the most comprehensive Many Sides of Jane reviews:
“I really appreciated this show. Jane was so brave to participate and be vulnerable with her experience. I have a degree in psychology, but not much experience with abnormal psych. I learned a lot about how she lives with her manifestation of DID. The times that I have worked with people who have had this diagnosis were similar to her case. This show gave me much more insight into it. It also was consistent with the many coping mechanisms people develop with abuse induced PTSD. Especially the younger parts that continue needing support and parenting. The public needs to learn more about mental illness and disorders through real people, not dramatic embellishments in films.”
“This series has a lot of potential and I’ll update once it’s reached its completion, but I’ve been pretty impressed by Jane’s bravery and openness while dealing with some extremely sensitive and personal things. As someone with DID I’m always curious when the media tries to cover the topic. I’m disappointed nearly every time. My only complaint so far with The Many Sides of Jane is the overly dramatic effects added by producers and/or editors of the show during the switches between her parts. It’s unnecessary and over the top. Letting go of that annoyance, I’m hopeful that the show will continue to dive into the realities of living with this disorder. I’m skeptical that the public at large will be able to push aside such a thick stigma, but media that actually shows DID is essentially nonexistent. Hopefully, this is a step toward humanizing such a misunderstood diagnosis.”
“The people who dislike this really seem to have no experience with DID. It has been misrepresented in the media so many times, to the point that people think those with DID are evil/possessed/dangerous and they are not. Jane didn’t create this to be a spectacle for those who don’t get it, Jane did this so that there would be correct and relatable information out there on DID. I believe it is very well done, and Jane is so brave for putting her and her whole system out there when there are so many heartless and cruel people judging them. DID stems from childhood trauma, it is not an easy thing to broadcast for the world. Well done!!”
“I do believe that Jane is the victim of abuse which resulted in her having D.I.D. The show, however, is disjointed and poorly done. A&E is doing Jane, and their viewers, a disservice by treating this like a melodrama rather than fact.”
In this brief guide, we looked at the subject Is the many sides of Jane Fake, as well as Many sides of Jane Discussions and Reviews. We also looked at some details of the show Many Sides of Jane, like the cast.
The show Many sides of Jane addresses a subject that has been shrouded in mystery for the longest time, and possibly still is, even though this docu-series exists, and the only way to understand it better is to understand what Jane, the protagonist, goes through.
Many sides of Jane raises many questions, from about the disorder itself, to about the way society treats the disorder, and there are many things that need to be talked about before Dissociative Identity Disorder is finally accepted or rejected as a legitimate mental health condition.
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If you have any more questions similar to “Is the Many Sides of Jane Fake?”, or about Dissociative Identity Disorder, you can reach out to us at any time.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Is the Many sides of Jane Fake?
What happened to Jane on the many sides of Jane?
Jane Hart on the Many Sides of Jane show went through abuse as a child and she was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), and she has done the docu-series in order to bring about more awareness about the disorder and to ensure that people let go of the common misconceptions they have about the problem.
What abuse did Jane go through?
Jane Hart was abused physically and sexually when she was a child although it is not entirely clear what type of abuse she went through.
It was also shown that in 2014, she was sitting on her sofa when she realized that she had hit rock bottom.
She moved to rural Alaska to escape her childhood filled with sexual abuse in Idaho and she got married there, and had two kids, after which she started hearing voices.
Will there be a season 2 of many sides of Jane?
It is not certain whether there will be a season 2 of the show Many Sides of Jane Season 2, as it has not yet been announced by the network that produced the show.
Where can I watch many sides of Jane?
You can watch Many sides of Jane on Hulu, which also has a free trial, after which you need to make an account.
Who Abused Jane?
Jane’s biological mother abused Jane Hart sexually, and possibly physically, and it is also possible that Jane may have been abused by her father and stepmother as well.
It was made clear that Jane was abused in interviews with a Forensic psychologist David Corwin in 1984 when she was age six.