ENTP vs INTP (5 differences)?
This article looks at the differences between the ENTP and INTP personality type by comparing their dominant functions, highlighting their traits and examining their strengths and weaknesses. The article will also identify suitable occupations for both Myer Briggs personality types.
How Are They Different: ENTP And INTP?
The ENTP and INTP personality type are different because of the fact that one of their dominant functions contradicts the others. The ENTP personality type has extraversion as a dominant function whereas the INTP type has introversion as their dominant psychological function. This not only affects how they interact with others or think but also affects their other traits which emerge in most situations.
The article will take a brief look at how these personality types are assigned to individuals after which it will explain what each type is so we can develop a better understanding of the differences between the two.
What Is The Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?
The Myer Briggs Type Indicator is a self-report questionnaire based on Carl Jung’s theory that individuals experience the world using four psychological functions namely sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking with either one of these being the dominant factor. The personality test determines which of these functions best describes a person hence detailing their personality, strengths and attitudes; it assigns one of the 16 personality types (just like INTJ or ETSP) to the individual taking the test.
In the case of our article, the two personality types differ on the psychological function of introversion and extraversion where one is more comfortable in their thoughts and solitude while the other greatly values human interaction.
Who Is An ENTP?
Also known as the ‘Debater’, the ENTP is one of the personality types of the Myer Briggs Type Indicator that is extroverted, intuitive, a thinker and perceiver! They are very charismatic and bold, not to mention creative, mentally agile and persistent.
One of their dominant functions is to be extroverted. They can be defined as sociable beings who are active and very hearty! They speak what they think which means they do not spend much time or effort in processing their thoughts but simply express what they think; in some situations this can be great but in others it might land you in some trouble.
These individuals like to re energize themselves by meeting friends and family, socializing at their favorite eatery, taking a walk in the park with their friends or simply hanging out with people they love. What matters is that they have someone to give them company, share their feelings and thoughts with and converse maniacally with over any topic that comes to mind. It’s refreshing to connect with others.
ENTPs and INTPs have the same function here. They both are intuitive which means they don’t always focus on the facts or what is in front of them. Yes they very much appreciate logic and the relationships they can see however, this does not stop them from thinking out of the box. People who are intuitive are known for making many discoveries in world history and this does not happen by just ordinary thinking; they must go beyond the scope they are given! They give value to their vision, dreams and even imagination and combine that with what they already have in their hands.
Thinkers. Not Feelers.
Such people give weightage to their thoughts and what seems structured or logical rather than the emotions they feel for others. Sometimes this can be detrimental and they find difficulty in understanding the emotional complaints or requests their loved ones have. People with this personality type focus on values like truth and justice and prefer to see the logic or aim of things. They can be described as task oriented rather than people oriented.
Perceive Not Judge.
INTPs and ENTPs are perceivers and this may explain why they are able to achieve so much in terms of their discoveries and contributions to the world. Such people are spontaneous; they prefer things that come and go rather than a structured boring plan. They need excitement and can’t wait for it. However, at the same time, they are flexible and understand that things will occur in their time so they have a casual approach as well that helps them think openly and spot more opportunities along the way.
ENTPs And INTPs: Where The Difference Lies.
The difference lies in their dominant functions of extraversion and introversion. As we have already highlighted how ENTPs behave as extraverts. Let us take a look at how INTPs behave as introverts.
As introverts, INTPs are more focused on their inner world rather than the outer one. They will expend more time and effort to understand it though thinking, reflecting, imagining and other mental processes . They hence engage in behaviours that allow them to focus on their inner world of thoughts; they are seen as quiet, focused and in the state of ‘reflecting’.
Compared to ENTPs, INTPs prefer solitude because this helps them focus on what they love doing. Also, for most introverts, it is just too much of the effort to intermingle and interact with others. Sometimes it is awkward for them or causes them too much anxiety. At other times, it may be because they have to make much effort to focus on what to say or when to say as they take in too much information and find it difficult on how to filter it out. Nonetheless, they prefer spending more time alone rather than with people.
What is interesting about these people is that they actually think and speak. Hence others may perceive them as slow or without an answer but it is actually them processing information excessively and then deciding what to say! Its better to be late than sorry!
How Do They Differ In Psychological Traits.
So although they only differ in one dominant function, it results in many different traits, strengths and weaknesses for the personality types. This section of the article will highlight the major differences between them.
Compared to ENTPs, INTPs are considered to be more tolerant. Why? There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, INTPs are by nature quiet and dislike engaging in too much talk for no good reason. Hence, they tend to avoid interactions with others that are in the form of argumentation, debating and other behaviors that may be labeled intolerant.
On the other hand, these individuals are more open minded and do not mind listening to others opinions or allowing others to get away with what they have said. ENTPs on the other hand have an urge to challenge what has been said in the public sphere and hence argue about the topic.
Excellent Brainstormers.
ENTPs are very good brainstormers because of their mental agility and trait of engaging in discussion with others. They are also considered quite active hence they want to expend energy not only in what they enjoy doing – talking to people – but what they enjoy thinking about as well – finding the logic in things and coming up with great ideas and solutions.
Ability To Engage In Quick And Diverse Thinking.
ENTPs have the advantage here. Due to their intuitive and thinking traits they are able to appreciate the logic and rationale in most things. However, they also have the ability to change from one topic to the other very quickly maybe because their thinking ability is balanced by their desire to engage in discussion so they don’t get too carried away in one thought for too long like INTPs.
Abstract Thinking – The Next Level.
INTPs are great thinkers. They take things to an entire different level due to their ability to stay focused, not be disturebed by others and their agile mental processes that are in great shape. Yes they do tend to get carried away but this results in deep thinking about a topic which can mean more insights and better solutions to a said problem or great ideas.
Suitable Careers: ENTPs Vs INTPs.
For ENTPs, suitable careers would include that of a stockbroker, Operations manager, lawyer, public relations specialist or even a trainer. They need to have the opportunity of interacting with others in a way that they can help pass on the knowledge and skills they have or the insights they have gathered through thinking in a logical manner.
INTPs on the other hand, would be better suited for jobs such as a computer scientist, engineer, software specialist, surgeon, researcher or forensic scientist. It allows them to work in peace in the solitude they need but at the same time these occupations will appreciate the attention to detail INTPs pay, how they recognize the dots even in the most complex of situations and how they can come up with very creative solutions.
The article took a look at what the INTP and ENTP personality types are, how they differ in their dominant functions and psychological traits and what career paths they should take keeping in mind their strengths. The article also briefly took a look at how the Myer Briggs Type Indicator assigns personality types to people.
Frequently Asked Questions: ENTP Vs INTP: How Are They Different?
Are INTPs and ENTPs similar?
Yes the INTP and ENTP personality type share many similarities such as their appreciation for logic and focusing on their thoughts to make decisions rather than their feelings.
How do I know if I am an ENTP or INTP?
One difference between an ENTP and INTP is that INTPs prefer to solve problems in their head whereas an ENTP will like to discuss it with others.
Can INTPs be charismatic?
INTPs can be charismatic sometimes but generally they are quiet and prefer to avoid people hence may not engage in behaviors that are directed at impressing others.