INFJ-A: The Assertive Advocate (A Complete Guide)

In this article we will explore the Myers Briggs Personality subtype INFJ-A (The Advocate). This article will give you insight into the rarest personality type in the world and what their experience is like. The article also discusses their characteristics and a few secrets about this personality type. 

The Assertive Advocate (INFJ-A)

INFJ-A are the Assertive Advocates and a subtype of the rarest personality type i.e. the INFJ.

The other subtype of INFJ is INFJ-T or The Turbulent Advocates.

The Assertive Advocates have slightly different traits when it comes to sensitivity, social interactions and their reaction to stressors as compared to their INFJ-T counterparts.

Otherwise, both the subtypes share strong INFJ traits.

They have such idealistic views that go beyond the realm of possibility, and INFJs are adamant on achieving them, despite obstacles and setbacks.

INFJs are known as Advocates or Counselors, and they are guided by a set of strongly held moral values and principles.

Easy does it

INFJs who are assertive (INFJ-A) have a much more laid-back stance about everyday situations. Both personalities have a strong introverted function that determines their ability to solve problems on their own, but assertive INFJs appear to be somewhat worried about negative consequences.

No Regrets

Assertive INFJs, don’t dwell on matters they can’t change.

Because INFJs are more futuristic and intent on the greater scheme of things, it’s more common for Assertives to keep the momentum going until they accomplish what they’ve set out to do, which can happen when unexpected events or changes occur.

Self Assured

In times of strife and difficulties, assertive INFJs are much more optimistic and choose to remain positive. They have a general attitude of going with the flow.

This does not imply that they are unaware of the facts; rather, they tend to maintain their composure when problems arise and do not allow stress to affect their ongoing work or achievements.

How do INFJ-A differ from INFJ-T?

The INFJ personality has two subtypes: INFJ-A (Assertive) and INFJ-T (Turbulent).

Identity trait differences exist between the two groups in terms of how they respond to stress factors, their intrinsic sensitivity, and how they communicate with other people in their environment.

Assertive (INFJ-A) and Turbulent (INFJ-T) Advocates are more alike than different, their Identity personality trait highlights some subtle differences.

It has a profound impact on how each person feels, acts, and reacts to their surroundings.

INFJs in general, are also known to be particularly sensitive individuals (HSPs).Their nervous systems are designed to be more sensitive and permeable to a wide range of stimuli, both intrinsic and extrinsic. For the INFJ, their sensitivity can prove to be a double-edged sword, as it can lead to exhaustion and burnout.

Turbulent Advocates are more prone to questioning themselves and are more susceptible to stress and anxiety in general. 

If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.

Assertive Advocates, on the other hand, are much more tend to be more self and composed. 

If the Assertive Advocates are concerned by injustice, inequality, or other people’s problems, they are more likely to respond with hopefulness. They may give heed to almost any distressing problem or humanitarian crisis, but they refuse to ever be depressed by them.

Turbulent self-criticism can be overly critical if Turbulent Advocates become involved in something and are somehow unable to contribute to the extent they believe they should. They may become engrossed in melancholy and miserably clouded by worry and regret.

Remorse can either favorably or unfavorably shape Turbulent Advocates’ future choices: favorably, if they are inspired to make amends for past mistakes; unfavourably, if these personalities become consumed by guilt or rage.

Assertive Advocates may be less enthusiastic to address past failures because regrets do n’t affect them as much. If they can dismiss their failures as insignificant, they may miss out on important lessons that can only be learned through mistakes. 

As a result, these individuals may find themselves repeating their mistakes more often than they would want to.

Assertive Advocates cherish life and want to have people in their lives but in a controlled manner. 

Turbulent Advocates, on the other hand, are more inclined to want more than just people in their lives. These individuals have a stronger need for others and are more impacted by what others’ opinions of them are. This distinct quality can aid them in forging strong bonds with others.

Turbulent people, on the other hand, have stronger ties with their friends and seem to be more thoughtful in this regard.

Assertives often choose to disregard their friends’ thoughts, potentially jeopardising their relationship.

When it comes to relationships, INFJs are incredibly emotional and spiritually involved. This means they take their relationships seriously and are compassionate and thoughtful when they are in love.

Assertive and Turbulent INFJs are both hesitant to open up, but as they fall in love, they progressively become less discreet and more intimate.

Turbulent INFJs desire ideals, real love as depicted in movies, and the eventual union of body, heart, and soul between the two.

In the event of a breakup, Turbulent INFJs are vulnerable to experiencing much more intense feelings of hurt than their Assertive counterparts.

Assertive Advocates, unlike Turbulent Advocates, are not heavily influenced by the views of others. As a result, these individuals are able to approach their missions in life with autonomy and efficacy.

All Advocate personalities have a deep respect for the past. They have a tendency of recalling events in their lives vividly and passionately. They use their past experiences to learn and grow for the future. 

When their pasts have been rough, Assertive Advocates are far less concerned by regrets, while Turbulent Advocates may adhere to the memories of certain setbacks.

Both types of Advocates prefer routines and predictability united by the common Judging personality trait. None of them enjoys being caught off guard. 

Assertive Advocates, on the contrary, are far more inclined to accept an unforeseen turn of events and to believe in unconventional people and ideas. Assertive Advocates are perhaps more bold and daring than their Turbulent counterparts.

Turbulent Advocates are willing to accept change as part of their pursuit for continuous improvement, but only in moderate doses and with caution. They are far less inclined than their Assertive counterparts to take risks.


  • Others’ needs are important to you, so you’re sensitive to them.
  • Reserved
  • Highly artistic and innovative
  • Focused on the future
  • Relationships that are close and profound are valued.
  • Enjoys contemplating the meaning of life.
  • Idealistic


  • Overly sensitive
  • It can be difficult to get to know them.
  • Their expectations can be unrealistic.
  • Obstinate
  • They dislike confrontation 

Here are a few quotes from Advocates that will resonate with every INFJ-A:

Carl Jung

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

Martin Luther King

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”


“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

Carl Jung

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

Mahatma Gandhi

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.”


In this article we explored the Myers Briggs Personality Type INFJ-A (The Advocate). This article is sure to have given you some insight into the rarest personality type in the world and what their experience is like. The article also discussed the characteristics of INFJ-A and a few secrets about this personality type. 

Frequently Asked Questions: INFJ Advocate

What is the A in Infj A?

INFJ-A (Assertive) and INFJ-T (Turbulent) are two subtypes of the INFJ personality. Introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging are the functions of the INFJ personality type, which together make them the world’s most empathetic, idealistic, and humanistic personality type.

Whats the difference between Infj T and Infj A?

Although all INFJs have similar characteristics, the addition of the letters “T” (turbulent) and “A” (assertive) helps to differentiate the groups. INFJ-T are more easily stressed out and appear more fragile than the other type (but both subtypes of INFJ are sensitive).

Are INFJs flirty?

When they’re comfortable, INFJs will flirt by cracking jokes and using their wit to appeal to others. When the INFJ develops genuine feelings for someone, even if it’s just a solid crush, their flirting style adjusts subtly.

Are Infj dangerous?

INFJs who are unhealthy can be highly dangerous. Take into account Hitler. Ni and Fe are joining forces to create a single-minded vision of his dystopian nightmare…. This will lead them to believe that their ideas can make the world a better place, even though their ideas are extremely destructive.

What happens when 2 INFJs meet?

When two INFJs fall in love, they may at first be hesitant to express their feelings. They’re afraid of being rejected if they express their feelings. If INFJs act aloof, that’s because they’re incredibly good at concealing their emotions. It is difficult for them to express their emotional needs.

Why are INFJs so intense?

The INFJ personality’s intensity stems from our insatiable desire to discover hidden depths in just about everything. You must appreciate that INFJs must have a larger why because it demonstrates that what we do matters. Others may believe that an INFJ’s quest for meaning is excessively intensive.


The 21 Most Inspirational Quotes by Famous INFJs

Assertive Advocate (INFJ-A) vs. Turbulent Advocate (INFJ-T)

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