Enneagram Type 3 Careers(5 Best Jobs)

This article will look at jobs that are best suited for the type 3 enneagram and explain why as well! Furthermore, the article will also look at workplace practices that are good or bad for this enneagram type. Lastly, the article will also be introducing the type 3 enneagram.

Enneagram Type 3 Careers: The Best Jobs

Here is a list of jobs that are best suited for the type 3 enneagram:

  • Advertising Consultant
  • Marketer
  • Financial Analyst
  • Entrepreneur
  • Surgeon
  • Investment Banker
  • Lawyer
  • Politician

Before we take a look at some of these jobs in detail and why they are best suited for the type 3 enneagram, we will introduce this particular enneagram to the audience!

Who Is A Type 3 Enneagram?

A type 3 enneagram is also called the ‘Achiever’ because of their desire that drives them to accomplish the big things in life. They are very hard working; putting in much time and energy in their work in order to achieve the success they desire!

These individuals are known to be very confident and have high levels of self efficacy, determination and the will to compete with others. However, they are also concerned about how others think of them and their image in the public which is sometimes very stressful.

However, there is a dark side to these enneagrams as well! When their personality integrates, usually because their fear has taken over or they are experiencing failure at multiple fronts, the type 3 enneagram’s darker traits come to life.

If they are insecure and feel humiliated, they will try to ensure that others do not succeed either so that others feel it was the situation that caused the failure and not the person themself. If it gets serious, they can become obsessive with ruining things for others especially if it reminds them of what they could not achieve. If they can’t have happiness then no one should!

These individuals are extremely conscious of how they appear to others and if they feel under-recognized they will make desperate attempts to grab the attention of others. They will develop a habit of exhibitionisn and arrogant talk that is centered around their strengths and successes.

Basic Desire.

The basic desire of an Achiever is to feel valuable and worthy of attention. They want others to know about their achievements and appreciate them or show them recognition in some way. People with this type usually define the term success according to others views and opinions and they work towards this so called success to gain respect and status in the society. At their best, fulfilling their desire of being the top performer, type 3s are well known and regarded amongst their peers and they are considered sources of inspiration. This is exactly what the achiever desires. At this point, they encourage others and help them move towards their dreams.

Basic Fear.

The basic fear of type 3 enneagrams arises from not achieving what they desire deeply. They want to be worthy of the love and recognition of others; they want to achieve great things that benefit or impress people and hence be celebrated by them. However, deep down, they have this fear that they may fail and not achieve their dreams or successes and this scares and depresses them especially when others are excelling in their life and the eyes of others. This inculcates a sense of jealousy in type 3 enneagrams.

Workplace Practices: Good Vs Bad Ones

In this section, we will look at workplace practices that create healthy or unhealthy environments for the type 3 enneagram

Good Workplace Practices

Here are workplace practices or behaviours that help make the type 3 enneagram more productive in their work!

Meeting New People – The Influencers

These people love when they have to meet new people and win over them! They are the ideal influencers you want on your team and this is because they are not only self aware but very ambitious to achieve what they have set out for! These people possess the traits that are necessary to be someone who is persuasive and compelling.

Hence, when employers know they have such people on the team, they need to find opportunities for them to meet new people and throw some business proposals at them!

Supportive Peers

The type 3 enneagram does not need jealous peers! They need peers who are supportive and admire their accomplishments. This is important because this is what makes the type 3 enneagram happy and feel desired by others. They love it when people understand the effort they put in and want to be looked up to!

Workplace cultures should encourage coworkers to applaud each other! It is one of the things that helps keep the type 3 enneagram motivated!

Others Listen

This is very important for the type 3 enneagram – others should listen to them! They are people who want to be seen in society. They are self conscious about their social image and want to look good and important. Hence, it is important that people actually listen to them when they are giving their opinion!

New Opportunities

The type 3 enneagram loves new opportunities because it is the chance that allows them to prove themselves once again to others and hence show off their competence!

Bad Workplace Practices

Here are some behaviours at work which make the type 3 enneagram feel drained!


Like many other people, criticism puts the type 3 enneagram down. Why? Well they wanted to appear successful in front of others who knew what they were doing. However, criticism puts them down and proves or at least communicates to others that this guy does not know how to do his job.

Thus, it is important that supervisors or managers do not criticize these enneagrams especially in front of others. The best thing to do is give constructive feedback too in private!

No Appreciation

The type 3 enneagram becomes very upset if their boss does not give them appreciation for the work they do. They want to be recognized and appreciated by others. In the workplace, this is only possible if your boss accepts or approves of your work! This actually means you have done a good job!

Peers Dislike Them

Type 3 enneagrams want to be liked by others. They thrive on approval and recognition. Hence, if they do not get along with their peers then it can put them down because they want their coworkers to look up to them.

Enneagram Type 3 Careers: The Best Jobs

In this section, we will look at some jobs and explain why they are the best fit for the type 3 enneagram.

Advertising Consultant

This is a great job for type 3 enneagrams because it allows them to prove they know what they are doing! These guys want to be the ones who are at the top of the game. They like to advise people on how to do things especially if they have the expertise in a certain area!

Hence, becoming an advertising consultant is a great idea for the type 3 enneagram.


These enneagrams are very well aware of themselves when it comes to how they look in public. They want to feel important and look important. Hence, they can pass this knowledge onto marketing! They know what people are looking for and hence they can become great marketers of products and services.

Financial Analyst

Another job that never goes out of style. Financial analysts are people who often are sought for their knowledge of the financial world; little people really know how the money game works – others think they know. Thus, this is a place where the type 3 enneagram can prove their true worth and become someone who gives their opinions on important events.


Entrepreneurs are often lauded for their efforts because they take an enormous amount of risk to channel their idea or dream into something that actually exists. They prove to others that they can take an idea and make it into something that is actually tangible. Hence, this is a great job for type 3 enneagrams who want an opportunity to prove their own selves.

Investment Banker

An investment banker is another great opportunity for type 3 enneagrams because then again they get to talk to people and influence them with the many opportunities they have at their hands!


The article not only introduced the type 3 enneagram to the audience but also listed and explained why certain jobs are the best fit for them. The article also commented on workplace practices that are good or bad for the enneagram under discussion.




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