INFJ-T (A Complete Guide)

In this article, we will discuss INFJ-T Personality. We will do that by giving a brief description of them including their strengths and weaknesses. We will move on to describe their cognitive functions, their workplace, suitable careers for them, and how they behave in interpersonal relationships. 


INFJ-T personalities can be described as empathetic and soft-spoken people. They are emotionally aware and have a strong intuition. They make their decisions based on their beliefs and values. They do not like to spend too much time with others since they need time to recharge. but they have the capacity to form meaningful connections. They are helpful and idealistic people. At the same time, they see the world in a realistic manner. Furthermore, they like organization, planning, and control in their life.

The T function in INFJ-T refers to turbulent advocates. Due to this function, they are sensitive to stressors and have self-doubt. It is hard for them to adapt to situations in an efficient manner. At times, they can be hyper empathic and helpful to others which can have a negative impact on their mental health. They are also highly self-critical, catastrophize, and magnify their problems. Additionally, they spot problems in their life too readily. INFJ-Ts are dependent on the approval of others and may try to please them to avoid being rejected. Lastly, they like predictability and organization in their life.

Description of INFJ-T Personality

INFJ-T personalities are good at communicating and expressing their thoughts. They are imaginative and have a rich inner life. Yet, they keep this side of themself private and hesitate to share their ideas with people. They can be considered quiet and sensitive people who if given a chance, can make excellent leaders. Situations in which they do not adopt the leadership role, they still have an influence by working behind the scenes.

INFJ-T personalities have strong values and derive meaning from their relationships and work. People find them complex and deep. In their social circle, they have few friendships that are long-lasting. They prioritize helping others and contributing to making the world a better place. They are good at listening, detecting the emotions of others, and being connected with people. They share their true selves with only a few people. After a lot of social interaction, they need time alone in order to recharge their energy.

INFJ: The Advocate (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)

The INFJ personality type from the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on Carl Jung’s 16 personality types. It describes people who are caring, sensitive, idealistic, keeps to themselves, have a strong sense of right and wrong, and are future-oriented. They like contemplating life and the meaning of existence. Although they are idealistic, they do not just fantasize about making a difference. They actually do it by taking action which makes them unique. These personalities are very rare and only 1-3% of them exist in the world.  

Four Cognitive Functions of INFJ

Four cognitive functions that guide how INFJ personality type processes information includes:

Introverted Intuition

INFJs are internally oriented which means that they get really fixated on their intuition. This can make them seem very stubborn, rigid, and single-minded to others.

Extroverted Feeling 

INFJs are emotionally intelligent with more sensitive awareness for other people’s feelings compared to their own. It is difficult for them to refuse others or say no to them due to fear of hurting their feelings. As a result, they end up ignoring their own needs.

Introverted Thinking

INFJs base their decisions on their thoughts and their feelings.Which of the two depends on whether they are alone (rely on thoughts) or among other people (rely on emotions).  As a result, sometimes their decisions may be to please others or to seek their approval especially if the situation is stressful.

Extroverted Sensing

INFJs can live in the present moment, appreciate physical activities, and pay attention to their surroundings. However, this is not frequent as this part of their personality is weak. 

The T function in INFJ-T

The T function in INFJ-T is the reason why such personalities are called turbulent advocates, and the INFJ-A are de assertive advocates. These people are often sensitive to stressors and doubt themself. They have difficulty managing stress in an adaptive and efficient manner. They are passionate about whatever they do and seek great accomplishments. Their idealistic and moral approach towards life motivates them to be helpful to others and assist them in solving their problems. 

In some cases, INFJ-T may become hyper empathic and absorb the emotions of others. This may affect their mental health as well in a negative way. These people can be highly self-critical. Turbulent advocates have a tendency to catastrophize which means that they frequently exaggerate the impact of certain situations as well as their feelings. They perceive things more worse than they actually are but this is not on purpose. This is only reflective of the fact that they have a negative perception of themself. Magnification of problems can intensify their stress levels and make it difficult for them to manage it.

Turbulent advocates have a tendency to spot difficulties in their life. Apart from that, they need people in their life and actually feel for someone in pain. They have high standards. And can make important decisions if needed. However, there are many times where they need approval from others and may adopt the people-pleasing approach. It is highly likely that they get afraid of being rejected by others.

INFJ-T like change in their life but within limits. In other words, they prefer to take fewer risks and have control in their life. They may have disappointments which they hold onto and eventually it affects their future actions.

The strengths and weaknesses of INFJ-T Personality

INFJ-T personality is reserved and private. They do not open up to others too easily. However, they are sensitive to the needs of others and prioritize making their relationship deep and meaningful. They are idealistic personalities who spend their time thinking about the purpose and meaning of life. They are creative and artistic people as well.

At the same time, INFJ-T personality can have weaknesses. Sometimes, they are overly sensitive and personalize things too easily. Since they are private, it is difficult for others to get to know them. Ironically, they also have high expectations from others. They can be stubborn and rigid in their viewpoint and avoid confrontation in their relationship. Due to this, their relationship can suffer as a result of a lack of open communication.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.


At their workplace, INFJ-T thrives well in environments that allow them to be creative and support their deeply held values and convictions. Careers that utilize their creative mind and desire to make meaningful changes in the world are suited for them. These people are high achievers in school as well as at their workplace. We can say that they are perfectionistic in their approach and invest a lot of effort into whatever they do. Their colleagues find them hard-working, optimistic, and approachable. At their job, they need a space to be alone by themself in order to recharge.

In managerial positions, INFJ-T can have trouble exerting authority. This is because they are sensitive to the needs of others and too helpful. This is appreciated by their colleagues but they can take advantage if the situation arises. INFJ-T can work well in jobs that are based on routine and rules. Furthermore, they like being organized since it helps them feel in control. Careers that are suited to these people include entrepreneurs, actors, artists, psychologists, counselors, teachers, writers, etc.

Interpersonal Relationships

In interpersonal interactions, INFJ-T personalities are private and difficult to get to know. They prefer having meaningful connections but can often get hurt by others. They suppress these feelings and hide them rather than expressing their emotions. To establish a connection with them, people have to be understanding and supportive of their need to withdraw and recharge. In some cases, these people feel misunderstood, so it is important that their friends try to understand their perspective and acknowledge their strengths.

Due to their emotional intelligence, INFJ-T is able to establish a close connection with their children. However, they can have quite high standards and behavioral expectations which are hard to reach. They are concerned and prioritize raising their children to be compassionate, caring, and kind. They are supportive of their interests, talents, and skills.

In romantic relationships, INFJ-Ts are emotionally attentive and enjoy an intimate connection with their partner. They do best in relationships where their partner shares their core values. It is important that their partner provides them emotional intimacy and support. People who are authentic, honest, and genuine are attractive to INFJ-T.


Who should an INFJ marry?

INFJs should marry ENFP or ENTP. This is because their dominant introverted intuition can be matched well by the dominant extroverted intuition of such partners. However, they can enjoy good relationships with other personality types as well. 

Why is INFJ rare?

INFJs are rare personalities possibly because sensing individuals are more common in the world than feeling types. 

Are ENFP and INFJ compatible?

Yes, ENFPs and INFJs are compatible and can have a healthy relationship. They are each other’s ideal partners as they can balance out what the other personality lacks. They share a similar love for compassion, an idealistic approach to life, commitment to helping others, empathy, abstract communication style, and common interests.  However, they have their differences that require active work especially on balancing the need for socialization, having fun, and an organized/structured approach to life. 


In this article, we discussed INFJ-T. We found that INFJ-T personalities can be described as empathetic and soft-spoken people. They are emotionally aware and have a strong intuition. They make their decisions based on their beliefs and values. They do not like to spend too much time with others since they need time to recharge. but they have the capacity to form meaningful connections. They are helpful and idealistic people. At the same time, they see the world in a realistic manner. Furthermore, they like organization, planning, and control in their life.

The T function in INFJ-T refers to turbulent advocates. Due to this function, they are sensitive to stressors and have self-doubt. It is hard for them to adapt to situations in an efficient manner. At times, they can be hyper empathic and helpful to others which can have a negative impact on their mental health. They are also highly self-critical, catastrophize, and magnify their problems. Additionally, they spot problems in their life too readily. INFJ-Ts are dependent on the approval of others and may try to please them to avoid being rejected. Lastly, they like predictability and organization in their life.

I hope you found this article interesting. If you have any queries or comments, please state them in the comment section 😊


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