ENTP vs INTJ (5 comparisons)

The article will take a look at the differences between the two personality types of ENTPs and INTJs by comparing their dominant functions, personality traits as well as highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. 

ENTP Vs INTJ: How Do They Differ From Each Other?

The major difference between the ENTP and INTJ personality types is the dominant functions; they differ on two psychological functions namely extraversion and introversion and perceiving and judging. The ENTP personality type is extroverted and perceiving whereas the INTJ type is introverted and judging. These two differences have an overall impact on their strengths and weaknesses and other psychological traits.

The article will look at what these personality types are and how the Myer Briggs test assigns personality types to individuals so that we can develop a deeper understanding of the personality types in question before understanding their differences.

What Is The Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)?

The Myer Briggs Type Indicator is a self-report questionnaire based on Carl Jung’s theory that individuals experience the world using four psychological functions namely sensation, intuition, feeling and thinking with either one of these being the dominant factor. The personality test determines which of these functions best describes a person hence detailing their personality, strengths and attitudes; it assigns one of the 16 personality types (just like INTJ or ETSP) to the individual taking the test. 

When it comes to the ENTP and INTJ personality types, according to the MBTI, these personalities differ dominantly due to the introversion/extroversion function and the perceiving/judging function. Based on these differences and others we will explore how the two personality types contrast with each other.

What Is An ENTP Personality Type? 

Also known as the ‘Debater’, the ENTP is one of the personality types of the Myer Briggs Type Indicator that is extroverted, intuitive, a thinker and perceiver! They are very charismatic and bold, not to mention creative, mentally agile and persistent.


These individuals like to re energize themselves by meeting friends and family, socializing at their favorite eatery, taking a walk in the park with their friends or simply hanging out with people they love. What matters is that they have someone to give them company, share their feelings and thoughts with and converse maniacally with over any topic that comes to mind. It’s refreshing to connect with others.

One of their dominant functions is to be extroverted. They can be defined as sociable beings who are active and very hearty! They speak what they think which means they do not spend much time or effort in processing their thoughts but simply express what they think; in some situations this can be great but in others it might land you in some trouble. 


ENTPs and INTJs have the same function here. They both are intuitive which means they don’t always focus on the facts or what is in front of them. Yes they very much appreciate logic and the relationships they can see however, this does not stop them from thinking out of the box. People who are intuitive are known for making many discoveries in world history and this does not happen by just ordinary thinking; they must go beyond the scope they are given! They give value to their vision, dreams and even imagination and combine that with what they already have in their hands.

Thinkers. Not Feelers.

Such people give weightage to their thoughts and what seems structured or logical rather than the emotions they feel for others. Sometimes this can be detrimental and they find difficulty in understanding the emotional complaints or requests their loved ones have. People with this personality type focus on values like truth and justice and prefer to see the logic or aim of things. They can be described as task oriented rather than people oriented.

Perceive Not Judge.

ENTPs are perceivers and this may explain why they are able to achieve so much in terms of their discoveries and contributions to the world. Such people are spontaneous; they prefer things that come and go rather than a structured boring plan. They need excitement and can’t wait for it. However, at the same time, they are flexible and understand that things will occur in their time so they have a casual approach as well that helps them think openly and spot more opportunities along the way.

ENTPs And INTJs: The Difference Lies Here.

So we have developed a general understanding of the two personality types also pointing out where they are similar. The section here will only talk about the differences between the two.

Introverted: An INTJs Story.

So INTJs differ from ENTPs because they are introverted. They prefer solitude over social gatherings, are more focused and reflective in their thoughts compared to ENTPs and can develop more deeper understandings which lead to better ideas, solutions and creativity.

Furthermore, introverts can be defined as ‘measured’ people. They think very carefully before they speak and when they speak it is limited. They are better able to process information by thinking over it in their head instead of participating in a brainstorming session. Also, their behaviours reflect their inner world; when they think they automatically become quiet, more focused and reflective while doing so hence their thinking and behaviour is in sync.

5 Reasons Why They Are Different?

Now let us take a look at why INTJs and ENTPs appear different. The answer lies in their contrasting traits and strengths and weaknesses.

Leadership Qualities.

ENTPs are able to motivate others with their words and ideas. They are enthusiastic not just inside themselves but this energy is felt by others. They can be described as hearty and active people who are motivated by the numerous ideas inside their head. Hence, they make great leaders because they do have a plan which is supported by logic.

Although INTJs may have more structure and logic when it comes to planning and achieving a vision, they are not the type to make it to the leadership position due to their preference for working alone or in solitude.


Although both personality types are intuitive and incorporate a sense of flexibility and spontaneity in each, the INTJ is balanced by their judging psychological function. They prefer routine and schedules over too much flexibility. They will look for new opportunities and not mind adapting but will be generally better planners and managers compared to the ENTP personality type.

ENTPs are not only intuitive but perceiving. Both functions push the personality to leading a more flexible, spontaneous lifestyle that may sometimes be described as disorganized and a bit messy; something managers avoid because they need to manage their resources which also includes time.

Attention To Detail.

INTJs are all about detail. They want each and everything to be perfect and may think about it in their mind again and again. Furthermore, their overall personality expects them to be well planned, taking along the facts and being organized too. With all this focus, they not only pay attention to the detail but can be very creative as they have recognized all the elements in the matter.

ENTPs, although no doubt great planners, do not have the time or energy to focus on the detail, they want to get done with things especially since they have others onboard and need to get moving. At the same time, as they are not able to give much thought on their ideas, they are also less creative when compared to INTJs.


INTJs are too submersed in their work and thought processes, also they don’t have the great communication skills to beat someone who might be great in argumentation or expressing their view even though an INTJ may possess better logic.

The ENTP on the other hand is very much open to debate as they do have logic to back themselves up with but even better they have great speaking skills. So compared to INTJs, ENTPs will be more welcoming to a duel.

Interpersonal Relations.

Being around an INTJ will feel like you live with a scientist who is always trying to crack the problem. They like to view the world as a system within which different elements are operating so they may not give much time to emotions and other things that don’t fit into their rational framework. Also they are quiet individuals who are usually getting along fine just alone.

ENTPs on the other hand are very aware of their surroundings and those in it. They like to interact with other people so you will feel more connected with them compared to an INTJ.


The article looked at why the INTJ and ENTP personality types differ and how they differ while also shining light on the major elements of these types. It attempted to compare the personalities in terms of their dominant functions and different traits or characteristics.

Frequently Asked Questions: ENTP Vs INTJ: Two Different Personalities.

Are ENTPs manipulative?

ENTPs are not manipulative but they can use their skills and personality traits to control a person if they want.

ENTPs are the smartest personality type?

No ENTPs are not the smartest personality type and they can sometimes be irrational due to their inability to delve into depth or speak too soon.

How to know if I am an ENTP or INTJ?

You can tell if you are an ENTP or INTJ by observing your approach to matters of life. For example, an INTJ is very logical and thoughtful on a matter and would think about it whereas an ENTP would like to discuss the matter with others at hand.




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