In this brief guide, we will look at some of the best ESTJ fictional characters, and also explore the ESTJ personality traits in more detail through some ESTJ character Portraits.
List of the best ESTJ fictional characters
Here is a list of some of the most accurate ESTJ fictional characters:
- Rachel Lynde: Anne of Green Gables
- Hermione Granger: Harry Potter
- Dolores Umbridge: Harry Potter
- Tywin Lannister: Game of Thrones
- Amy Santiago: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- Riley: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Ezra Spurnrose: Carnival Row
- Vincent Moore: Chappie
- Faustus Blackwood: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
- Cersei Lannister: Game of Thrones
- Miranda Priestly: The Devil Wears Prada
- Talia Al Ghul: DC Universe
- Sinestro: DC Comics
- Martha Jones: Doctor Who
- Richard Gilmore: Gilmore Girls
- Alex Park: The Good Doctor
- Shadwell: Good Omens
- Harvey Dent: Gotham
- Robert Hanson: Grace and Frankie
- Shirley Crain: Haunting of the Hill House
- Mayor Augustus Maywho: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
- Michaela Pratt: How to Get Away with M.
- Stoick: How to Train Your Dragon
- Anger: Inside Out
- Clive Bobineaux: iZombie,
- Will Simpson: Jessica Jones
- Beth: This Is Us
- Mr. Potato Head: Toy Story Series
- Pam De Beaufort: True Blood
- Cardinal Thomas Wolsey: Tudors
- Rosalie Cullen: Twilight Saga
- Benjamin Horne: Twin Peaks
- Pogo: The Umbrella Academy
5 Efficient ESTJ Fictional Characters
People with an ESTJ personality type are known for their ability to do things and lead people, and this is due to the extroverted thinking function that puts them in so many leadership positions across careers and in society.
ESTJ stands for extroverted, sensing, thinking, and judging and this Jungian and MBTI personality type is all about the observable reality and concrete data.
These like clarity and honesty, and have little patience for airiness and abstract, and while they may appreciate it on a theoretical level they will likely not be able to engage in it themselves.
The ESTJ personality also likes order and structure to a certain extent, and they are very enthusiastic about doing things a certain way; the hierarchy in society is fairly important to them.
The ESTJ believes in taking action, they have no use for consuming massive amounts of information if they cannot do anything about it, and as such even the most curious ESTJs go about consuming information for some purpose and future plan.
This personality type is also likely to have detailed 5-year and 10-year plans, and they may get rather upset if something disrupts them, and they may find themselves flustered when their routine is interrupted in some way because they may feel like they didn’t plan for it.
This is not to say that they have an obsessive-compulsive personality, although some unhealthy ESTJs may show those traits, it is simply that the ESTJ makes plans for a certain reason, and they find it easier to achieve their goals based on the sensory information that is currently available to them.
The intuitive people tend to draw conclusions even from unrelated or slightly related concepts, but the sensing people like ESTJ need concrete and raw data to be able to make their inferences, and in the absence of that they may find it pointless and useless to make any decision.
The ESTJ feels best when they are in control, whether that is of their own life or someone else’s, and this may be visible in a lot of, or even all of the ESTJ fictional characters discussed ahead.
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
Hermione Granger is the ultimate ESTJ fictional character that probably everyone can agree on across the many typologists and enthusiasts of the MBTI type theory.
Hermione is concerned with rules and regulations and yet she shows no indecisiveness about her own actions, and there is no hesitation in any of the things she does throughout the series, which shows her conviction in herself.
She likes a certain degree of order and appreciates is when people fulfill their societal roles, which may be evident in how she wants every student is to follow the rules and fulfill one’s student responsibilities.
She does not care for those that break the rules, and yet, because of her sensing function and her introverted feeling function, she is able to accept Harry and Ron for being the exact sort of rule-breakers she doesn’t like.
She is attached to Harry and Ron perhaps because they complement her own personality, or because she feels some innate need to set them right somehow, but whatever the reason, her presence provides great stability to the other two.
Even though she truly loves the two boys, she is often very annoyed at their rash behavior and struggles to see the logic and reasoning behind their lack of taking responsibility.
An ESTJ also hates people getting undue praise for stuff they didn’t do, which is evident in how she feels about Harry upstaging her with the Potions book that belonged to the Half-Blood Prince, and she feels very strongly that he should be getting undeserved credit.
Hermione is a person of principles and is unafraid to tell others how they should live their lives in accordance with these principles which is evident in how she tells Ron and Harry how to behave or act.
She still has a great sense of personal responsibility as well though, which is seen in how she takes the blame for the troll even though Ron harry had technically broken the rules by being out, and even though she hadn’t let him in she tells the faculty that she had, because she feels responsible.
Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter
Dolores Umbridge is quite possibly one of the most hated villains in the history, and she certainly is so in the Harry Potter fandom, but she also makes for a great ESTJ fictional character, which shows us exactly how different people with the same personality type can be if one of them is the unhealthy type.
Umbridge is all about the external rules and observable logic, and she does not like to deviate from principles that have gotten her to where she is.
She loves order and precision, which may be evident from her nauseatingly pink office with the pictures of a thousand cats, and the way she treats just about anyone that breaks the rules, which naturally puts Harry and gang in her sight.
She is the extremely unhealthy version of an ESTJ personality and shows all the typical traits that may be expected in such a person, like stubbornness and rigidity that just does not permit any gray areas or human mistakes.
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She is also very concerned with social status and is irrationally proud of her “Pureblood” status, and when given a chance to enforce laws about it naturally she takes the helm.
Umbridge’s ruthlessness regarding rules is seen time and time again in the 5th installment, the Order of the Phoenix, where she forces harry to write into his own skin because she refused to believe that Voldemort has returned, which also proves her sensing traits that refuse to believe something is present till they experience it for themselves.
Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada
Miranda Priestly is almost universally regarded as an ENTJ personality but we think she is an ESTJ fictional character.
It is a common mistake many people make when the character in question is in an authority position and tends to be very strict about things, bossing people around and sending everyone into a tizzy with their mere presence, but that is inaccurate in the case of Miranda, as she is not a commander, but an executive, through and through.
To begin with, Miranda is all about what she sees and experiences, whether is it fashion or anything else, and someone theorizes about how her sizing up of Andy at the beginning of the book/movie is her intuition, but actually, if she were intuitive she would have realized initially itself that Andy would turn out that way based on her own experiences.
The sensing function of the ESTJ personality allows them to critically examine every piece of evidence in front of them to come to a conclusion about what to do with it, which their extroverted thinking then takes care of.
Think back to all the times Miranda wants to have the final word about photos and clothes and models, that is her sensing function wanting to have the maximum possible information before her extroverted thinking takes an action.
Miranda loves order and structure to her life, her steak must be the same every day, her coffee a concoction that does not vary, and her magazines are all meant to be in the same order and the slightest variation angers her.
These traits are present in unhealthy ESTJs or extreme ESTJs because their introverted sensing function makes them susceptible to repeating experiences that incited good feelings or good results previously, and they are big believers of “if it works, why change it”.
Lastly, the introverted sensing function, which is the difference between an ESTJ and an ENTJ, allows people to compare and contrast between the things present in their environment, and Miranda’s famous monologue about the color Cerulean Blue will remind everyone just how well she does it:
“You go to your closet and you select out, oh I don’t know, that lumpy blue sweater, for instance, because you’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back. But what you don’t know is that that sweater is not just blue, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually cerulean.”
“You’re also blithely unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves St Laurent, wasn’t it, who showed cerulean military jackets? And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. Then it filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic “casual corner” where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and so it’s sort of comical how you think that you’ve made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you’re wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room. From a pile of ‘stuff.’”
This monologue also proves rather well her ability to remember experiences and events in excruciating detail, which are key features of why she is what she is; the devil that wears Prada.
Tywin Lannister from The Devil Wears Prada
Tywin Lannister makes for another great ESTJ fictional character, as he shows traits like ambition, a need to maintain his social status, and a very strict and rigid tendency to follow and enforce rules.
Tywin is all about the wins and the goals, and he has an incessant and unquenchable thirst to remain in power and control, and the minute it feels like it is slipping, he loses his temper.
He has an acute disdain for those that don’t do their jobs well and he does not tolerate anything but absolute deliverance of what he expects, even when it’s his own children.
Tywin shows the traits of a more unhealthy ESTJ, as he tends to enforce things onto other people even when he doesn’t need to, and tends to repeat things that have worked for him in the past, like marrying his children off to people they don’t want to marry or his war tactics.
Monica Geller from Friends
Monica Geller from friends is also considered to be an ESFJ, but she makes more sense as an ESTJ fictional character, which is due to how analytical she can be and how action-oriented her thinking is.
She has the tendency to plan everything, she needs to know it’s going to work before she starts something and she often bases this in her own experiences that she knows yielded positive results in the past.
Monica also has an obsessive-compulsive personality, which is evident in her tendency to enforce strict and rigid schedules, her lists and binders, and her inability to tolerate newness and change.
However, she also has a much softer side that comes about as a result of her introverted feeling and she is deeply sentimental, which shows in her affection towards chandler and her friends, and eventually her children.
In this brief guide, we looked at some of the best ESTJ fictional characters and also explored the ESTJ personality traits in more detail through some ESTJ character Portraits.
There are of course nuances to typing personality, and while we may relate most of the personality types with fictional characters to see how they might play out in a real-world scenario, the fact is that they are written by someone who has a personality type of their own.
There may sometimes be facets to a fictional character’s personality that may not fit neatly in a personality type, and if you have any questions or comments regarding such characters, feel free to reach out to us!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): ESTJ Fictional Characters
Who are some famous Estj?
ESTJs might not seem natural actors, but their organization and decisiveness can be useful in any career.
Daisy Ridley
Alec Baldwin
Laura Linney
Lucy Liu
Uma Thurman.
Jackie Gleason.
Raymond Burr
Who Should an Estj marry?
ESTJ should marry someone like an ISTP, as they have complementary functions that may make for a relationship with understanding and affection.
Any two people may get along well with communication, but based on the MBTI typology, an ESTJ is well-matched with someone with an Introverted thinking function like ISTJ or INTP.
What personality type is Pepper Potts?
Pepper Potts from the Marvel universe is an INTJ, which means that she has introverted, observant/intuitive, thinking, and judging traits.
How rare is Estj?
ESTJ is not very rare, as they are the fifth most common personality type, and it is also quite common for men to be ESTJ.
ESTJs are estimated to make up about 9% of the population.