The INFP Subtypes (25+ INFP Subtypes)

In this article we will look at the various INFP subtypes. This article explores the different and wide-ranging subtypes of the INFP personality type.

The INFP Subtypes

Classifying persons with the INFP personality type into 4 groups of 6 subtypes helps better convey their uniqueness. The premise for these subtypes rests upon the assumption that people of a specific personality type will sometimes prioritize distinct favourite mental functions. Some Myers-Briggs writers, as well as Socionics, have indicated this. 

Here are the INFP subtypes 

The Nesters

  • INFP – Martyr
  • INPF – Don Quixote of La Mancha
  • IFNP – Transcendentalist
  • IFPN – Sentimentalist
  • IPFN – Bilbo Baggins (“master of baths”)
  • IPNF – Monk

The Manipulators

  • NIPF – Jedi master (Sith lord)
  • NIFP – Crusader
  • NFIP – Evangelist 
  • NFPI – Performance artist (Lady Gaga)
  • NPFI – Flower power (Zen seminar disruptor)
  • NPIF – Noah (Zookeeper)

The Daydreamers

  • PINF – Philosopher (False INTP)
  • PIFN – Angry aesthete (Lover of beauty) 
  • PFIN – Elliot Smith (Lyricist) 
  • PFNI – Stevie Nicks (Collaborator)
  • PNFI – Totoro 
  • PNIF – Bukowski

The Nurturers

  • FINP – Moralist (Counselor)
  • FIPN – Veterinarian (Caretaker)
  • FNIP – Samwise Gamgee (Snuggie)
  • FNPI – Cuddle puddle (Champion) 
  • FPIN – Fur suit (Cosplayer) 
  • FPNI – Care Bear

These moods do not appear to be permanent, based on internet responses and personal observations. Feelings, events, and other factors might cause people to change.

The Nesters

INFP – “Martyr” 

In this mood, the INFP tends to sacrifice themselves in an effort to promote their particular sense of truth.

INPF – Don Quixote of La Mancha 

Like a more refined version of the “martyr,” an INFP in this mood tends to turn their very identity into a metaphor for the truth they promote.

IFNP – “Transcendentalist” 

This isolation-prone mood tends to idealize simplicity and a-rationality.

IFPN – “Sentimentalist” 

A combination of strong sensory and feeling preference makes this mood prone to collecting various objects to symbolize emotional states and periods in time.

IPFN – Bilbo Baggins (Master of baths) 

The combination of a highly fluid identity and relative sensory preference in this mood means the INFP likes an inordinate quantity of alone time.

IPNF – “Monk” 

Stasis and detachment tend to mark this mood. Often mistaken for an INTP.

+ + +

The Manipulators

NIPF – “Jedi master” (Sith lord) 

An INFP in this mood may create concord or discord without appearing involved. Their motives remain inscrutable. Of the INFPs mistaken for INTPs, this is the most dangerous from an INTP perspective.

NIFP – “Crusader” 

Much like the “Jedi master”, but with a strong sense of right and wrong, this mood excels at intuiting the motives of others.

NFIP – “Evangelist” 

An INFP in this mood is like a more extraverted “crusader,” and uses this power to make large groups of people feel good or bad.

NFPI – “Performance artist” (Lady Gaga) 

This mood generally manifests as an “evangelist” turned up to 11 on a scale of 1 to 10, and may make others uncomfortable.

NPFI – “Flower power” (Zen seminar disruptor) 

They want to mediate, but tend to rely on the single answer: “We’re all one, man!”

NPIF – Noah (Zookeeper) 

Likely to notice and include those left out by others, an INFP in this mood collects personalities into elaborate menageries of potential. Everyone has a place in the grand scheme of life.

+ + +

The Daydreamers

PINF – “Philosopher” (False INTP) 

Those of this especially calm and absentminded mood may mistakenly claim the type that fits their feelings about themselves the best, the INTP.

PIFN – “Angry aesthete” (Lover of beauty) 

Tying their identity to art, an INFP in this mood is angry about the very existence of art of low quality. Unfortunately, they’re usually right.

PFIN – Elliot Smith (Lyricist) 

This poetic mood combines skill with words and patterns to express feelings in writing or song that would be more difficult or uncomfortable to say in a plainer fashion.

PFNI – Stevie Nicks (Collaborator) 

More extraverted than a “lyricist”, an INFP in this mood will usually rely on help from others to promote their agenda, whatever that may be. Lucky for us, it’s usually artistic.

PNFI – Totoro 

An INFP in this mood knows that the possibility for dreamy cuddles is endless. Just don’t piss them off.

PNIF – Bukowski 

I told you not to piss Totoro off. An INFP in this mood is more comfortable with combining seemingly incompatible things (at least in the eyes of others) and less averse to conflict than usual for the INFP type.

+ + +

The Nurturers

FINP – “Moralist” (Counselor) 

The SJ of the INFP universe, an INFP in this mood, carries a very robust moral code and is not shy about expressing it.

FIPN – “Veterinarian” (Caretaker) 

Healers in every sense of the word, these are like the “moralist”, but they tend to focus on the physical body of the “patient” first.

FNIP – Samwise Gamgee (Snuggie) 

An INFP in this mood is always trying to find simple solutions to the emotional turmoil in people’s lives. Once they find such solutions, they try to apply them wherever possible.

FNPI – “Cuddle puddle” (Champion) 

This nurturer tends to use their very personality as an emotional ointment for the troubles of their subject.

FPIN – “Fur suit” (Cosplayer) 

An INFP in this mood is preoccupied with the possibilities for refined emotions. This can lead them to a variety of novel solutions for self- and group-expression.

FPNI – Care Bear 

A less refined version of the “fur suit,” an INFP in this mood tries to craft novel emotional solutions for each separate relationship.

From An INFPs Inner World

The INFP Subtypes

Here are the INFP subtypes according to Erik Thor:

  • The Assertive Type
  • The Growth Type
  • The Stagnant Type
  • The Turbulent Type

The Assertive Type

The INFP in flow is very strong in Introverted Feeling. You are ethical and secure in your identity and purpose. As an Assertive type, you value honesty and make decisions based on what you feel is right. You trust your moral compass and speak out for what you believe, even if other people will disagree with you. This type is also known as the INFP A.

The Growth Type

During growth, INFP Extroverted iNtuition takes over the reigns. You become a catalyst. You create and bring change and new ideas to the table. As an INFP-Ne, you challenge conventions and go against norms.

The Stagnant Type

During stagnation, INFP Introverted Sensing takes over. You fall into a predictable, comfortable routine. You avoid change and things that will challenge the harmony in your life.

The Turbulent Type

The INFP T is dominated by INFP Extroverted Thinking. You worry about your performance and status in the group. You struggle to get people to listen to you and to get work done on time.

From Erik Thor

INFP Introverted Feeling

The INFP Hero is dedicated to being the best version of themselves, striving to live and act in accordance with their values and beliefs. You feel that by respecting your own value system, you can set a positive example for the world and improve your circumstances.

You may be stressed by outside duties, but you still choose to do the best you can with whatever you have. Introverted Feeling INFPs have faith in themselves and believe they are correct.

INFP Extroverted iNtuition

When your Extroverted iNtuition is strong, you trust fresh ideas and viewpoints in the hopes of learning something that will help you improve your circumstances or transform your life. You’re always studying or learning new things, and you’re always experimenting with new ideas.

It’s easy to get caught up in the intuitive process. INFPs with Extroverted iNtuition have a lot of questions, thus it’s difficult for you to focus on anything. INFP Saviors have a lot of enthusiasm, but they’re also a little disorganised and bewildered.

INFP Introverted Sensing

You feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Introverted Sensing INFPs may feel as if they aren’t making any progress in their lives and that everything is the same every day. You don’t have the energy to start new initiatives or explore different things since you don’t have the energy.

INFPs can become disheartened or bitter if they believe that trying something new will be futile. As a result, you may go through a purging or letting go of things that you believe are holding you back.

INFP Extroverted Thinking

External expectations and duties have you feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps you are feeling conflicted and desire to retreat or flee from a challenging circumstance. You have the impression that people demand too much of you, or that you are being pushed around or bullied. As a result of this, you may lash out at others in an attempt to protect yourself.


In this article we looked at the various INFP subtypes. This article explored the different and wide-ranging subtypes of the INFP personality type.

Frequently Asked Questions: INFP Subtypes

Why are INFPs dangerous?

Others may find the INFP to be the most difficult personality type to comprehend. They appear laid-back and carefree on the surface, yet when it comes to their ideals, they can become uncompromising. They’re overly friendly, although they often struggle to be around others.

Is INFP a rare personality?

Yes, INFPs are rare and make up only about 4 to 5% of the total population.

Why are INFPs so weird?

INFPs seem strange and awkward because of their withdrawn look that they often wear. They are most often found in their dream worlds and seem detached and awkward to most people.

Why do INFPs feel alone?

INFPs feel alone sometimes even when they’re standing amidst a crowd of people and they themselves might not understand why they feel this way.

What are the INFJ subtypes?

The Four INFJ Subtypes

  • Introverted Intuition & Extroverted Feeling.
  • Extroverted Feeling.
  • Introverted Thinking.
  • Extroverted Sensing.


INFP Subtypes

The 24 INFP Subtypes

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