INTJ vs ISTJ: (A Comparative Analysis)
In this article, we will compare INTJ vs ISTJ personalities from the MBTI types. We will do that by initially describing both personalities in-depth including their four cognitive functions. This will follow up by comparing and seeing how these personalities are similar and different from each other.
If we consider INTJ vs ISTJ and compare them, we find that they are quite similar. They are introverted, judging, and thinking personalities which indicate that they prefer to spend time alone, are logical, and follow plans. However, they are different as well as INTJ are future-oriented and ISTJ are present-oriented.
MBTI: Four Cognitive Functions
Myer Brigg Type Indicator is a famous personality test based on the 16 personalities given by Carl Jung. This typology of personality suggests that we process information in a distinct way based on the dominant cognitive functions we have. The top two functions determine a major part of our personality. Whereas, the remaining two play less of a role. INTJ and ISTJ are two personality types and we will discuss their cognitive functions as follows.
INTJ: The Architect (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)
INTJ personality refers to people who are logical, analytical, and creative. They are quite confident personalities who try to understand the world based on theoretical information. They are perfectionists and detail-oriented. In their relationships, they are good listeners but dislike emotions. Due to this, they may seem cold to others. They are also open and receive criticism well. 1-4% of people have an INTJ personality.
Four Cognitive Functions of INTJ
Four cognitive functions that guide how INTJ personality type processes information includes:
Introverted Intuition: People with an INTJ personality are able to detect patterns among interlinked concepts and ideas. They are open to accepting alternative perspectives in order to understand something. They don’t pay much attention to detail. However, they have a knack for reading between the lines and understanding the essence of something.
Extroverted Thinking: INTJ personalities like being systematic and orderly in their daily life. Being organized makes them feel in control. They are rational people who use logic to make their decisions. They organize incoming information in the form of cause and effect to understand them better.
Introverted feeling: INTJs are more logical than emotional. Yet, they do rely on feelings occasionally. This part of their personality is less developed but working and enhancing it can bring balance to their personality. It can help them understand the emotions of others along with their values.
Extroverted Sensing: This is the weakest part of their personality but it helps them be in tune with their surroundings. It also enables them to live in the present and process information through their senses.
ISTJ: The Inspector (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)
ISTJ personalities are usually quiet and reserved people. They prefer practicality and organization in their daily life. They can be considered traditionalists who uphold values and place great priority to loyalty. Up to 13% of people in the world have an ISTJ personality.
Four Cognitive Functions of ISTJ
Four cognitive functions that guide how ISTJ personality type processes information includes:
Introverted Sensing: ISTJ personalities live in the present moment and are in tune with their surroundings. They can use prior experiences to understand different situations and foresee how things will play out. They also have a good memory which helps them in this.
Extroverted Thinking: ISTJ personalities think logically and objectively. They are rational people who prioritize concrete information over abstract information. They make efficient and productive workers. They are especially motivated by the knowledge that has practical value. They make good decisions that are backed by logic and do not let feelings cloud their judgment.
Introverted Feeling: These personalities have instinctive or gut feelings about different things which they employ in their decision making along with logic and facts.
Extroverted Intuition: ISTJ likes to have new experiences but this part of their personality is quite weak. They need to develop it further in order to have a more balanced personality.
A Comparison of INTJ and ISTJ
Personality: INTJ vs ISTJ
INTJ personalities are patient people who are also quiet. They use logic and rationality to make decisions. They visualize the future and like having intellectual discussions. They also think a lot and have a great imagination. They spend a lot of time contemplating complex phenomena. They dislike socializing and huge crowds as it can be emotionally and physically taxing for them. They are determined personalities who try to achieve their goals.
People with an ISTJ personality are rational and objective in their approach. They pay attention to detail and use their prior experiences to guide their decisions. They are quite knowledgeable and follow plans. They work steadily and quietly with a strong sense of duty. They can be described as traditionalists who are loyal to their institutions. They like having a clear plan so that they know what to expect. They prefer factual knowledge over abstract concepts and do not take risks too easily.
Workstyle: INTJ vs ISTJ
At their workplace, INTJ personalities like to engage in complex challenges and coming up with their solutions. They get excited by them and being free with no stimulating problems can be boring and exhausting for them. They can work well individually as well as in teams. They are perfectionists and also hardworking people. They are open-minded, creative people which explains their dislike for routines and schedules since they see them as restraining.
At the workplace, ISTJ people are good planners who fulfill their objectives quite steadily. They pay attention to details and ensure everyone is clear on their roles. Their focus is to execute the plan smoothly and fulfill objectives. They like clarity and instructions and dislike being managed by the authority. They require clear rules and regulations so that they can work according to it.
Conflict: INTJ vs ISTJ
INTJ people are reserved. However, they are always ready to engage in an intellectual debate and don’t let go of the chance to have a discussion. This includes conflicts as well. These people are rational and follow up with their argument with evidence and logic. They do not turn to emotions for guiding their decisions and judgment. For them resolving conflict and coming to the conclusion is the top priority.
People with an ISTJ personality do well in conflicts that are direct and straightforward. However, conflicts that are indirect can unsettle them. They have a good and clear sense of right and wrong. They communicate in a factual and straightforward manner. They do not do well with emotions and prefer conflict management to be simple, just, and direct.
Interpersonal Skills: INTJ vs ISTJ
INTJ personalities are private as well as serious. They follow our scientific approach even in their relationships. It is hard for them to use emotions in their understanding of people. People find them cold and insensitive since they are always analyzing complex issues at a conceptual level. They do not open up to others too easily and take their time warming up to someone.
At an interpersonal level, ISTJ can be quite logical in their relationships. Others might find them aloof and detached. Due to this, they may be socially isolated. They want to understand emotions factually in order to understand people. They are quite reserved and do not share their feelings in an open manner. Furthermore, being around people drains them so they need time away to recharge.
Who Should an ISTJ marry?
ISTJs should marry an ESFP or ESTP. This is because their dominant introverted sensing can be matched well by the dominant extroverted sensing of such partners. However, they can enjoy good relationships with other personality types as well.
Who should an INTJ marry?
INTJ should marry an ENFP or the ENTP. This is because their dominant function of introverted intuition can be matched well by the dominant extraverted intuition of such partners. However, they can enjoy good relationships with other personality types as well.
How rare is ISTJ?
ISTJ is not that rare. 13% of the population has an ISTJ personality
In this article, we compared INTJ vs ISTJ. We found that they are quite similar. They are introverted, judging, and thinking personalities which indicate that they prefer to spend time alone, are logical, and follow plans. However, they are different as well as INTJ are future-oriented and ISTJ are present-oriented.
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