In this article, we will look at the spirit animal of INFP personality type. This article will reveal the INFP spirit animal and also their shared characteristics.
What is the spirit animal of INFP Myers Briggs personality type?
Your spirit animal is the gentle elephant!
INFP, The Mediator (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting) is a person who possesses the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting personality characteristics.
These uncommon personality types are calm, open-minded, and creative, and they approach everything that they do with compassion and ingenuity.
The INFP are also known as Mediators and for good reason! INFPs make up about 4-5% of the total population.
You can’t come up with a better match for the INFP personality type than the Elephant, who is generous, wise, and even emotional. These gentle giants are one of the few species that exhibit a high level of empathy. Female elephants have been observed assisting infant elephants climb up muddy banks or out of holes, as per researchers.
Elephants have been seen helping wounded elephants, and even dusting one another’s wounds. These compassionate elephants even grieve for their dead and console other elephants who are grieving. Elephants are still innovative, working together to solve puzzles and even painting portraits!
Common Traits of the Elephant and INFP personality type:
- Wise
- Compassionate
- Sentimental
- Artsy
- Empathetic
- Gentle
- Sensitive
Elephants are extremely intelligent animals. They have the biggest brain of any land animal, with three times the number of neurons that humans have. While many of these neurons are responsible for controlling the elephant’s large and dexterous body, these animals have repeatedly demonstrated their remarkable intellectual capacities.
INFPs are also very wise and often wiser than their peers understand, just because their intelligence is manifested in a unique manner. They’d probably spend most of their time pursuing things that move them and help them feel like they’re making the world a better place.
Emotions of the highest degree exist within these hulking animals: they know delight, fury, pain, kindness, and love. Elephants are capable of complex thinking and deep emotion, as per scientists who have observed them for years.
INFPs share the characteristic of compassion, with their spirit animal, the Elephant, and are sincere idealists who want to change the world for the better. They are highly empathic people with a great potential for deep caring and a great desire to help others. They have a strong sense of empathy for others and a deep desire to help them.
The opinions of others are important to the INFP. They alter their behaviour if they believe they are inadvertently hurting someone. Compassion comes naturally to Mediator personalities, and it benefits everyone around them.
INFPs are sentimental. They are people who are intensely emotional and spiritual, and are bonded with their loved ones. They may be nostalgic, and believe in conserving certain memories and bonds. INFPs aren’t particularly fond of material possessions, but they might be emotionally attached to objects that remind them of certain individuals.
Elephants also have a reputation for being sentimental. Elephants will die from a broken heart if they end up losing their companion. They are the only beasts that succumb to heartbreak. The fact that these massive, majestic beasts can be crushed by their own beating heart and the loss of a beloved one is way too harsh.
The INFP, may get so preoccupied with their feelings that they lose focus of what is actually happening. It can be difficult for these individuals to ease down to make sure that their emotions aren’t interfering with their ability to see the truth of a situation.
INFPs are very artsy people. INFPs are a personality type that is well-suited to artistic professions due to their inherent tendencies toward artistic expression. In fact, those INFPs who work in more conventional jobs cherish activities like creative writing, painting, singing, and theatre.
Authenticity is a highly prized concept among artists. This is often accompanied by a “me against the world” mindset, in which the INFP pits his uniqueness against societal norms and values.
Elephants are the animal kingdom’s artists.
They have a profound creative streak. There are over 14 elephant artists in the world, who enjoy painting. How sweet is this?
Despite the fact that elephants are highly intelligent and naturally artistic, none have been observed painting, on an easel with a paintbrush in their trunks, in the wild. There is a possibility that this behaviour has arisen because of their interactions with humans.
Elephants are thought to be one of the most empathic animals on the planet. This is a highly complex behaviour, and only a few species are known to be capable of attributing and considering each other’s feelings in this manner.
African elephants grieve and mourn their deceased, revealing that they are fundamentally social and empathetic creatures.
Elephants are known to be one of the most empathetic animals on the planet.
Many cases of maternal and non-maternal elephants protecting calves from risky situations, such as driving predators away, have been documented by scientists.
INFPs also possess empathy like the mighty Elephant. Most INFPs are inherently empathic and therefore have no trouble putting themselves in other people’s shoes.
Elephants are gentle giants and like humans, they are extraordinarily sensitive and caring creatures. When a baby elephant cries, its herd will gently touch and caress it with their trunks in an attempt to calm it down
This Elephant trait instantly reminds me of an INFP because they are similarly polite natured and gentle.
Elephants have a high level of sensitivity.
When an Elephant loses its mate, it sobs uncontrollably and collapses. Other elephants in their herd attempt to console it but it’s too late. The bereft elephant is adamant to die. And because it has gone hungry for so long and unable to get off the ground, its resolve takes it to its grave.
INFPs are also considered to be Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs). The INFP sees the world in a unique way, it’s only natural for them to feel isolated from everyone else. INFPs are inherently sensitive individuals, the INFP HSP has a tough time understanding themselves and the emotions they possess.
According to the HSPs you might know, and what appears to be evident from statistics, a large majority of HSPs are mostly sensitive INFPs or INFJs. It’s no surprise that, as two of the least common personality types, they frequently feel distinct and lesser and even more so detached.
INFP become much more in touch with people and experiences and as a result, they have a better knowledge of what’s going on underneath the surface.
They may find it extremely difficult to be understood, and they find themselves constantly trying to avoid and dodge being labelled as “too sensitive” or “too passionate.” The INFP isn’t overly sensitive; they just look at things differently.
In this article we explored the spirit animal of the INFP Myers Briggs personality type and their shared characteristics. If you have any questions or views on this topic please feel free to reach out to us!
Frequently Asked Questions: INFP Spirit Animal: The Elephant
Are INFPs gifted?
Despite being one of the rarer types, INFPs are the most commonly mentioned personality type found among the gifted.
Are INFPs friendly?
INFPs are multifaceted individuals who can be sociable at times and utterly withdrawn at other instances. INFPs essentially just need a lot of alone time and therefore must be able to set aside time for it. They may be viewed as less pleasant and possibly withdrawn when they require space.
Why are INFPs so lazy?
INFPs are lazy only because they are intellectual and adaptive. Laziness is an effective antidote to exploitation and facilitates productivity, both through energy conservation and the generation and implementation of efficient solutions to complex problems. It also gives INFPs plenty of chances to daydream, which is their favourite pastime.
Are INFPs rude?
One of the few times INFPs appear harsh, unreasonable, inflexible, or disrespectful is when their loved ones are threatened, but no matter how awful they feel about it, they won’t apologise for doing what they believe is necessary to protect themselves and preserve their values.
Do INFP hide their feelings?
INFPs are often more secretive about their emotions and responses due to their introverted feeling function, knowing that their emotional experience is something very intimate and sacred. They don’t open up to just anyone about their precious sentiments.
Can INFP be evil?
INFPs are compared to the general population the least likely to be evil, and they don’t seem to have had as many evil personalities in history as other types, so it’s safe to assume that they are trustworthy by nature, but it all comes down to the individual and scenario.
Are INFPs lonely?
INFPs can be lovable and pleasant, but they often suffer from loneliness. Also when surrounded by people, INFPs may feel lonely at times, and this is something they struggle with and don’t understand fully.
Who Should an INFP marry?
Although a healthy relationship may exist between two well-developed people of any sort, the INFP’s ideal companion is the ENFJ or ESFJ. The dominant function of Introverted Feeling in an INFP is perfectly fitted with Extraverted Feeling in a relationship.
Are INFPs old souls?
INFPs are one-of-a-kind personalities who can be both childish and tied to a much more mature side of themselves. They might feel like an outsider in society and could be out of touch with current events. INFPs may be considered old souls because they yearn for something more profound and significant.
What Elephants Teach About Heartbreak
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