INTJ personality disorders: (In detail)
In this blog, we will discuss INTJ personality type, what is INTJ type, what draws INTJs, what is a personality disorder, disorders associated with INTJs, and also answer some frequently asked questions.
INTJ personality: What are Its Problems and Disorders?
The INTJ personality type from the MBTI test is often considered to be more likely to suffer from social anxiety, schizotypal personality disorder, and avoidant personality disorder.
We will discuss their traits and how these traits are associated with the above-mentioned disorders in further sections.
What is the INTJ personality type?
INTJ is a personality type amongst the 16 personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) that was created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers.
INTJ is an abbreviation of the personality type which includes Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judgment.
The INTJ code is made up of four letters that represent four important personality qualities. INTJs prefer to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible. They are energized by time alone (introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (intuitive), make decisions based on logic and reason (thinking), and prefer to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible (The judging).
INTJs and their qualities and shortcomings
As Intuitivists, INTJs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas. They have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work or home.
INTJs are also natural leaders, and they will often step up when others are too intimidated to speak up. This can be a double-edged sword, however, as INTJs can be inflexible when it comes to changing plans or policies.
INTJs are some of the most fascinating people you’ll ever meet. Masters of strategy and systems, are driven by a desire to understand and improve the world around them.
They are, by far, the most cerebral type, and as such, have a stronger tendency towards INTJ personality disorders than other types. Having said that, INTJs are more complex than their diagnostic labels might suggest.
As children, INTJs are often labeled as quiet and reserved, with a strong interest in building and creating.
INTJs have a unique ability to see the systems in place that might be holding someone or something back and will use their intuition and analysis to identify the problem and suggest solutions.
INTJs are often described as “do-ers” who are constantly moving and developing plans, systems, and processes. They are generally very hands-on, preferring to focus on the present issue at hand rather than dwell on the past or future.
What are INTJs drawn to?
Indeed, INTJs are often drawn to logical systems and are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions. They are typically i-selective about their relationships, and will often keep close confidantes to aid them in processing their thoughts and ideas.
They are eclectic in their interests and draw people to them like magnets, but are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions. This often results in a degree of social awkwardness for INTJs, who are used to being so completely in control of every situation and conversation.
They are, in fact, very complex individuals with a wide range of traits, motivations, and desires. Their primary desire in life is to understand the workings of the world around them, and as such, they are drawn to the logical systems of the INTJ.
By far the least comfortable of the four types with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions, INTJs are typically i-oriented and l select.
What is a personality disorder?
According to the DSM-5, a personality disorder is a “longstanding pattern of inner experiences and behaviours, such as thoughts, desires, and moods, that are consistent and long-standing.”
Personality disorders are diagnosed when a person has a long-standing pattern of behavior, such as a tendency to be easily frustrated or a need for stimulation, that causes difficulties in functioning or impairs relationships.
They are characterized by persistent patterns of behavior, such as an exaggerated degree of sensitivity, that deviate from cultural norms. They are often accompanied by distressing thoughts or beliefs, such as the belief that one is bad or unlovable, that contribute to a person’s difficulties and distress
Disorders associated with INTJ Personality
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
The personality disorder most commonly associated with our type is the “Schizotypal Personality Disorder,” which is defined as “a personality disorder characterized by social anxiety, cognitive or perceptual distortions, and eccentric behavior,” and behaviourally part of both schizophrenia as well as bipolar disorder, according to the treatment guidelines.
Many INTJs will have one characteristic that is an extreme example of schizotypal personality disorder. However, those who are experiencing schizotypal symptoms are not necessarily INTJs. Therefore, this is not a type, but rather a state.
According to the DSM-V, Schizotypal personality disorder includes a faulty understanding of regular events. People with this disorder claim to have super psychic powers and indulge in superstitious behaviors.
Symptoms of Schizotypal personality disorder:
- Odd & inappropriate behavior
- A distorted and bizarre thought pattern
- Delusions
- Suspiciousness
- Social anxiety
- Avoidance of eye contact
- Unkempt appearance
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
AVPD is often misdiagnosed, as many people who are diagnosed with AVPD are also diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD).
For example, AVPD is associated with a fear of negative judgment or criticism, whereas SAD is not. This creates a bit of a misdiagnosis.
However, AVPD can be treated, and many people with AVPD can learn to tolerate social interaction and can function normally in society. You just have to work hard to overcome your anxiety and get the help that you need.
Many with SAD have a greater tolerance for social situations than those who are diagnosed with AVPD.
Also, while those with SAD are often self-conscious or embarrassed at their thoughts or behaviours, those with AVPD are critical of themselves and often avoid social situations.
Many with AVPD, but few with SAD, exhibit a pattern of avoidant, negotiating, and aggressive behaviour toward others. AVPD often includes a delusional belief that others are out to harm the person, which is not a hallmark of SAD.
Oftentimes people with AVPD will not be able to handle small talk or even the thought of having small talk. They think that if they don’t say anything, then they won’t be rude. They avoid eye contact, which is a sign of SAD.
Most people with AVPD won’t know how to end a conversation or won’t know how to interact with people when it isn’t beneficial to them.
Symptoms of AVPD
- Self-isolation
- Shy nature
- Inferiority complex
- Anxiety
- Social withdrawal
- Conflict avoidance
- Low self-esteem
- Overthinking
Factors that influence research on AVPDs are the following:
- the subject may not be willing to take part in the study because of the disorder’s public stigma.
- the disorder may be too severe to be studied and therefore, there are very few subjects to study. In addition, researchers may not wish to study a case that they suspect will not yield fruitful results.
Social Anxiety disorder and Avoidant Personality disorder
Opinions behaviourally vary, however, as to whether Social Anxiety Disorder should be included in the Personality Disorders category.
Some believe that Social Anxiety Disorder is a subtype of Personality Disorder, while others believe that it is a separate diagnosis.
The DSM-5 states that “Given its frequent onset in childhood and its persistence into and through adulthood, Social Anxiety Disorder may resemble a personality disorder.”
In the past, people often had to suffer through years of a terrible illness known as Social Phobia. However, with the help of modern medicine and psychotherapy, people who suffer from Social Phobia can now live happy and fulfilling life.
A study by S.R. Ekstrom, Ph.D. concludes that According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Introverted Feeling is the primary psychological function for those with an INTJ personality.
The study also states that “Of interest regarding these personalities, is the similarity with Jung’s thinking types.” This is a reminder that personality is not set in stone, and that it can be changed with the proper help.
The INTJ is often described as the “intuitive type.” The INTJ is characterized by a grandiose sense of self, self-absorption, fantastic ideas, and an obsession with ideas and knowledge.
The INTJ is often described as a “deep thinker” and “philosopher” who loves to “rearrange the world.” The INTJ often appears to be self-focused, “absorbed in their thoughts,” and often “uninterested in others.”
Is INTJ Personality Type Evil?
One of the INTJ’s four demonic functions (or functional preferences) is Introverted Sensation (SI), and this is the root of what is commonly known as the INTJ’s “Demonic Function”.
An INTJ more or less shuts out that person, and they are dead to them. They can’t be touched or even seen, which is why they are referred to as the “black dog”. This is a clear sign that something traumatic has taken place in the INTJ’s life.
It’s like the person was never there before, and they don’t understand why everyone keeps asking them to do things. It’s like they’re back in the corner, and no one seems to remember that they used to be different.
This isn’t because the INTJ is mean or a bad person, it’s just what happens when you have a severely traumatized part of the psyche.
It is difficult for them to get back out, and once lodged so far into this side of the mind, it can be nearly impossible for them to get back out. This is often the result of severe trauma.
As previously stated, the INTJ is more or less shut out, and they are dead to that person. It has been shown that INTJs can be “locked-in” to only interacting with those who are like-minded and that they are dead to people who are not like-minded, as they have developed a fear in social interaction and feel the need to be in a protective shell.
The INTJ is driven by intense inner conflict, which is seen in perfectionism and constant striving for the best. They may seem detached, aloof, and introverted, but that is only an act. They are driven by intense inner conflict as if seeking perfection, and often their work is never finished.
Famous INTJs you might know
- Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President
- C.S. Lewis, Author
- Arnold Schwarzenegger, Actor & Politician
- Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings
- Lance Armstrong, Cyclist
Frequently Asked Questions: INTJ personality: What are Its Problems and Disorders?
What are INTJs bad at?
INTJs can be often totally clueless about maintaining relationships, as they might appear cold and harsh to people around them. That’s why their relationships suffer and often fail as they never really can learn how to break the walls around them.
Why are INTJs so weird?
INTJs can come off as weird because they don’t really follow the expectations of others and he society rather they tend to follow through on facts and tangible information.
What do INTJs hate the most?
INTJs hate the following things:
- Lying
- Too many social interactions
- Routine work
- Rules and norms
- Authority figures who are not competent enough
- Ignorance
Is INTJ personality bad?
Unhealthy INTJs do not care how people around them feel. They are so fixated on their aims and ideas that they might even not like to make room for anyone else’s ideas or emotional needs, hence they can be a bit lopsided in their emotional development.
How rare is the INTJ personality?
People who belong to the INTJ category make up 2.1% of the population. So, yes, pretty rare.