Do empaths cry a lot? (A Complete Guide)
In this article, we will discuss ‘Do empaths cry a lot?’. We will start by discussing who empaths are and how they are sensitive people. Next we will discuss signs of an empath in detail along with their sensitive side and how they deal with emotions.
Do empaths cry a lot?
Yes. It is possible that empaths cry when overwhelmed with emotions. This is because they are highly sensitive people who can easily detect emotions of others, are compassionate and feel for people. Being exposed to unsettling news on the media or to unfortunate, needy and weak people at a disadvantage, can be quite hard for them and they cannot restrain themselves from not helping them. Sometimes, emotions overcome them and spill out when things get too much. Another reason is that they are more likely to suppress their emotions in order to cater to others, this can also lead to an emotional outburst later on.
An empathetic person is someone who is able to understand the feelings and emotions of other people. They can use their intuition to make links between connected events, emotions, situations, and people. These people are able to understand the pain of other people and try their best to extend their compassion and kindness to them. They also so help them in any way they can.
Empaths and sensitivity
Empaths are also known as highly sensitive people. A lot of people label them as ‘ too sensitive’. This is because empaths often neglect their own needs and prioritize fulfilling the needs of other people. This can even include animals. In other words, they adopt the caretaker role and sacrifice themselves to make others happy and comfortable.
They have the ability to feel the energy in a room and use that information to act accordingly. Sometimes, empaths absorb the energy of other people including their negative emotions and worries. This can have a negative impact on their mental health because the absorption of such negative energy can leave them feeling exhausted. They often find themselves looking to take a nap or seeking solitude to regain that energy.
Being compassionate and kind is different from having the intuition to feel the emotion of others. In other words, empaths actively go through the emotional experience of another person. Seeing news and information on the television regarding corruption and evil can leave them feeling low. Similarly, looking at someone who needs help and not being able to do anything can be heartbreaking for an empath.
Signs of an Empath
There are many signs through which a person can identify whether they are an empath or not. These are stated as follows:
An empath can guess what other people are feeling quite accurately. In other words, they have a strong knack for knowing which emotions arise in people in certain situations. Even if someone apparently denies or is defensive about how they are feeling, an empath will already have an idea of their true feelings and emotions.
They are also told by others that they are emotional and sensitive. Many times, empaths give in to their emotions and have difficulty containing them for a long time. For example, if they see an abandoned puppy on the street, they would feel really sad and might even cry. Their priority would be to help it in any way they can. However, being sensitive is not a bad thing. It only means that they have too much concern for others. The following quote explains the positive side of the sensitivity of empaths.
“Empaths have often been labeled as ‘overly sensitive’ and told to ‘get a thicker skin.’ As children and adults, we are shamed for our sensitivities rather than supported….But at this point in my life, I wouldn’t give up being an empath for anything. It lets me sense the secrets of the universe and know passion beyond my wildest dreams.” –Judith Orloff, MD, The Empath’s Survival Guide; Life Strategies for Sensitive People
Some empaths are physical empaths which means that they can experience the physical symptoms of another person. People tell them that they are hypochondriac because they can easily develop physical changes by absorbing them from people around them.
They prioritize fulfilling the needs of other people. This means that you may find an empath going around taking care of everyone else but ignoring their own self. This can have a physical and emotional impact on their health which is why it is important that they regularly engage in self-care activities.
They are good listeners. Empaths have a special ability to listen to other people without judgment and accept them for who they are. They do not interrupt others and truly express that they care and are concerned for them. Due to this, many people are drawn and attracted to them and share their frustrations, troubles, and unprocessed emotions.
Empaths are more likely to keep their emotions to themself. Since they are mostly busy taking care of others, it is rare that they have someone who listens to them. Due to this, they often keep their emotions to themselves and have to process them on their own.
Empaths have a soft spot for people who have difficulty fighting for themself. During such situations, it is most likely that they will stand up for someone weak with limitations.
They often have mood swings. This means that they are not in an angelic mood all the time. They can also have ups and downs in their energy and emotions like any other person. Due to emotional overload, they can get overwhelmed from their environment and exhibit that through irritation and cranky mood. If they spend time trying to understand themselves, they will know how to manage these mood swings in a better way.
Empathic People have reported that they often experience deja vu or synchronic experiences.
They often find themselves interested in topics like metaphysics, spirituality, philosophy, intuition, and psychic ability.
They are drawn to nature and animals. Whenever they get overwhelmed, they can De-stress by going to nature especially in areas with lots of trees and greenery around. Being surrounded by animals and plants can be quite soothing and peaceful for them. It enables them to recharge their energy.
They find themselves feeling tired most of the day. As mentioned earlier, empathic people are strongly intuned to the emotions of others. They get drained easily due to overstimulation. Similarly, being in public and crowds can be quite exhausting for them. Occasionally, they find themselves with low energy.
They often need alone time to recharge their soul. It is essential for them to get through the day.
Empaths can often tell when someone is lying to them or deceiving them in any way. They can guess when people have ill intentions towards them.
They like their freedom and do not like being restricted by excessive routines and schedules as that can make them unhappy and constrained.
In short, we can say that being a sensitive empath can be seen from a positive perspective. The following quote sums it up nicely:
“Why is sensitivity perceived as being dangerous? When we’re sensitive, we feel things we were taught not to feel. When we’re sensitive, we are completely open to attack. When we’re sensitive, we are awake and in touch with our hearts – and this can be very threatening to the status quo indeed.”― Aletheia Luna, Awakened Empath: The Ultimate Guide to Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Healing
FAQs: Do empaths cry a lot?
Can an empath be an energy vampire?
No. An empath and an energy vampire are two different things. An energy vampire feeds off the energy from others. People feel drained and exhausted in their presence. Compared to them, an empath is able to detect and feel the energy of others. Although, it is possible that they take other’s energy as well but it is rare that an empath is also an energy vampire.
How can empaths protect their energy?
Empaths can protect their energy by establishing healthy boundaries. They can also turn to journallng, mindfulness, and visualization to process their thoughts and emotions. Furthermore, going to nature can be helpful in regaining their energy. It would be beneficial if they have a backup plan for emotional overload situations.
What does it mean to be emotionally drained?
Emotionally drained means being emotionally exhausted due to the stress of daily life. It can be burnout as well. Empaths are vulnerable to be emotionally drained due to their high exposure and sensitivity to the emotions of others.
How can empaths set boundaries?
An empath can set boundaries by identifying their limitations and learning to say No to people in a tactful and polite manner.
In this article, we discussed Do empaths cry a lot?. We found that it is possible that empaths cry when overwhelmed with emotions. This is because they are highly sensitive people who can easily detect the emotions of others, are compassionate, and feel for people. Being exposed to unsettling news on the media or to the unfortunate, needy and weak people at a disadvantage, can be quite hard for them and they cannot restrain themselves from not helping them. Sometimes, emotions overcome them and spill out when things get too much. Another reason is that they are more likely to suppress their emotions in order to cater to others, this can also lead to an emotional outburst later on.
I hope you found this article interesting. If you have any queries or comments, please state them in the comment section 😊