ENTJ vs INTJ: (A Comparative Analysis)

In this article, we will compare ENTJ vs INTJ personalities from the MBTI types. We will do that by initially describing both personalities in-depth including their four cognitive functions.  This will follow up by comparing and seeing how these personalities are similar and different from each other.


If we consider ENTJ vs INTJ  and compare them, we find that they have similarities as well as differences. Both personalities are similar as they are intuitive, thinking and judging personalities i.e. they like finding deeper meaning in things, they are logical thinkers and they like things to be decided and according to plan. They are different as well since ENTJs are extroverted and like socializing. Compared to them, INTJs are introverted and like to spend time alone to recharge. 

MBTI: Four Cognitive Functions

 Myer Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), based on Carl Jung’s 16 personality types, approaches personality to be composed of four cognitive functions that govern how people think, process, and make decisions. The top two cognitive functions play a dominant role in guiding a person’s personality. Whereas, the latter two play less of a role. However, they still have some impact or influence on how a person behaves in certain situations. ENTJ and INTJ are two personality types out of the 16 types. Their cognitive functions are discussed in detail as follows.

ENTJ: The Commander (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

The ENTJ personality type from the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on Carl Jung’s 16 personality types. It describes people who are straightforward, confident, have strong opinions, and assertive. Only 2 percent of people are estimated to have an ENTJ personality type.

Four Cognitive Functions of ENTJ

Four cognitive functions that guide how ENTJ personality type processes information includes:

Extroverted Thinking

ENTJs are quite rational, objective, and logical. They tend to think things but speak without listening. They are quick to make judgments and decisions before gathering all information. They have a tendency to focus on organized plans and have certain standards that they expect others to abide by. Setting and reaching goals is quite important to them.

Introverted Intuition

ENTJs tend to think about the future and consider multiple possibilities. They are open to change. Although they trust their thinking and judgment, sometimes they regret being impulsive when jumping to a decision too soon. 

Extroverted Sensing

ENTJs are open to new sensory experiences particularly adventure and thrill. They enjoy the beauty in life and like to keep themselves surrounded by interesting things that stimulate their senses.

Introverted Feeling

ENTJs particularly find emotions and feelings difficult to understand. They tend to keep this part separate when making any decision. Situations that call for emotional expression are pretty uncomfortable for them and they find it difficult to give the right emotional response. 

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INTJ: The Architect/Strategist (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

The INTJ personality type from the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on Carl Jung’s 16 personality types. It describes people who are creative, rational, and analytical. They like theoretical information and are confident in themselves. People find them good listeners, open to criticism and perfectionistic in their approach. Furthermore, since they dislike talking about emotions, they are perceived as insensitive and cold by others. 1-4% of the INTJ personality type exists in the world.  

Four Cognitive Functions of INTJ

Four cognitive functions that guide how INTJ personality type processes information includes:

Introverted Intuition

INTJs are able to detect patterns & connections among interlinked ideas and enjoy exploring different possibilities and their meaning. They are focused on impressions rather than details. Furthermore, they can easily read between the lines to figure out the true meaning behind something.

Extroverted Thinking

INTJs are very systematic in their approach. They like order and structure as it helps them feel in control. Their decision making is based on logic and they like organizing their thoughts in the form of cause and effect relationships. 

Introverted Feeling

INTJs do rely on their feelings but less frequently. If they develop this part of their personality, they can achieve balance, pay more attention to the values & feelings of others, and can also be drawn to other people who share their values.  

Extroverted Sensing

This is the weakest part of INTJ’s personality. Nonetheless, it helps them in processing information through their senses, live in the present, and feel in tune with their surroundings in certain situations.    

A Comparison of ENTJ and INTJ

Personality: ENTJ vs INTJ

ENTJ personalities like change in life. They perceive things in a conceptual manner and tend to look at the big picture. It is easy for them to devise long term plans that are systematic. You can count on an ENTJ to drive towards the final goal and make sure that things reach completion. They are confident, authoritative, and straight-forward which makes them good leaders who don’t get fazed by obstacles in their way.

INTJs are patient, quiet, logical, determined, and visualizers of the future. They like intellectual discussions, especially on abstract ideas. Additionally, they have an internal world of their own where they spend most of their time contemplating complex information. Socializing or being surrounded by a lot of people drains their energy. So, they prefer spending time in their own company.

Workstyle: ENTJ vs INTJ

Both ENTJ and INTJ personalities have different working styles in their workplace. 

ENTJs are usually team leaders at their workplace whether or not he/she is formally elected. An ENTJ is motivated, driven, and strategic. They lead their team members in reaching the final goal at a good pace along with tackling any hurdles in the way with ease. They are passionate about structure, goals, rules, and clarity at their workplace and expect others to follow a similar standard in their professional behavior.

In the workplace, In the workplace, INTJs like complex problems and figuring out their solutions. They get excited by such challenges and move on to the next when it becomes too boring for them. They work best on their own or in cooperation with like-minded individuals. Routines and monotony drain their energy. So they avoid it. Other people find them hardworking, creative, perfectionists, and open to possibilities and ideas.

Conflict: ENTJ vs INTJ

Attitude towards conflict and its management by both personalities can vary.

ENTJs perceive conflict as an opportunity for discussion and getting work done. They like a good argument and usually stick by their views. However, they don’t hold on to the conflict for long and forget it soon after. Their general attitude is of dislike for any factors preventing them from reaching their final goal. Hence, their focus is to make their opinions clear and direct so that change can happen immediately. Their language during conflicts is usually direct and factual which makes them seem insensitive and inconsiderate to other people.

INTJs are private people who like to engage in intellectual debate. They don’t see them as conflicts rather a chance to have a discussion.  They work more at a logical level than at an emotional level. For them, resolution of conflicts and concluding is part of the process which they ensure to reach so that they can move on to the next thing.

 Interpersonal Skills: ENTJ vs INTJ

The interpersonal skills of both ENTJ and INTJ are similar in some respects and different in others. Particularly, the manner of relating to others, perceiving other people, and how others perceive them is distinct for both personalities. 

ENTJs are usually energetic, assertive, confident, and straightforward. Their conversation with other people is centered on good arguments, debates and discussion backed up by logic. Due to this, they can be insensitive or fail to take into account the feelings of other people. So, people get upset and perceive them to be critical. Their emotional side is pretty weak and they perceive problems in the form of concepts. Although they can share their thoughts easily and are clear in their communication but it lacks the emotional component. They are mostly concerned with getting the work done and find it hard to wait for others to reach their understanding. Nor do they accurately perceive the actual meaning of silence in a situation.

On the other hand, INTJs are serious, reserved, and scientific in their approach. They are unable to understand things at an emotional level which makes them seem cold and insensitive to others. They like analyzing complex problems based on conceptual and abstract data compared to trying to understand the emotions and feelings of people.

If you’ve enjoyed the ”ENTJ vs INTJ” mentioned above, I would recommend you to take a look at ”ENTJ vs INFP” and ”ENTJ vs INFJ” too.


Are ENTJ and INTJ compatible?

Yes, ENTJs and INTJs can be compatible. Although they are not each other’s ideal partners, they can still enjoy a healthy relationship. They have similarities i.e. intuition, thinking and judging function and differences i.e. extroversion & introversion. Both partners can draw from each other’s opposing traits and learn. 

Who should an INTJ marry?

INTJ should marry ENFP or ENTP. This is because their dominant introverted intuition can be matched well by the dominant extroverted intuition of such partners. However, they can enjoy good relationships with other personality types as well.

Who should an ENTJ marry?

ENTJ should marry an INTP or the ISTP. This is because their dominant function of extraverted thinking can be matched well by the dominant introverted thinking of such partners. However, they can enjoy good relationships with other personality types as well.

What are INTJs attracted to?

INTJs are attracted to people who are honest, straightforward and trustworthy. They like people with whom they can share their interests.


In this article, we compared ENTJ vs INTJ  personality types.  We found that they have similarities as well as differences. Both personalities are similar as they are intuitive, thinking and judging personalities i.e. they like finding deeper meaning in things, they are logical thinkers and they like things to be decided and according to plan. They are different as well since ENTJs are extroverted and like socializing. Compared to them, INTJs are introverted and like to spend time alone to recharge.

I hope you found this article interesting. If you have any queries or comments, please state them in the comment section 😊





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