In this blog, we will discuss Glee and its glorification of Eating Disorders and also cover what are eating disorders, how can one know if they have an ED, the portrayal of eating disorders in Glee, and answer frequently asked questions.
What Is Up With Glee and its Glorification of Eating Disorders (EDs)?
Glee is mainly based upon the glee club that was known as the New Directions at a High School which competes as a choir show and depicted its members dealing with their own struggles that were mostly around sexuality, social concerns, race, teens, family, and teamwork.
Let us understand eating disorders a little better to better understand the portrayal of EDs on the show Glee in the later sections.
What are eating disorders?
Eating disorders are mental illnesses that make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight and eat the food you want. They can range from mild to severe, and many different factors can contribute to them.
Some eating disorders are caused by genetic or biological factors. Eating disorders also referred to as eating disorders NOS, are a group of conditions that are characterized by abnormal eating habits and the obsessive pursuit of weight loss.
These conditions often go undiagnosed and untreated, which is why it is so important that those who are at risk seek help as soon as possible. Eating disorders are often associated with body image and self-esteem issues, and can also have a significant impact on a person’s physical and emotional health.
Eating disorders affect each person differently, and there is no “typical” dieting pattern that is indicative of an eating disorder. They’re often associated with anxiety and depression, but eating disorders affect more than just the person suffering from them.
Someone close to the person struggling with an eating disorder may find themselves feeling like their problems don’t matter because the person with the disorder is more important. Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses that can affect anyone, at any point in their lives.
They can have a huge impact on the person suffering from them, as well as their loved ones. Eating disorders are often portrayed in pop culture as being a problem that only affects women, when in fact men can suffer from them as well.
Eating disorders are usually categorized into two groups: restrictive and binge eating. Restrictive eating disorders involve the person restricting their food intake, often to the point of starvation.
However, with the right treatment and support, people who have an eating disorder can get better. In this series, we’ll look at what eating disorders are, what causes them, and what can be done to help someone who has an eating disorder.
We’ll also look at what the symptoms of eating disorders are and what to do if you or someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder, including an eating disorder such as anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating disorder.
How can one know if they have an eating disorder?
Defining an eating disorder is no easy task. Many people don’t realize they have an eating disorder until it’s too late and their health has suffered as a result. The best way to know if you have an eating disorder is to be aware of the red flags and to see a doctor if you think you may have an eating disorder.
Some of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. There are a lot of different factors that contribute to whether or not you think you may have an eating disorder, including the severity of your symptoms, the frequency of your symptoms, the impact that your symptoms have on your life, and how your symptoms impact the way you feel about yourself.
There is no magic formula that will tell you for certain whether or not you have an eating disorder. The best way to find out is to talk to a professional and discuss your experiences and concerns. Eating disorders often cause a great deal of distress and can be life-threatening, but they are also often overlooked and misunderstood.
An eating disorder often goes undetected because it can take on many different forms and affect people of all genders and backgrounds. Most people think of eating disorders as being about not eating enough, but the truth is much more complex than that.
It’s difficult to pinpoint when exactly an eating disorder begins, but for many people it’s a series of smaller red flags that come up over time. For example, noticing that you’re avoiding certain foods for no apparent reason, or finding yourself unable to stop eating regardless of how much you’ve already eaten.
If you’re concerned that you may have an eating disorder, the best thing you can do is talk to a doctor. They can help you figure out what’s going on and direct you toward resources that can help.
They are often shrouded in mystery. They are often misunderstood and surrounded by stigma. They are often difficult to recognize and even harder to talk about. Eating disorders are complex and often misunderstood.
How can eating disorders be treated?
Eating disorders are complex conditions that need a complex treatment. Although there is no single “cure” for an eating disorder, there are treatments that can help to manage the symptoms and help an individual to recover.
Eating disorders are undoubtedly treatable conditions, and there are a variety of approaches that can be used to help an individual to recover. Some of these treatments focus on nutritional support, while others aim to change the behaviours and attitudes that contribute to the development of an eating disorder.
Fortunately, many eating disorders are treatable. In some cases, a person may be naturally prone to developing an eating disorder, but through the support of loved ones, professional therapy, and even medication, those suffering from eating disorders can overcome their condition.
There are a number of different treatment options for those suffering from an eating disorder, including talk therapy, medication, nutritional counseling, and support groups. Having someone else there to help you through the hard times can be very therapeutic.
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
There are many treatment options available, and the right one can help you feel better and live a healthier life. However, many people don’t seek help because it seems like there is nothing that can be done to help them. This is far from the truth.
The portrayal of eating disorders in Glee
Glee is one of the loveliest and most pure shows ever seen at confronting themes like bullying and homophobia while also encouraging people to pursue their ambitions. Besides that gun-related episode, which was in questionable taste and a tad cringy to witness, in our opinion.
‘Glee’ was noted for its themes centered on eating disorders, such as obesity. Stereotypes and a lack of consistency persisted, but where was the sensitivity?
Mercedes Jones entered the cheerleading squad in Season 1 solely for performances. Coach Sue Sylvester, on the other hand, made Mercedes lose up to 10 pounds just before the glossy photoshoot or she’d be kicked from the team. She goes on an intensive diet to reduce weight and wind up delusional and collapsing in the cafeteria.
Following a talk with Quinn, who was once overweight, Mercedes resolves to perform Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” at a cheerleading pep rally in order to love herself and her physique.
Nevertheless, ‘Glee’ Season 4 takes eating problems to an entirely new level which was highly faulty and incorrect. Marley Rose, a newcomer, is cast as Sandy in ‘Grease,’ but wicked, clever cheerleading leader Kitty Wilde changed her outfits to make them smaller, deceiving Marley into thinking she was putting on weight.
Marley was also taught how to shed pounds and just become grossly overweight by her. Santana Lopez, Marley’s mentor, and a high school alum, discovered drugs in Marley’s handbag and realized that Kitty was to blame for her eating problem. Finally, Marley passes out during a Glee Club presentation, disqualifying their choir from the contest.
Kitty finally repented for what she did to Marley after a deadly shooting and lockdown. Instead of depicting ways to prevent eating problems, ‘Glee’ praised them.
Keep in mind when Mercedes had an eating disorder. Glee has gone down this road before. She only ate Sue’s weight-loss smoothies and mistook the New Directions youngsters for snacks; after passing out at school, she learned a good lesson and performed Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” at an assembly.
Because Glee has never really addressed eating disorders previously, and neglecting them would be a mistake, Kitty won’t teach Marley regarding bulimia last night, which is the only quasi excuse one can think of.
All this depiction of such serious issues can often jeopardize the reality of young and impressionable youth. It can often make teens put immense pressure on themselves to be a certain way which can put a strain on their physical and mental wellness.
We understood eating disorders in brief, looked at the various treatment option of EDs, and explored the portrayal of eating disorders in the famous series called Glee. We understood how such faulty portrayal can have a deep impact on the viewers and also understood how to know if one has an eating disorder.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): What Is Up With Glee and its Glorification of Eating Disorders (EDs)?
In Glee, who has an eating disorder?
Rivera, Naya. The 29-year-old singer/actress confesses that she fought a significant eating issue as a youngster in her new memoir, Sorry Not Sorry (out Sept. 13), telling People that she’s “done a lot of living… I’m a 79-year-old stuck in a 29-year-body.” old’s
What episode of Glee does Santana have an eating disorder?
Episode no. “Thanksgiving” is the eighth episode of the fourth season of the American musical television series Glee, and the seventy-fourth episode overall.
Will Marley be able to overcome her eating disorder?
But it appears that Marley’s behavior ceases very immediately; there is no recurrence; all she needs is a “wake-up call,” some counseling, and everything seems to be well.
Is Kitty going to make an apology to Marley?
After the harrowing shooting scare in Shooting Star, the eighteenth episode of Season Four, Kitty admits her crimes to Marley and apologizes, strengthening their friendship.
What’s the most serious eating disorder?
The two most serious eating disorders are anorexia nervosa (anorexia) and bulimia nervosa (bulimia).
What is the difference between the two types of anorexia?
There are two types of anorexia:
One of the types is restrictive. The quantity and type of food consumed by people with this type of anorexia nervosa are severely restricted. The other is the binge-eating/purging type. Anorexics with this kind of anorexia also restrict their food intake.