INTJ Fictional Characters (5 INTJ Fictional Characters)

In this brief guide, we will look at a list of INTJ fictional characters, and also discuss 5 INTJ fictional characters in detail.

List of INTJ Fictional Characters

Given below is a list of INTJ fictional characters of which any of these logical masterminds would approve.

  • Hannibal Lector: Silence of the Lambs
  • Clarice Sterling: Silence of the Lambs
  • Gandalf: Lord of the Rings
  • Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Pride and Prejudice
  • Katniss Everdeen: The Hunger Games
  • Professor Moriarty: Sherlock Holmes
  • Dr. Gregory House: House M.D.
  • Sheev Palpatine: Star Wars
  • Ender Wiggin: Ender’s game
  • Walter White: Breaking Bad
  • Any Dunne: Gone Girl
  • Lisbeth Salander: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  • Elizabeth Bennet: Pride and Prejudice
  • Michael Corleone: The Godfather
  • Sherlock Holmes: Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes
  • Stewie: Family Guy
  • Gus Fring: Breaking Bad
  • Elliot Anderson: Mr. Robot
  • Ro Laren: Star Trek
  • Claire Underwood: House of Cards
  • Ellen Ripley: Alien
  • Peter Wiggins: Ender’s Game
  • Alexander Mahone: 
  • Dagny Taggart: Atlas Shrugged
  • Severus Snape: Harry Potter
  • Ragnar Lothbrok: Vikings
  • Mr. Pink: Reservoir Dogs
  • Mr. Burns: The Simpsons
  • O-Ren Ishii: Kill Bill
  • Reginald Hargreeves: The Umbrella Academy


5 Detailed INTJ Fictional Character Portraits

INTJ stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging, and these people are also known as architects in the MBTI theory of personality.

The INTJ is widely considered to be a rare specimen and their thinking style leaves little to be desired; it is action-oriented and well-planned, and they take care of things in such a calm and rational manner it looks extremely deliberate and easy.

These individuals are blessed with a very rich and complex inner life and they don’t care about much else apart from enriching it further with knowledge, and they may see emotions and unnecessary outward behavior as a waste of time, as knowledge and information is key to these people.

The INTJ may be somewhat difficult as well since they have an almost cruel response to emotions most of the time, which may make them somewhat dismissive and apathetic towards them.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.

They are highly intelligent most of the time as well, which may also make them arrogant sometimes because they are likely to be quite proud of their incredibly rational mind, but then, one can’t blame them for it.

INTJs in fiction is almost always the villain or anti-hero, which may be a bit type-ist, but the truth is that because they are rational and practical in real-life, a dramatized version of their thought processes comes across as cold and unemotional, which applies to very love them or hate them kind of negative roles.

The typical INTJ villain leaves the audience griped because of the kind of thought processes they display and the typical INTJ antihero will seem like someone you know is negative but you just can’t help rooting for them because they will have such moving reasons for their unemotional tendencies.

They will typically have detailed and amazing plans and will show a great deal of curiosity towards everything in their lives, and many of them will be downright sociopathic.

Lastly, one needs to remember that despite the overwhelming majority of INTJ fictional characters that are negative in some way or another, the normal, day-to-day INTJ person is not like that these may be very interesting people to be around and talk to, though one may not find them as easily because INTJs are very rare.

Amy Dunne from Gone Girl]

Amy Dunne is the kind of sociopathic INTJ fictional character we spoke of in the previous section.

Amy is cool and cruel all at the same time, and she has an ideal vision for her life and when that vision doesn’t happen, she finds herself getting angry and feeling jilted, leading her extroverted thinking to take over and craft a brilliant plan to take over control.

Amy has set ideas of how her life needs to be, and when this plan does not work out, she has problems, and she even sees Nick as someone who has broken the promise to maintain the kind of life they had at the beginning of the life she had envisioned in her mind when they met.

The problem with Amy is that her introverted intuition made all these plans and her introverted feeling function did not voice her feelings about the relationship, which eventually leads her to become more and more discontent till things just get the worst with her husband cheating on her and her life in shambles.

Because her feelings are introverted and it is also a tertiary function in her function stack she does not recognize the fact that it was her fault ideas that make her feel like she has been betrayed, instead, she projects everything outward and feels that Nick has corrupted the vision she had, and she sees his actions as symbolically killing her.

She is incredibly extroverted with her thinking, her goals are objective and her planning meticulous, she does not care about sitting around and thinking, she needs to take care of things in a planned and proper way.

Another example of the extroverted thinking function is how she seems to check her husband’s affections for her in his ability to achieve the tasks she sets based on their relationships in the form of scavenger hunts.

She also shows disgust at being typed in a certain way, which is evident in her almost spitting sort of tone when she says “Cool girl”, and it is clear that she hates the idea of her parents liking the character they have based on her more than they like her, which are all proof that she has a very inner sense fo emotions and they are so deep down that she can either not feel them, or she hates them when she does.

Gregory House from House M.D.

While Amy Dunne is the sociopathic INTJ villain, Gregory House is an INTJ fictional character that defines the term anti-hero.

House is known for two things most of all, his deeply pained and private inner world and his extraordinary intellect.

Both of these things about him make him seem very distant and not very relatable, but at the same time, people usually cannot get enough of him because it is easy to see the emotions that lurk under the surface, implying a deeply introverted feeling function.

House usually has epiphanies about his complicated cases, sometimes in the middle of talking yo Wilson or Cuddy, his two closest friends, and these are so frequent even they comment on that jokingly sometimes.

The reason behind these epiphanies is the introverted intuition function, when House is talking to someone on an unrelated matter, his mind is still working on the information that he is getting, and as we have discussed before, intuition works by creating large maps full of chunks of information, so when he hears something that triggers something else, he has an epiphany that is so House.

Because his feeling function is introverted he needs to find information that fits with what he already knows and he is unlikely to take the world at face value because of his very intense belief in “Everybody Lies”.

House is incredibly cynical, which s due to his extroverted thinking function, and this may be seen in his approach to philosophy, his atheism, and general disbelief.

His extroverted thinking also convinces him that the world is a rational place, even as he knows that it isn’t, and this may sometimes lead him to a place of disarray and confusion, which is when he starts acting out and doing odd things, which may not always go down well with those around him.

Gandalf from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings

Gandalf is one of the few INTJ fictional characters that is not a straight antihero or villain, but he also tends to be rather grumpy and closed off most of the time.

He prefers being more fo an observer than a participant and it may also be really rare to see him letting go and enjoying the moment with other characters. 

His introverted feeling function makes him seem almost stone-faced as he observes and absorbs everything happening around him. 

INTJs are often very introverted, and this is evident in the solitary and obsessive tendencies that Gandalf has, and in true curious INTJ manner, he can never have enough information before making a decision.

Introverted intuition is what helps Gandalf see from all perspectives and he also can constantly shift perspectives to see different points of view. 

Gandalf tends to use extroverted thinking defensively to dismiss opposing perspectives that don’t fit with what his introverted intuition is working on. 

He can also be typically arrogant and critical of everyone else that does not think as he does, and this may come across in him being somewhat mean at times, but he doesn’t realize it because of his introverted feeling.

Severus Snape from Harry Potter

Severus Snape is another antihero INTJ fictional character, and like other INTJs, there are many layers to this personality.

Snape is obsessed with theoretical facts and figures and he cares most about absorbing information, which is visible very clearly in his younger time, whereas the Half-Blood Prince doesn’t just follow instructions but goes one step further and improves potions and invents spells. 

Snape is also a typical logic-oriented good student, who because of his introverted tendencies and the fact that he is bullied, falls into the dark side and his skills are used for evil.

IN a true INTJ fashion, he cares more about the logical, rational principles and order, and people are not even his secondary focus, let alone primary.

At the same time, he is still deeply sentimental but these feelings lie very deep beneath the surface, and it takes him years of maturation to let these feelings out, as seen in his responses to Lily and the decisions he takes leading up to the great battle at Hogwarts.

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice

Because of his inferior function of extroverted sensing, Mr. Darcy, like most INTJs, hates crowded places, conventional parties, and pretty much anything that requires him to converse amiably with other human beings. 

This INTJ fictional character is one of the more positive heroes in a story but he is still very intimidating and cold and aloof.

He has a good understanding of other people despite his lack of interest in them which just shows the intuitive capacity of the INTJ personality rather than the presence of social traits or emotions.

Mr. Darcy also likes to take the initiative, which is likely due to his extroverted thinking ability, and he tends to get into other people’s affairs, but the reason for this is simply that he feels he knows better than they do and not because he cares so much he just has to interfere.


In this brief guide, we looked at a list of INTJ fictional characters, and also discussed 5 INTJ fictional characters in detail. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you have about the INTJ personality type or if you have any other suggestions for the list of INTJ fictional characters.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): INTJ Fictional Characters

What characters are Intj?

Here is a brief list of INTJ fictional characters: 
Hannibal Lecter: Silence of the Lambs
Snape: Harry Potter, 
Moiraine: Wheel of Time, 
Ripley: Aliens
Palpatine: Star Wars, 
Katniss Everdeen: Hunger Games, 
Gandalf: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, 

Why are INTJs villains?

The main reason why INTJs are often villains or in an antihero role is because they are highly logical and analytical and this makes it easy for them to appear somewhat detached, unfriendly, and cold.
 INTJs internalize emotion, and it has often been noticed that a typical INTJ may not just internalize emotion, they may also tend to think that showing emotion somehow detracts from their thinking process or feelings in some way, which is how most writers want their villains to appear.

Is Sherlock Holmes an Intj?

Sherlock Holmes is an INTJ, both the character is written by Arthur Conan Doyle initially and the portrayals by Benedict Cumberbatch in BBC’s Sherlock, and the reason for this is that Sherlock is lost in his mind and he seems to care most about collecting “clues” subconsciously, and he truly likes solving the puzzle, feeling like letting emotions interfere is a lapse in thinking or judgment.

Are INTJs geniuses?

INTJ seem like geniuses because they have a highly introverted intuition and a very thinking oriented judging sort of thinking style, which makes it seem like they are capable of very deep thinking ability, and makes them feel like a genius even if they are intellectual no in the genius or intellectually bright category according to an IQ test.

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