In this blog, we will answer the question “Does Gigi Hadid have an Eating Disorder?” and also cover who Gigi Hadid is, what are eating disorders, what are the symptoms of eating disorders, their causes, treatment, and frequently asked questions.
Does Gigi Hadid have an Eating Disorder?
No, Gigi Hadid has never opened up about having an eating disorder but due to her lean and skinny body, people have often speculated Gigi has an eating disorder that makes her so skinny.
Let us understand who Gigi is, and all about eating disorders, and also explore what she said once about her body on her Twitter.
Who is Gigi Hadid?
Jelena Noura Hadid, who later changed her name to Gigi Hadid is an American Supermodel known worldwide. In 2014, she made it to the Top 50 Models ranking at Along with this, Gigi, over the period of just four years, has bombarded Vogue magazine covers with her breathtaking thirty-five looks.
Gigi’s battles and struggles
In the realm of beauty and modeling, not everything is balanced and healthy. What you see from the outside, often gets inverted from the inside. And in the same way, Gigi had her own shares of struggles.
In her social media posts, Gigi had been noticed to have junks like cheeseburgers or fries but is that really true?
According to ‘Daily Mail’, those who pretend that they eat a lot but stay super strict backstage are given the name of Liarexic.
Liarexic: It’s basically a term given to those who tell the world that they seemingly have a healthy relationship with food when in reality the facts often have conflicting results.
But here’s the thing, Gigi is not only loved by millions but also admired vastly. Her ever-so-powerful gestures and confidence have been taking the stage for a long time.
With all the labels and rumors coming right on her face, she once tweeted “Over the last few years I’ve been properly medicated to help symptoms including those, as well as extreme fatigue, metabolism issues, body’s ability to retain heat, etc … I was also part of a holistic medical trial that helped my thyroid levels balance out.”
“I will not further explain the way my body looks, just as anyone, with a body type that doesn’t suit your ‘beauty’ expectation, shouldn’t have to.”
Models and Eating Disorders
The fashion industry has always been obsessed with size zero and the models often face the brunt of these unrealistic standards. A study was conducted by Model Health Enquiry to study the prevalence of eating disorders in models and the results showed that almost 40% of models suffer from an eating disorder.
Although anorexia is the most well-known eating illness among models, bulimia is the most common, according to Dr. Adrienne Key, a psychiatrist and one of the authors. The problem of eating disorders among models, according to Dr. Key, is getting worse. To hide their weight, many of the models appear to be purging or ingesting large amounts of water – a risky move that can severely deplete potassium levels.
The study is the result of a British Fashion Council investigation, which was overseen by Baroness Kingsmill. The goal was to see how much pressure models are under to stay very thin and what effect this strain has on them.
What are feeding and eating-related disorders?
Feeding and eating disorders are characterized by eating-related behaviors or disturbance of eating in a persistent fashion, that might result in altered absorption or consumption of food which significantly impairs psychosocial functioning or physical health.
In DSM-5 feeding and eating disorders include rumination disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder pica, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Let us now look at these eating disorders in brief.
The main feature of pica is the consumption of one or more non-nutritive substances which are not considered foods over a period of at least 1 month, persistently.
It can include things like paper, soap, cloth, paint, gum, ash, clay, ice, etc. consuming these substances is considered developmentally inappropriate and also is not culturally supported or ingested. Pica can also be associated with other mental disorders like Autism, schizophrenia, and intellectual disability disorder.
Rumination disorder
Rumination disorder features repeated regurgitation of food items after eating or feeding. The condition should exist for a period of at least 1 month.
A person suffering from this disorder brings up previously swallowed and partially swallowed food, without any apparent disgust or nausea. The food is then re-chewed, thrown out of the mouth, or re-swallowed.
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
As the name suggests, the individual avoids/restricts the intake of food. Significant weight loss, dependence on intravenous feeding or oral supplements, and interference with psychosocial functioning are the main features of this disorder. Nutritional deficiency is significant and in infants, it can be life-threatening.
Adults, as mentioned before, might be dependent on supplements and can also have other physical impacts such as anemia, bradycardia, and hypothermia. When food restriction/avoidance is based on sensory characteristics such as extreme sensitivity to appearance, color, texture, smell, etc., then such behavior can be described as “restrictive eating,” “selective eating,” and “food neophobia.”
Anorexia Nervosa
The key features include intense fear of weight gain, activities that interfere with weight gain, and energy intake restriction. All these features are persistent and the individual has significantly lower body weight than what is developmentally healthy.
The main reason for this behavior is that the individual’s sense of shape and body weight are highly distorted. Some might feel as if they are gaining weight even if they eat a little something or might feel as if they are extremely overweight. They think whatever they perceive is correct regarding their weight.
Bulimia Nervosa
The essential features include repetitive episodes of binge eating, repetitive and inappropriate behaviors to compensate and to prevent weight gain, and finally the distorted perceiving of one’s body.
To put it simply, people with bulimia may secretly binge with a loss of control over their eating and then purge (self-induced), trying to get rid of the extra calories they think they may have gained. Apart from purging behaviors, they may also take laxatives, weight loss supplements, etc. they seem preoccupied with their thoughts about their weight.
Binge-eating disorder
Binge-eating disorder features repetitive episodes of binge eating that on average occur for at least 3 months, at least once a week. The behaviors cause extreme distress and feature rapid eating, consumption of food until feeling uncomfortable, eating even when not hungry, eating secretly because they are embarrassed about their eating, feeling disgusted, angry, and guilty over their behavior.
Causes of eating disorders
There may be many causes similar to that of other mental illnesses, such as genetics and biology, and/or psychological or emotional health.
The risk factors include family history; which is, likely to occur if someone in the family is suffering or suffered from any eating disorders.
People who have other mental health conditions are also at the risk of developing eating disorders, especially people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Other risk factors include feelings of stress, guilt, and failure in important life events.
Treatment of eating disorders
A healthcare professional will develop a thorough strategy to meet the individual’s unique requirements. It will entail a group of specialists who can assist the person in overcoming physical, emotional, social, and psychological obstacles.
Some of the treatment methods that can be helpful include –
- CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy), which comes under psychotherapy, can help a person find new ways of thinking, behaving, and managing stress
- family and individual counseling, as per requirement
- nutritional therapy, which teaches people how to use food to build and maintain health
- medication to treat depression and anxiety
- nutritional supplementation to correct nutritional deficiencies
- hospital treatment in some extreme cases,
Treatment might be difficult for someone suffering from anorexia nervosa. As a result, the person’s therapeutic engagement may vary. Relapses are possible, especially in the first two years of treatment.
Family and friends can be really helpful. They can support the client during recovery and help prevent a relapse if they understand the disorder and can recognize its indications and symptoms.
If you’re facing this, it may be a good idea to seek the help of a therapist or other mental health professional. You can find a therapist at BetterHelp who can help you learn how to cope and address it.
We all are different, thus our bodies carry different flaws that define us. Nobody can be perfect and keeping that in mind we need to start respecting other people’s boundaries. Getting aware and attaining knowledge about eating disorders, as well as their treatments, help us in the long run to identify and aid those in need.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Does Gigi Hadid have an Eating Disorder?
Why are the Hadids famous?
Gigi and Bella Hadid are famous for their modeling careers.
Are there any side effects to treating anorexia?
The most dangerous side effect of anorexia treatment is a condition known as refeeding syndrome. When a severely malnourished individual begins to eat again, this life-threatening condition might develop. In essence, their bodies are unable to effectively resume the metabolic process.
The following conditions can arise in people who are suffering from refeeding syndrome:
- Swelling all over the body (edema).
- Heart failure and/or lung failure are both possible outcomes.
- Problems with the stomach and intestines.
- Muscle weakness on a large scale.
- Delirium.
- Death.
How long can an eating disorder last?
Typically, an eating disorder can last on an average of 5 to 8 years. However, without proper treatment, it can last more than this and can lead to death if left untreated for long.
Do supermodels have eating disorders?
Perhaps the fashion and modeling industry harbors more than 40% of diagnosed cases for eating disorders. This has a lot to do with the pressure of meeting the ‘beauty standards’ set by the industry.
What is the difference between the two types of anorexia?
There are two types of anorexia:
Type that is restrictive. The quantity and type of food consumed by people with this type of anorexia nervosa are severely restricted. Binge eating/purging type. Anorexics with this kind of anorexia also restrict their food intake.
What is normal eating behavior?
Normal eating entails arriving at the table hungry and eating till full. Giving yourself permission to eat when you’re happy, depressed, bored, or simply because it feels good is normal eating. Normal eating consists of three, four, or five meals each day, with the option of snacking in between.