Is Peeing in Bottles a sign of a Disorder?(OCD)?

In this blog, we will answer the question “Is Peeing in Bottles a sign of a Disorder?” and also explore what is OCD, diagnosis of OCD, difficulty in diagnosing OCD, cases of people peeing in bottles, anxiety, and peeing, and answer frequently asked questions. 

Is Peeing in Bottles a sign of a Disorder (OCD)?

Peeing in Bottles sounds like a bizarre thing but there have been cases recorded where people peed in bottles due to a variety of reasons which we’ll be discussing in the later sections. 

To answer the question, peeing in bottles can be associated with Obsessive-compulsive disorder and also be caused by other mental health-related concerns like stress, anxiety, etc. 

Peeing in the bottles for a long time out of obsession and compulsion can be a form of OCD as it creates a sense of a compulsive need to pee only in bottles and be a sign of underlying mental health issues. 

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

OCD is a widespread and easily recognizable psychiatric illness. However, people with OCD may arrive with such an aberrant presentation of symptoms and a care pathway spanning numerous specialties. 

OCD is also linked to cases of frequent micturition. Due to this people also pee in bottles and cups. In this article, we are going to talk about Peeing in Bottles Mental Disorder.

It is a common psychiatric illness (2-3 percent of the general population) that is easily diagnosed by a psychiatrist or even a physician most of the time. It might be difficult to appropriately diagnose a person with OCD based just on a standard interview. Because the symptoms of 

OCD can be so aberrant or unusual, patients may be referred to several specialties before a diagnosis can be made. Cognitive impairment in the domains of memory and attention has been repeatedly documented in OCD patients in neuropsychological research. 

Anxiety, lack of confidence, indecision, and other OCD-related clinical symptoms, as well as decreased memory and attention, may complicate or interfere with information transmission.

Diagnosis of OCD

The following steps may be taken to assist in the diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder:

● Psychological assessment

Talking about your thoughts, feelings, symptoms, and behaviour patterns can help you figure out if you have obsessive or compulsive habits that are affecting your quality of life. With your consent, this could include communicating with your family or friends.

● Diagnostic criteria 

Your doctor may use criteria from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

● Physical examination. 

This may be done to help rule out other issues that could be causing your symptoms and to look for any complications.

Difficulties in diagnosing OCD

OCD symptoms can be difficult to distinguish from those of obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, and other mental illnesses. It’s also possible to have OCD and another mental health issue at the same time. Work together with your doctor to ensure you get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Peeing in Bottles: Real Life cases

 (The names mentioned are not the real names)

  • Sheron Ashley’s Case

“I didn’t give it much thought the first time I came across a bottle of my soon-to-be husband’s urine. A 20-ounce Pepsi bottle adapted for his pee was shut up on the floor of his car. Sure, it was disgusting, but I thought he’d topped up the bottle on one of his regular travels from his father’s place, which was a couple of hours away.

I didn’t make a big deal out of it; I just threw it in the trash can at the next gas station and carried on with our day. Finally, I dismissed it as something that certain males do just because they can.

After that, we got married. I was completely unprepared for our new situation.”

  • Dorina Khan’s Case

“My 34-year-old male roommate has been collecting beer bottles in his room and peeing into them. He is not discarding them, but rather allowing them to mold. I saw that some have spilled over, and he has tried to clear it up, but…the garbage can is overflowing with paper debris, and those papers are now sitting in the trash can. The restroom is direct across from his door.”

  • Peter Stephan’s Case

We have a relative staying with us who is 22 years old and has never been away from home or his maids. He stated that he would be staying for two years.

Doesn’t pay rent and expects us to cook and clean for him, in addition to the type being dirty, not cleaning up, leaving food in the bedroom. 

He’s started paying a little bit of keep (but constantly forgets and needs to be reminded) and I’ve recently discovered he’s been pissing into bottles and putting them in his room. He simply leaves the bottles where they are. I’ve subsequently spoken with him and given him a deadline to leave. He’s leaving in four weeks and can’t wait, so that’s taken care of.

  •  After authorities discovered hundreds of plastic bottles containing urine in their apartment, a family of three was brought for mental health evaluations.

After their utilities in Aktau, southwestern Kazakhstan, were cut off for outstanding payments, their parents and adult son, Zhenya, had been relieving himself into bottles for a year.

Neighbors who were wary of the foul odour coming from their house complained to the cops. Police had to use a crowbar to gain entry when the owners refused to comply and open the front door.

According to reports, cops were surprised to see hundreds of plastic bottles filled with pee and strewn across the floor when they entered the area. A mound of rotting clothing in the middle of a room and urine stored in the filthy kitchen can be seen in images taken by local media. 

Anxiety and Peeing Issues

●      Peeing problems might be caused by the fight or flight system, which is responsible for anxiety symptoms.

●      Some people have no control over their pee, while others may feel the need to go frequently.

●      There are physiologic reasons why a person who is worried cannot regulate his or her urine.

●      Each peeing issue has its own set of causes and solutions.

●      Generic anxiety reduction can help with peeing issues and prevent other systems from malfunctioning.

Treatment of OCD

Treatment for the obsessive-compulsive disorder may not result in a cure, but it can help put symptoms under control so that they do not dominate your everyday life. Some patients may require long-term, continuous, or more rigorous treatment depending on the severity of their OCD.

Psychotherapy and medicines are the two basic therapies for OCD. Treatment is often most effective when a combination of these is used.


Many patients with OCD benefit from cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT), a type of psychotherapy. Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is a component of CBT therapy that involves gradually exposing you to a feared object or concern, such as dirt, and teaching you how to resist the need to do your obsessive rituals.

ERP requires effort and practice, but once you learn to manage your obsessions and compulsions, you may enjoy a higher quality of life.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.


Certain psychiatric drugs can aid in the control of OCD obsessions and compulsions. Antidepressants are frequently used first.

The following antidepressants have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of OCD:

●      Adults and children over the age of 10 should take clomipramine (Anafranil).

●      Fluoxetine (Prozac) is prescribed for adults and children aged 7 and up.

●      Fluvoxamine is prescribed for adults and children aged 8 and up.

●      Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva) is only for adults.

●      Sertraline (Zoloft) is prescribed for adults and children aged 6 and up.

**Your doctor may, however, prescribe further antidepressants and mental drugs.**

Coping and assistance

Managing obsessive-compulsive disorder can be difficult. Medications can cause unpleasant side effects, and you may feel embarrassed or upset about having a chronic ailment that necessitates long-term therapy. Here are some coping strategies for OCD:

●      Learn more about OCD. Learning about your disease might help you feel more empowered and motivated to stick to your treatment plan.

●      Maintain your attention on your objectives. Keep your recovery goals in mind, and keep in mind that OCD rehabilitation is a continuing process.

●      Participate in a support group. Reaching out to people who are facing similar issues might give you with support and help you cope.

●      Look for healthy outlets. Investigate healthy outlets for your energy, such as hobbies and recreational activities. Exercise on a regular basis, consume a nutritious diet, and get enough sleep.

●      Learn how to relax and control your stress. Stress management practices such as meditation, visualization, muscular relaxation, massage, deep breathing, yoga, or tai chi, in addition to professional treatment, may assist relieve stress and anxiety.

●      Maintain your regular routine. Try not to avoid engaging in significant activities. Carry on with your normal routine of going to work or school. Spend quality time with your family and friends. Don’t allow OCD to take over your life.

Living with OCD

Since obsessive-compulsive disorder is a chronic condition, it may remain with you for the rest of your life. While OCD requires expert therapy, there are several things you may do for yourself to supplement your treatment plan:

Put everything you’ve learned into practice. Work with your mental health practitioner to find and practice tactics and skills that will help you manage your symptoms. 


We answered the question “Is Peeing in Bottles a sign of a Disorder (OCD)?” and also explored all about OCD, various real-life cases of people peeing in bottles and storing them, anxiety and peeing issues, treatment of OCD, and living with OCD. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) : Is Peeing in Bottles a sign of a Disorder (OCD)?

What is the term for peeing in a bottle?

A urinal, often known as a pee bottle or male urinal, is a bottle used for urination. It is most commonly used in medical settings for people who find it impossible or difficult to get out of bed while sleeping. Urinals enable patients with cognitive and arm movement to urinate without the assistance of attendants.

What is the purpose of peeing into bottles?

It meant that workers used a “toilet bottle” system. “People basically peed in bottles because they lived in terror of being disciplined for ‘idle time’ and losing their employment just because they needed the lavatory,” Bloodworth explained.

Is it acceptable to pee in cups?

It is okay to pee in cups when you are on the road and there is no access to a restroom but if a person pees regularly and compulsively in cups then they should consult a professional


What exactly is the micturition process?

Micturition, often known as urination, is the process of emptying urine from the urinary bladder, which serves as a storage organ. The smooth or involuntary muscle of the bladder wall is known as the detrusor. Nervous impulses from both the somatic and autonomic nervous systems influence the process of urine emptying into the urethra.

What exactly is Pyuria?

Pyuria is a disorder characterized by an increase in the presence of white blood cells in the urine. Although a urinary tract infection is the most prevalent cause of sterile pyuria, other diseases may also be present. Pyuria is defined by doctors as the presence of 10 white blood cells in per millimeter cube of urine.


What is bacteriuria with symptoms?

Bacteriuria with associated symptoms of a urinary tract infection (such as frequent urination, painful urination, fever, back pain) is referred to as symptomatic bacteriuria and includes pyelonephritis or cystitis. Escherichia coli is the most prevalent cause of urinary tract infections.



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