INFJ Percentage (1 Rare Type)

What is the percentage of INFJ personality types? In this article, we will explore some facts about the INFJ personality type, and most importantly, the percentage of prevalence of the INFJ personality type.

What is the percentage of INFJ?

INFJ is known to be one the most rare personality types that exist. This makes it one of the most fascinating personality types, because we all know how curious we become when we know that something is ‘rare.’

The frequency of INFJ is as low as 1.5%. Keep reading to find out some of the most prominent qualities and characteristics of the INFJ personality type which makes them so rare.

The desire of the INFJ to put their ideals into motion is what distinguishes them. They aren’t just daydreamers or philosophers who wish to change the world; they are capable of taking their beliefs and putting them to work for meaningful, long-term change.

The Mystic, Counselor, and Empathic are all names given to the INFJ personality type. They have been characterized as unique, gentle, loving, and intuitive. INFJs continue to confuse people who have known them for years as another dimension of their dynamic personality is exposed.

What are MBTI Dimensions & Personality Types?

The theory of personality types by Myers and Briggs teaches us that apparently unpredictable changes in the behavior of people are simply very predictable, because they are due to fundamental distinctions in the way people approach key aspects of thought, behavior, and interaction


The word personality is rooted in a Latin word ‘persona.’ The word persona refers to a theatrical mask work by performers in order to either look a definite way or disguise their characters. Carl Jung highlights the idea of “collective unconscious.”

This notion refers to the innate psychological dispositions of all human beings.  According to the American Psychological Association, “Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.

The study of personality focuses on two broad areas:

  • One understanding is the individual differences in particular personality characteristics, such as sociability or irritability.
  • The other understanding is how the various parts of a person come together as a whole.”

What is MBTI?

The Myers-Briggs Style Indicator is a powerful instrument for personality evaluation and is currently the best-selling method of its kind. It is useful as a tool for learning styles and as a testing tool for assessing classrooms.

It allows us to understand the teaching/learning process, and according to their personality style, their preferences, and their values, it helps us advice students. It is, however, a highly technical tool, and we need to be professional in its use.

Carl G. Jung’s writings and an overwhelming number of writings on its legitimacy, durability, construction, and implementation support it. Those of us intrigued in such a method that lets us learn about individual differences in the classroom of engineering and technology are encouraged to explore it.

Among the most common ways to quantify the psychological or personality types of Carl Jung is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  It is a standardized self-report inventory which is used to determine the personality type of an individual, preferences and judgment.

The MBTI is more of a preliminary step instead of a finishing line for self-discovery. At the very least, the test suggests that people mostly behave differently because they perceive and communicate differently with the environment. If the MBTI allows people to recognize that these different worldviews will arise from their disputes, then that alone could make this process valuable.

Four Key Dichotomies

There are four dichotomies including 2 opposing styles each, which makes a total of 8 different styles. The 8 styles are Extraversion (E), Introversion (I), Sensing (S), iNtuition (N), Judging (J), Perceiving (P), Thinking (T) and Feeling (F). Once it is determined what an individual style for the four dichotomies is, a four letter code is obtained. These four letters are the initials of each of the preferred styles.

MBTI Dichotomy – Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E)

Function: How individuals get their energy?

Description: By spending quiet time alone or with a small group, introverts are energized. They seem to be more thoughtful and reserved. By spending time with individuals and in busy, productive surroundings, extraverts are energized. They seem to be outspoken and more verbal.

MBTI Dichotomy – Sensing vs. iNtuition (S/I)

Function: How individuals take in the information?

Description: Sensors rely on their five senses and are interested in data that they can see, hear, and so on directly. They prefer to be hands-on students and are frequently characterized as “practical.” A more abstract level of thought focuses on iNtuitive; they are creative and more interested in ideas, patterns, and explanations. 

MBTI Dichotomy- Judging vs. Perceiving (J/P)

Function: How individuals make decisions?

Description: Judgers enjoy structure and order; they like organized stuff, and they hate last-minute revisions. Flexibility and spontaneity are valued by perceivers; they want to leave open things so they can change their minds.

MBTI Dichotomy –Thinking vs. Feeling (T/F)

Function: How individuals organize their world?

Description: Thinkers, in their heads, prefer to make decisions; they are interested in making the most rational, fair option. Feelers prefer to make choices in their hearts; they are interested in how people will be influenced by a decision, and whether it suits their beliefs.

List of MBTI Types

The above mentioned method of obtaining combination can yield 16 possible personality types:

MBTI TypesAbbreviations
ISTJIntroverted – Sensing – Thinking – Judging 
ESTJExtraverted – Sensing – Thinking – Judging
ISTPIntroverted – Sensing – Thinking – Perceiving
ESTPExtraverted – Sensing – Thinking – Perceiving
ISFJIntroverted – Sensing – Feeling – Judging 
ESFJExtraverted – Sensing – Feeling – Judging
ISFPIntroverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving 
ESFPExtraverted – Sensing – Feeling – Perceiving
INFJIntroverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Judging
ENFJExtraverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Judging
INFPIntroverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Perceiving
ENFPExtraverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Perceiving
INTJIntroverted – iNtuition  – Thinking – Judging
ENTJExtraverted – iNtuition – Thinking – Judging
INTPIntroverted – iNtuition – Thinking – Perceiving
ENTPExtraverted – iNtuition – Thinking – Perceiving

Characteristics of INFJs

Given below are main features, strength, weakness, some secrets etc. aout INFJs:

Main Features of INFJ personality

INFJs are soft-spoken and empathic because of their deep sense of intuition and emotional intelligence. This does not, however, imply that they are weaklings. They have strong convictions and the ability to take decisive action to achieve their objectives.

Despite their introversion, people with this personality style are able to develop deep, meaningful relationships with others. They enjoy assisting others, but they also need rest and relaxation.

Although idealism is a characteristic of this personality form, it does not imply that INFJs see the world through rose-colored glasses. They have a clear understanding of the universe, both the good and the poor, and they expect to be able to improve it.

When making choices, they value particular values over objective evidence. They also want to have as much flexibility as possible by planning, coordinating, and making decisions as early as possible.

Some INFJ Secret Traits

The INFJ personality has many layers and is a treasure trove of knowledge. INFJs are private and enigmatic, and they will slowly — if at all — expose their layers. Let’s look at some of the secrets of the world’s rarest personality form. Given below are some of the secrets of INFJ personality type:

  • INFJs might feel like they’re still on the outside looking in. That’s because most people aren’t on the same page as the INFJ.
  • Being an INFJ means being able to read people quickly and accurately, determining their emotional states and motives in a matter of seconds. Others, on the other hand, don’t seem to understand INFJs as well as they do. INFJs frequently wish that others understood them as well as they understand others.
  • INFJs are known for absorbing other people’s feelings. They don’t just sense other people’s emotions; they can also feel them in their own bodies.
  • INFJs have a tendency to sound like prophets or psychics when their predictions come true. Their Introverted Intuition aids in their understanding of the larger picture.
  • Apart from being emotional, they can also be logical and scientific due to their third feature, Introverted Thinking.
  • They are the architects of profound emotional intimacy.
  • They are the epitome of introverts.
  • They are resistant to disagreements.
  • They always find themselves in one-sided relationships. INFJs, on the other hand, have a strong desire to communicate profoundly with others and are constantly on the lookout for a soul mate.

Strengths of INFJ

Given below are some of the strengths of INFJ personality type:

  • Reserved and responsive to the needs of others
  • Highly artistic and imaginative
  • Values focused on the future relationships that are near and strong
  • Enjoy pondering on the meaning of life.
  • Optimistic

Weaknesses of INFJ

Given below are some of the weaknesses of INFJ personality type:

  • Excessively sensitive
  • It can be difficult to get to know anyone at times.
  • It’s possible to have unrealistic expectations.
  • Confrontation is something he despises.

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.


INFJ is the most rare personality type with 1.5% prevalence.

FAQs: INFJ Percentage (1 Rare Type)

What is personality?

The word personality is rooted in a Latin word ‘persona.’ The word persona refers to a theatrical mask work by performers in order to either look a definite way or disguise their characters. Carl Jung highlights the idea of “collective unconscious.”

This notion refers to the innate psychological dispositions of all human beings.  According to the American Psychological Association, “Personality refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.

The study of personality focuses on two broad areas:

One understanding is the individual differences in particular personality characteristics, such as sociability or irritability.

The other understanding is how the various parts of a person come together as a whole.”

What is MBTI?

The Myers-Briggs Style Indicator is a powerful instrument for personality evaluation and is currently the best-selling method of its kind.

What does INFJ stand for?

INFJ is an abbreviation for Introverted – iNtuition – Feeling – Judging.

What is the percentage of INFJ?

INFJ is known to be one the most rare personality types that exist. This makes it one of the most fascinating personality types, because we all know how curious we become when we know that something is ‘rare.’ The frequency of INFJ is as low as 1.5%.

What are Strengths of INFJ?

Given below are some of the strengths of INFJ personality type:

Reserved and responsive to the needs of others
Highly artistic and imaginative
Values focused on the future relationships that are near and strong
Enjoy pondering on the meaning of life.

What are the Weaknesses of INFJ?

Given below are some of the weaknesses of INFJ personality type:

Excessively sensitive
It can be difficult to get to know anyone at times.
It’s possible to have unrealistic expectations.
Confrontation is something he despises.

What are INFJs like? 

INFJs are soft-spoken and empathic because of their deep sense of intuition and emotional intelligence. The Mystic, Counselor, and Empathic are all names given to the INFJ personality type.

They have been characterized as unique, gentle, loving, and intuitive. INFJs continue to confuse people who have known them for years as another dimension of their dynamic personality is exposed.


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