In this article, we will look at the Fi Si loop in detail. This article also explores the INFP functions to better understand the INFP Fi Si loop.
What is the Fi Si Loop?
The Fi Si Loop is a loop in which INFPs get stuck when they turn to their introverted functions Introverted Feeling (Fi) and Introverted Sensing (Si). When INFPs get stuck in the Fi Si loop, they cling to their beliefs and emotional perceptions rather than taking the time to listen to their instincts. INFPs are the MBTI’s dreamers, since they are imaginative and innovative. These people try to live their lives in accordance with their strongly held beliefs and principles.
INFP Function Stack
To better understand the Fi Si Loop, let’s take a look at the INFP function stack:
- Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
- Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
- Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
- Inferior Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)
Dominant Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
INFPs are acutely conscious of and linked to their inner world. Their dominant Fi is inwardly centred and skilled at assessing and managing personal preferences, beliefs, and feelings. INFPs manage their thoughts and perceptions on a fairly autonomous basis because Fi is introverted in nature.
Their sense of identity becomes a little clearer with every different feeling, insight, or concept they assess. INFPs gain a greater understanding of themselves by focusing on personal experiences, whether imaginary or real.
Given their progress toward greater self-awareness, INFPs often believe that their awareness of themselves is lacking. And they believe that only by gaining a more accurate or concrete awareness of themselves will they be able to function with complete honesty and commitment.
Fi may build strong connections and allegiances with certain externalities, in regard to its involvement in forming INFPs self-understanding and individuality.
INFPs are especially likely to empathise with and form attachments with those who are unable to support or fend for themselves, such as animals, infants, the less privileged, victims of oppression, and so on.
Auxiliary Function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
Ne necessarily requires novelty. It is hungry for novel ideas, associations, and opportunities. It attempts to comprehend the universe (as well as oneself) through the prism of ideas. As a result, it’s no surprise that Ne is essential in INFPs’ search for self-awareness.
One of Ne’s many abilities is its ability to detect unexpected possibilities INFPs often play the role of drifter or searcher, as we know. They seldom know precisely what they’re looking for, which is one of the reasons why working in Ne mode can be thrilling.
Ne has the ability to be articulate. Ne’s verbal language is comparable to “thinking out loud.” INFPs can find it difficult to make their points while talking because Ne jumps from one idea or reference to another. Also ideas that seem coherent to the INFP on the inside will scatter when articulated, like a light ray moving across a prism.
Tertiary Function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
Introverted Sensing is a conservative function that instills a reverence for what is standard, common, or conventional throughout the tradition. INFPs tendencies toward money and materialistic things can also display Si’s effect.
When it comes to materialistic things, INFPs are also minimalists. Many people choose simplistic living arrangements in order to dedicate more resources and time to their inner passions.
Inferior Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)
The temptation of INFPs’ inferior function, Extraverted Thinking (Te), is exemplified by their proclivity for T-oriented professions like mathematics, sciences, economics, finance, computing, engineering, and so forth.
Te has to be the most “left-brained” of all functions, with order, coordination, quantitative analysis, and the ability to handle T items like money and resources.
The INFP Ni Fi Loop
The INFP Fi-Si loop triggers them to focus on these two functions while completely ignoring their extraverted functions. While INFPs are in their loop, they are particularly drawn to their extraverted intuition, which is their auxiliary role.
The INFP becomes overly critical of past errors throughout the loop, going back to their inner world and reminiscing about their past.
The INFP becomes obsessed about their past as they begin to concentrate solely on their Fi (Introverted Feeling) and Si (Introverted Sensing).
They establish links with mistakes of the past and unfavourable events and begin to worry about the specifics, unfairly criticize themselves and feel terrible about something they shouldn’t be. They are seeking answers and ideas by looking back in history.
Signs of The Fi Si Loop
Here are a few prominent signs of the Fi Si Loop:
- Staying in their comfort bubble and failing to question their own thoughts
- Spending a lot of time away from the outside world
- Having limited vision and being unable to consider other points of view
- Being addicted to material comforts and routines that are fine in the short term but detrimental in the long run if they are dependent on at the cost of their work, partnerships, or personal development
- Blocking out novel experiences
- Keeping their actual identity hidden from the rest of the world
- Obsessing about bad memories from the past (or idealising them)
- Unwillingness to check their principles and convictions against objective standards
- If anyone questions their thoughts, they become defensive and enraged
- Being overwhelmed by fear of taking risks
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
How To Get Out of The Fi Si Loop
So how do you get unstuck? In certain cases, the INFP will naturally break free from the Fi Si loop, but this is dependent on the strength of their external stresses.
It is crucial for the INFP to try something different if they feel stuck in this loop and their issues have not been addressed. Coming up with ways to get involved in new ventures, or even just visiting new places and trying new foods.
Something that draws them away from their past experiences will enable the INFP to reconnect with the opportunities in front of them and reactivate their extraverted functions.
It isn’t always simple for the INFP because remaining in the Fi Si loop is very draining. Since it is built on introverted functions, finding a way to reengage takes a lot of work on your part.
Sometimes it can be beneficial for INFPs’ family and friends to assist them while they are stuck in this loop. They require people who can recognise when the INFP is engrossed in internal scepticism for far too long and can reach out to them.
They need to rediscover their interests and the activities that pull them out of their bubble. It can be extremely beneficial for the INFP to have loved ones who can understand this cycle and help warm them up a little. They don’t need cruel treatment, instead all they need is someone to offer them faith in a better future
In this article, we looked at the Fi Si loop in detail. This article also explored the INFP functions to better understand the INFP Fi Si loop.
Frequently Asked Questions: INFP Fi Si Loop
How do I get out of the Fi Si loop?
Get out there and try a new restaurant. In case you don’t mind any company, take a loved one with you. Speaking with Ne-dominant (ENTP or ENFP) or Ne-auxiliary (INFP or INTP) peers is a perfect way to break free from the Fi-Si loop.
What is an MBTI loop?
When somebody is stated to be in a cognitive function “loop” in the MBTI, it means they have the normal yet potentially harmful propensity to remain in their chosen behavior (extroversion or introversion) while switching between judging and perceiving functions. A person’s equilibrium is restored by alternating behaviors.
How can I improve my Te?
Make an effort to socialise. Interestingly, social interactions (particularly in a professional context) will help you to improve your Te (just not Ti). Although being social may appear to be pointless, experience and observation of what makes people tick will help you become more productive and accurate in your interaction.
Who are INFPs attracted to?
INFPs are often drawn to people who are genuine and truthful with them. They find somebody who is truly authentic to be really attractive, whereas somebody who is fake or superficial is the polar opposite. INFPs prefer to be around people who are honest about themselves and don’t hide their truth from others or cover up with lies.
Who is INFP most compatible with?
Although a healthy relationship can develop between two well-developed individuals of any kind, the INFP’s ideal mate is the ENFJ or ESFJ. The dominant function of Introverted Feeling in an INFP is perfectly aligned with Extraverted Feeling in a companion.
Do INFP fall in love easily?
INFPs are not the kind to fall in love quickly, and when they do, they try to judge the person they’re seeing against their idealised version of a perfect relationship. Which may turn out to have been misleading, as that individual can never meet INFPs’ expectations, and they are prone to dissatisfaction.
What is the dark side of an INFP?
They may become absorbed in themselves. Fi (introverted feeling), the dominant function of INFPs, can make them extremely self-absorbed. They become so engrossed in their very own vibrant inner world of ideas, feelings, and dreams that they fail to acknowledge or even notice others.
How does an INFP show love?
Quality time is the most important love language for INFPs, followed by words of validation and physical contact. INFPs tend to show their love by spending a lot of time with those they love about and participating in activities they like beside them, despite the fact that they feel extremely powerful emotions inside.
INFP Fi-Si Loop: What It Means and How to Break Free
What You’re Like in a Loop, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type