INTJs and ISTJs friendship (5 reasons)

This blog will answer the question, “Can INTJs and ISTJs be compatible friends?”.  it will discuss the compatibility of both personalities in a friendship and it will briefly define both the ISTJ and INTJ personalities.

Can INTJs and ISTJs be compatible friends?

We can safely say that the INTJ and ISTJ personality are quite compatible with each other due to the differences and similarities in the following key areas of their friendship:

● Information processing

● Obligations and Autonomy

● INTJ and ISTJ values

● Introversion

● Judging

The following is a comparative discussion of the characteristics of both INTJs and ISTJs. This is to determine whether they can get along as friends given their distinct personality types.

Information Processing

These two personalities process and absorb information in different ways. The S in ISTJ stands for Sensing, this entails that they focus on information that comes in through their five senses. 

This is mainly what they can see and hear which makes them people who pay no mind to theories and assumptions. For the ISTJ seeing is believing.

On the other hand, INTJs are intuitive. This means they focus on establishing patterns and finding the underlying meaning of information.

If the two had to make a decision the two will bump heads as each one is focused on a different aspect of the problem. The INTJ will be focused on forming ideas regardless of their feasibility while the ISTJ will look for solutions that have an immediate and practical application.

However, they can balance each other out. The INTJ will offer insight while the ISTJ will bring practicality to the table.

Obligations and Autonomy

When it comes to honoring obligations the ISTJ is the expert. They are very dutiful and devoted friends. They will go to great lengths to meet the needs of their friends and family. 

On the other hand, the INTJ views obligations as shackles and would rather function autonomously doing their own thing. The ISTJ has a tendency to be responsible for everyone’s life while the INTJ pays attention to their needs first.

In this particular friendship, the ISTJ may feel like they are doing everything for their INTJ friend who is not reciprocating their gestures. The INTJ on the other may remain clueless about this situation as they are focused on their own business.

INTJ and ISTJ values

The values that people hold are the cementing factor in any relationship. Values dictate the interests and views of a person and so if they are not in agreement this can lead to disagreements and conflict. 

While the INTJ and ISTJ can find common ground, there will always be differences in what they believe. It must be noted that both personalities value logic and reason, the INTJ is an innovator, while the ISTJ is more focused on maintaining their traditions.

The INTJ is typically an explorative thinker who is always seeking ways to make things work faster and better. They love science, technology, and innovations in business. They are forward-thinking people who enjoy fantasizing about what the next big thing will be.

On the other hand, the ISTJ is a traditionalist who puts their faith in the past and trusts what has worked for many generations before them. They appreciate rules, institutions, and traditions. 

Rather than being excited about the future, they are nervous about venturing into new territory. For this reason, they are inclined to stick with what they know and follow established procedures and processes. 

From this perspective, these two personalities may have a turbulent relationship. The ISTJ will feel anxious and drained with a friend who is constantly looking for a change and pushing them outside their comfort zone. While the INTJ will feel like their ISTJ friend is trying to stifle their creativity by constantly shooting down their ideas.

Both are Judging personalities

This similarity will fundamentally create harmony in an INTJ and ISTJ relationship. Two judges will desire order and structure in their lives. 

They will both appreciate each other’s structure and value being on time. However, they can both become stubborn and may clash with each other over which direction to take.

Both are introverts

Two introverts will get along well and both will give each other enough time to be alone. They will avoid crowded places and not talk excessively. This is rather convenient for both as they will have an unspoken mutual agreement about where and who to hang out with.

What does ISTJ mean?

The ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging) is one of the 16 personality types on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). 

The ISTJ spends a lot of time alone (Introverted), is mainly drawn to facts, evidence, and details over theories and beliefs (Sensing), make decisions by methods of critical analysis and logical reasoning (Thinking), and likes to weigh things against each other (Judging).

What does INTJ mean? 

The INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging) is one of the 16 personality types identified by a personality assessment called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Sometimes referred to as the “Architect,” or the “Strategist,” people with INTJ personalities are highly analytical, creative, and logical.

 ISTJ and INTJ  Characteristics

ISTJ Characteristi

● They are very thorough. 

● They are very routine-oriented.

● Have a no-nonsense attitude.

● They do their tasks coherently by scheduling all activities    carefully.

● They always finish what they start.

● Any deviations from their plans are unwelcome unless there are proper reasons.

● The ISTJ is very dutiful.

● They enjoy doing background and support work making things     happen for others.

● They are focused.

● They enjoy being alone. 

● They are strong-willed.

● They are very persevering.

● An ISTJ is very conservative.

● They hate taking risks.

● Faithfully honor all their commitments.

INTJ Characteristics

 The following are the characteristics of an INTJ:

  • INTJs are dominantly introverted and so they enjoy spending time alone 
  • They dislike teamwork or working with others  
  • They focus on theories over concrete details.
  • They are logical and objective 
  • They are emotionally detached people
  • They are planners and great managers
  • They usually have high expectations and standards of themselves and others
  • They are good listeners
  • They are open to constructive criticism
  • They are very self-confident 
  • They are hard-working and finish everything they start
  • They are not social and usually have very few friends
  • They are explorative of knowledge and concepts
  • They are creative and innovative
  • They are self-motivated and can push themselves to do anything
  • INTJs dislike rules and traditions because they are limitations to progress and improvement


This blog answered the question, “Can INTJs and ISTJs be compatible friends?”. It briefly defined both the ISTJ and INTJ personalities and discussed the compatibility of both personalities in a friendship.

We can safely say that the INTJ and ISTJ personality are quite compatible with each other due to the differences and similarities in the following key areas of their friendship:

● Information processing

● Obligations and Autonomy

● INTJ and ISTJ values

● Introversion

● Judging

Frequently Asked Questions: Can INTJs and ISTJs be compatible friends?

Is ISTJ compatible with INTJ?

Yes, INTJs and ISTJs are quite compatible as their values and ideals usually coincide perfectly making them get along pretty well.

What do ISTJ think of INTJ?

ISTJs think that INTJs are intelligent but they are too ambitious and arrogant for their good.

How rare are ISTJ?

The ISTJ is one of the most common of the Myers-Briggs personality types, making up about 13 percent of the population.

What’s the difference between INTJ and ISTJ?

ISTJs have inferior Extraverted Intuition (Ne) while INTJs have inferior Extraverted Sensing (Se).

What do ISTJ hate?

ISTJs hate the following things:

● Change
● Taking risks
● Breaking the rules
● Time wasters

Are INTJs practical?

Yes, INTJs are very practical people when it comes to most things in life.


Isabel   Briggs Myers, (2015), Introduction to Type, CPP. PDF 

Rajagopalan & Guruswami, (2015), “Relationship between Personality Traits and the Psychological Biases of Retail Investors – An Empirical Study”, Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce, Vol. 20. PDF

Richard Bentall, (2003), Madness Explained: psychosis and human nature, Penguin, London. PDF

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