How do you take care of an INFP? (A 5-Point Guide)

This blog post aims to answer the question, “How do you take care of an INFP?” and explore the dimensions of this Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type that will help understand the answer. 

How do you take care of an INFP?

You can take care of an INFP in the following 5 ways –

  • Accommodation.
  • Socialisation. 
  • Enrichment Activities.
  • Training.
  • Understanding your INFP’s Behaviour.

These 5 ways of taking care of an INFP will be discussed in further detail below after taking a deeper look at what INFP means. 

Who is an INFP?

The INFP personality type was developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the authors of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®). INFP stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Perceiving, which are four key personality qualities based on C.G. Jung’s work.

Each of the four letters of the INFP code represents a significant personality feature of the INFP personality type. 

INFPs are stimulated by alone time (Introverted), focus on ideas and concepts rather than facts and specifics (iNtuitive), base their decisions on feelings and values (Feeling), and like to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and structured (Perceiving).

Because of their empathetic idealism and gentle concern for others, the INFP personality type is often known as the “Healer.” The INFP is also known by the following nicknames:

  • The Thoughtful Idealist (MBTI)
  • The Mediator (16Personalities)

An INFP prefers an unstructured and free-spirited lifestyle. INFP is an introverted and ultra-creative Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type. The INFP is sensitive, creative, and loyal to their values.

INFPs are creative idealists who are guided by their primary ideals and beliefs. A Healer who is preoccupied with possibilities; the actuality of the time is merely a fleeting concern. INFPs see the possibility of a brighter future and seek truth and purpose in their own unique way.

INFPs are sensitive, loving, and compassionate people who are highly concerned with their own and others’ personal progress. INFPs are individualistic and nonjudgmental, believing that each person must forge their own path. 

INFPs like spending time investigating their own ideas and ideals, and they gently encourage others to do the same. INFPs are creative and frequently artistic; they like discovering new ways to express themselves.   

INFP Personality Type Characteristics Are –

  • INFPs are introverts who are quiet and reserved. INFPs find that being in social situations depletes their energy, thus they prefer to connect with a small number of close pals. While they like being alone, this should not be mistaken for timidity. Rather, it simply implies that INFPs get energy from alone time. INFPs must, on the other hand, devote energy to social circumstances.
  • INFPs rely on intuition and are more concerned with the overall picture than the finer points of a situation. INFPs can be quite thorough about things that are important to them or tasks they are working on, yet they tend to overlook little or insignificant details.
  • INFPs value personal sentiments above everything else and their actions are affected more by these concerns than by objective data.
  • INFPs prefer to keep their choices open when it comes to making decisions. INFPs frequently put off making key judgments in case the circumstance changes. The majority of judgments are made based on personal ideals rather than reasoning.

What are these 5 ways you can take care of an INFP?


INFPs do not require pricey or elegant homes and will generally make do with any available area. An INFP will be overjoyed if they are permitted to decorate and organise their environment as they see fit.

Make sure your INFP has a private room where they may sit quietly and enjoy enrichment activities to keep them happy.

INFPs are not naturally neat people, but they are highly giving with their time and will often do additional chores rather than engage in dispute. Make it a point to assist your INFP in keeping their home tidy in order to keep them pleased.


INFPs are loyal and giving friends, but they might be slow to warm up to new individuals. INFPs prefer to concentrate their social efforts on a small group of close friends rather than a large number of acquaintances.

You may help your INFP when they initially meet new people by establishing an introduction and telling the INFP and their new buddy about common interests.

An INFP will be disappointed if you do not introduce them since they will believe you do not believe they are significant enough to introduce them.

You should make sure that your INFP has adequate time to relax and recover after participating in a social activity. Making sure an INFP has a private area in their home will tremendously help with this and speed up the rehabilitation process.

Enrichment Activities.

It is critical that an INFP get the chance to express oneself. INFPs frequently like creating art, writing and performing music, and bringing to life the worlds and concepts that they vividly envisage.

Improve your INFP’s surroundings by purchasing art and music supplies for them or enrolling them in lessons. When they discover an outlet for their interest, INFPs may be quite committed and will happily spend a lot of time alone practising their creative abilities.

An INFP is unlikely to trust you if you compliment the quality of their work, but you should try regardless because INFPs can be hard on themselves at times. Telling your INFP how much they have improved is a wonderful technique to deliver compliments that an INFP would take.

However, INFPs require downtime, so make sure your INFP gets the opportunity to do nothing from time to time. INFPs prefer to fantasise, therefore “doing nothing” is frequently a time for them to generate new ideas, solve issues, unpack their emotions, and think creatively.


INFPs are highly enthusiastic and committed, and they will frequently search for methods to teach themselves; nevertheless, there are some areas where INFPs can benefit from more specialised instruction.

INFPs are not usually well-organized, so aiding your INFP in improving their organisational abilities will help your INFP maximise their potential and reach the lofty objectives they will set for themselves.

INFPs can also be quiet and conflict-averse, and they are frequently considerably more eloquent in writing than in person. Helping your INFP enhance their language skills and conflict resolution abilities can substantially benefit your INFP.

INFPs, on the other hand, are extremely sensitive to criticism and take it personally. Harsh criticism will cause your INFP to withdraw and shut down. INFPs are already the worst critics of themselves.

Ensure that any training opportunities you find for your INFP are not portrayed as something you view as a problem, but as something, they have stated they would like to improve.

INFPs thrive on praise, so be sure to notify your INFP when they’ve improved to keep them motivated during training.

Understanding your INFP’s Behaviour.

INFPs are typically prone to melancholy and sobbing because to their strong emotions and empathy for others.

INFPs have high expectations of themselves, their loved ones, and the world, and they might be disappointed when those expectations do not meet reality, which sadly occurs frequently.

Modest gestures of kindness, such as a small, thoughtful present, assisting them with housework or keeping their home clean and tidy, or complimenting them on their enrichment activities and training, can brighten up your INFP.

If your INFP does not already participate in enrichment activities or training, you may help them feel better by providing them with chances for enrichment and training.

INFPs dislike confrontation and typically attempt to avoid it as much as possible by picking their conflicts carefully. 

If they disagree on a minor issue (such as which restaurant to visit, which movie to watch, or which game to play), an INFP will frequently defer to the person who has the strongest feelings and for whom the decision is the most significant.

However, INFPs frequently have very strong value systems, and if anything contradicts one of their firmly held principles, it may be rather surprising to witness your calm and easy-going INFP suddenly speaking up strongly and violently.

INFPs frequently centre their values on compassion, generosity, and a strong sense of justice, so get to know your INFP’s ideals well in order to better understand your INFP.

INFPs may battle internally between wanting to convey their emotions to you and not wanting to engage in confrontation with you. Allow your INFP some time and space to organise their ideas so that they may express themselves in a way that makes them feel heard but is not upsetting to you.

You may assist speed up this process by offering to run a bath for your INFP or providing your INFP with a cup of tea, a snack, and some alone time.

Alternatively, you may ask them if they want to write down their sentiments or think about times when you may have failed to meet their expectations, said something critical or harsh to them, or done anything that contradicts their beliefs.

Conclusion – 

This blog post attempted to answer the question, “How do you take care of an INFP?” and reviewed the features and functions of the introverted and extremely inventive Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality type to help determine how to take care of an INFP. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): How do you take care of an INFP?

How do you show INFP you care?

Set aside time to spend with an INFP to show them how much you care. Participate in their favourite hobbies and learn about whatever they are enthusiastic about. They will appreciate your involvement in the issues and activities that are important to them.

How can I help an INFP?

  • Validate their emotions. When someone asks how they are, INFPs enjoy it (they don’t love it, they get high off of it).
  • Be courteous in general. Not all of the time, but when it’s clear that the INFP needs a boost.
  • Begin a conversation about their favourite topic.

How do I make my INFP happy?

8 ways to make your INFP happy –

  • New concepts to investigate.
  • A deep grasp of who they are.
  • Not social interaction, but human contact.
  • They have a goal in their job.
  • A source of motivation.
  • A place for them to express their creativity.
  • Time to be alone.
  • An emphasis on significance rather than on material objects.

How does an INFP feel loved?

When love finds them, INFPs make it a priority, and they don’t want to let anything else get in the way. They also want the person they are in love with to have the same feelings for them and their relationship. This form of link and connection is something the INFP should respect and take seriously.

What attracts an INFP?

INFPs are often very attracted to intelligence and someone who uses their mind in a unique way. INFPs are also attracted to someone who is sincere and honest with them. They find a truly authentic person to be very appealing, whereas someone who is fake or shallow is quite the opposite for them.

References –

How do you take care of an INFP? Quora. (n.d.). Retrieved from,to%20read%20and%20suggest%20them.

How to care for your INFP. Reddit. (n.d.). Retrieved from

36 Ways to Make Your INFP Happy. Psychologia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Granneman, J. 12 Things INFPs Absolutely Need to Be Happy. Introvert, Dear. (2017, November 9). Retrieved from

Mathias, M. 9 Ways to Take Care of Your INFP Partner. (2021, 

November 29). Retrieved from

INFP, The Healer. Truity. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Care tips for INFPs. Care natural blog. WordPress. (2018, October 19). Retrieved from

Ideas! How to care for your INFP. Personality Cafe. (2014, May 12). Retrieved from

INFP (Mediator) Personalities: 10 Fun Facts. BetterHelp. (2021, December 20). Retrieved from

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